
Primefaces Wizard and selectOneRadio

I have a problem with using primeface's wizard component and the core selectOneRadio. My signup page looks like this <ui:define name="content"> <f:view> <h:form id="signUpForm"> <p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" flowListener="#{SignUpBean.onFlowProcess}"> <p:tab id="pers...

How do you set the message for an ICEfaces ice:inputFile filename validation error?

Setup: ICEfaces 1.8.2, Java EE 5, JSF 1.2. I'm using an ice:inputFile tag to allow the user to upload a PDF file, and an ice:messages tag to provide error feedback to the user: <ice:inputFile fileNamePattern=".+\.pdf" uniqueFolder="false" uploadDirectory="#{FileController.fileUploadDirectory}" uploadDirectoryAbsolute="true" actionListe...

Prevent the user from making a GET request to a page

I am sorry if my question does not make any sense. So here is what I have: 2 pages, A.jsf and B.jsf. When I press a button in A.jsf, the code set the value of an object and redirect to B.jsf. Contain of B.jsf will depend on which object I set in A.jsf (which depend on which button I click). Therefore, I dont want to allow the user to typ...

JSF2 Paging / Pager for Repeater

Hey guys, Do you know this feeling when every code you write works immedietly and you underrun your schedule :-P It's like 'oh yeah now I have time to make it perfect'. That's where I am at the moment^^ So I implemented a repeater with JSF (ui:repeat) and I thought about a paging for all the entities. Is there maybe an easy way to do t...

How to create a Seam project for Intellij IDEA?

Can somebody tell me how can I create an Seam project for Intellij IDEA? I tried with Maven, but I do not have any success running it after and the plugin for Seam project in IDEA is rather old. Thanks ...

checkbox value. getting strange value when checked/unchecked

hi, i have a checkbox in jsf as follow. this jsf page is in the portal page. when i check the checkbox i get value as "on" and when i uncheck it i get the value as null. Why is it like that. the code is as below: the checkbox is in formitem. isFullTimeStudent is of type Boolean > <hx:formItem styleClass="formItem" > id="fullTimeStuden...

ajax related issues

hi all, i am using jsf and using the ibm ajax components in the same. i have 2 buttons on the screens. i have identifying the buttons with the help of the javascript and using the hidden fields to give values to them. when i first click the button i am getting the proper values in the constructor in getFacesContext().getExternalContext()...

Add autocompletion jsf Workshop 10.3

Hi guys, I use workshop 10.3 to develop my application and I would like to know how I can configure it to have autocompletion in jsf file. Workshop has autocompletion in jsp file but my file extension is xhtml and with this extension, I can't have autocompletion. Thanks for your help. ...

JSF 2.0 - Two interfaces for mobile and PC browsers

Hi, I'm developing an application which requires two interfaces - one for mobile phones browsers and another one for normal PC browsers. The second interface needs to present more information and have a few more functions. of course, both of them are in the same project and use the same beans, etc. It os just the presentation layer which...

JSF 2.0 - Primefaces chart color

I am using the primefaces charting component and I really want to change the color of the line in the linechart and columnchart. I have looked online and maybe I am just missing it but I cant seem to find the name of the javascript attribute that controls this color. so far my javascript styling looks like this <script type="text/javas...

JSF, jQuery Plugin and fancy forms

Hi there, I'm building a small site at the moment and now I'm facing a problem: The customer wants his form element to look "fancy" so we have to hold on the design. I googled jqTransform which fully fits my/his needs. Now: I'm using seam and richfaces to build pages. I have to apply the jqTransform on my forms but I've got several sele...

Migration to new version of JSF with feature-rich but more compatible library

Currently I am using JSF 1.1 (Myfaces library). I am considering moving to JSF 2.0 and towards a more feature-rich implementation library but at the same time considering that migration issues must be as less as possible. People with the experience of JSF, please suggest. ...

JSF 2.0 validation controller

I am very new to JSF/Java but I wanted to know if anyone knows a good way to create a custom validation controller. I have a lot of forms in my web application with fields that overlap such as First Name, SSN, or email. I wanted to create a Controller that would handle all of these validations and messages. Is this a good idea? I have ...

Firefox Extension to Summarize CSS Selectors on a Page

I have Google'd this nine-ways-to-Sunday, but can't seem to come up with anything that fits my needs... I'm looking for a Firefox extension (and or Eclipse plug-in) that does the "opposite" of what SitePoint's handy Dust-Me Selectors does. Briefly, I want to be able to go to a page and get a summary of all the class and id attribute val...

j_security_check url problem

Hello hope you can help me with this: I'm working with j_security_check and have this problem I have a profile page that must be restricted to any unloged user, so i add a security constraint in the web.xml file and works fine if i try to access by adress bar, this show me the login page perfectly ok now the problem is that: In my ...

Serve JSF from database

Hi, is it possible to load jsf 2 page from database, not from xhtml file? Eg., the request comes for /faces/foo.xhtml, FacesServet intercepts request and VieHanlder creates view foo.xhtml by loading foo.xhtml from a DB, not from the server? Thanks ...

What tag to use to hide content in JSF

When I want to hide some content in JSF, what tag is made for this purpose? There are several tags that can do the job: <f:subview rendered="#{...condition...}" /> and <c:when test="#{...conditon...}" /> Which is the right one to use? ...

Where does Oracle ADF 11g stands among Java EE Frameworks ?

This is a two part question: I would like to know where does Oracle ADF 11g stands as a framework to develop / deploy Web / Java EE Applications as compared to other frameworks. How much is Oracle ADF being used as a framework to Develop Web Applications. I am asking from a perspective that weather there are good job opportunities as ...

code in constructor in java is called only once even page refreshed

is it possible in java that code in constructor is called only once even if page is refreshed via some actionListener. In C# Page.PostBack method works fine but here in java i can not find right method. ...

JSF2 pages into a JAR

Hello, is it possible to put JSF2 pages into a JAR to use it from other web applications? If yes, is it necessary some extra configuration? Thank you! ...