
JSF 2.0 and Facelets

In blogs i have read that JSF 2.0 is inlcuding Facelets. So i only included JSF-api.jar and JSF-impl.jar to my Java build path. But if i try to use Facelet tags, they don't work. Do i need to configure Facelets anywhere or must i include any further libraries? THX. ...

Full list of new tags in the JSF 2.0

Where to find the full list of all tags that are introduced in JSF 2.0? Yes, I could open the 1.2 and 2.0 references and compare the tags one by one, but maybe somebody did it before? I know that the list includes: h:body h:button h:head h:link h:outputScript h:outputStylesheet Something else? Update: In addition to the JSF HTML tag...

Are there any production quality JSF 2 implementations yet?

Are there any production quality JSF 2 implementations yet? If so what are they? ...

Ajax render attribute don't work in a h:dataTable in JSF2

Hello everybody, I have some problem's with a simple application in JSF 2.0. I try to build a ToDo List with ajax support. I have some todo strings which I display using a datatable. Inside this datatable I have a commandLink to delete a task. The problem is now that the datatable don't get re-rendered. <h:dataTable id="todoList" ...

JSF2 - backed by EJB or ManagedBean?

As I am learning JSF2, I realized I am not sure what the backing components should be. From design point of view, what is the difference between EJBs and @ManagedBeans? In the end I am going to use JPA, so EJB is a natural choice for business layer. Is it a good practice to use EJB directly from JSF (as explained here)? At the moment I...

How do I set the value of HtmlOutputTag in JSF?

Hello, I want to dynamically create controls in my bean. I am using JSF 2.0 HtmlOutputTag objHtmlOutputTag = new HtmlOutputTag(); Now which property of HtmlOutputTag should I set to set the content of HtmlOutputTag? ...

JSF 2 - clearing component attributes on page load?

Hi, The real question: Is there a way to clear certain attributes for all components on an initial page load? Background info: In my application, I have a JSF 2.0 frontend layer that speaks to a service layer (the service layer is made up of Spring beans that get injected to the managed beans). The service layer does its own validati...

Modifying JSF Component Tree in PhaseListener

Hi all, I'm having an issue. I've implemented a PhaseListener, which is meant to add a style class to any UIInput components in the tree that have messages attached to them, and removes the style class if it doesn't have any messages attached to them. The PhaseListener runs in the RENDER_RESPONSE phase, and does it's work in both the...

JSF2 - what scope for f:ajax elements?

I have this form: <h:form> <h:outputText value="Tag:" /> <h:inputText value="#{entryRecorder.tag}"> <f:ajax render="category" /> </h:inputText> <h:outputText value="Category:" /> <h:inputText value="#{entryRecorder.category}" id="category" /> </h:form> What I'm trying to achieve: When you type in the "ta...

How to get element from javascript in JSF 2.0

I have JSF code like: <h:inputText id="from" value="#{fromToMBean.fromName}"/> I would like to get this element from JavaScript by ID (from), but I can't, because in generated HTML it is j_idt8:from How can I get this element in e.g. jQuery? Is there any way to force JSF2 not to change ids? ...

AJAX server calls on a JSF-centric app

I'm building a JSF 2 application. I wanted to integrate it with jQuery, e.g.: $.getJSON(contextPath + '/something', function(data) { // ... }); I need contextPath/something to return data in JSON. How can I do it? I know I can assign another servlet to this URL, but this approach does not seem to scale well. One could use a more scal...

JSF 2 partial form submission without ajax

I have an existing JSF 1.2 app that was a portlet running on glassfish v2. I'm converting it to a webapp running on glassfish v3. The app uses tomahawk subforms in several areas. Tomahawk has not been update for JSF 2, which is what ships with glassfish v3. We would like to update our app to JSF 2. Is there a JSF 2 equivalent to tom...

JSF - get managed bean by name

I'm trying to write a custom servlet (for AJAX/JSON) in which I would like to reference my @ManagedBeans by name. I'm hoping to map: http://host/app/myBean/myProperty to: @ManagedBean(name="myBean") public class MyBean { public String getMyProperty(); } Is it possible to load a bean by name from a regular servlet? Is there a JS...

How to add dynamically a component in JSF2 during an Ajax request.

Hello, I am currently trying to dynamically add a new component to the JSF component tree during an ajax request. In fact I add a child to the UIViewRoot component in my AjaxBehaviorListener which is fired on server side during the ajax request process. The issue is that the new component is not rendered. It seems that this component ...

JSF redirect doesn't work

I have a problem with redirecting a page in my JSF application. My navigation rule look like this : <navigation-rule> <from-view-id>/index.xhtml</from-view-id> <navigation-case> <from-action>#{registerBean.registerUser}</from-action> <from-outcome>success</from-outcome> <to-view-id>/confirmation.xhtml</to...

JSF 2.0: java based custom component + html table + facelets = data model not updated

Hi, I'm having problems getting the data model of a HtmlDataTable to be correctly updated by JSF 2.0 and Facelets. I have created a custom Java-based component that extends HtmlDataTable and dynamically adds columns in the encodeBegin method. @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { if (this.findCo...

Server-initiated Rendering: EJB -> FacesContext?

I've already asked this question on the Icefaces forum, but meanwhile I realized that this is a more generic problem. I'd like to update parts of a JSF page when I get a message in my MDB. The problem is, how do I get the FacesContext from the EJB container? In the message processing function FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() returns...

Allow unauthorized users to access RichFaces Skin CSS files

I've created a small web application using AppFuse(with JSP as Web Framework) and RichFaces. There is a page that uses rich:dataTable that should be accessible without authentication. To make this page public I put it into a folder called "public" and added the following line to the security.xml: <intercept-url pattern="/public/*" acce...

Can one suppress the conversation propagation with an `<h:link>`?

I'm using the new JSF2 <h:link> tag, with a nested <f:param> to link to a page using a get request. However, the conversation id (cid) is propagated via the query parambeters of the link to the new page. Can one suppress the conversation propagation with an <h:link>? ie. no cid=# in the url...? ...

f:convertDateTime displays wrong Date

Hi! In my Web Application I retrieve data using Hibernate and display it in a RichFaces dataTable. In my MySQL-table there is a field of type "date". When I print this field to the log in my Bean, it shows the correct date from database (e.g. 2010-04-21). But in the rich:dataTable it shows up like this: 4/20/10 So there is a disc...