
Tri-object converter for selected list in JSF

We've got h:selectOneMenu that receive the value from a thirdparty thirdpartyObj.type (got a get and set) thirdpartyObj.type.codeName (got only a get and the set is called toCodeName instead) The list of option is given by the thirdpartyService codeNameBean.codeNameList (the type of the object) <h:selectOneMenu id="currentType" v...

Issue passing date type with f:param

I'm trying to filter a listPage by date and userid. From a datatable the selected userid and date value is passed to the listPage with the f:param tag. The list page shows an error that says "value must be a date" and the filter doesnt work. It works if its just filtered by userid without the date. What could I be doing wrong? or How ca...

JSF 2.0 - Ajax submit validation on inputs

I have a form that needs to be submitted with ajax. I am trying to get the validation to work but it wont work when I use ajax. When I take the ajax out and submit the form with an empty testinput it properly triggers he validation and does not submit the form. How can I do this with an ajax call. My form is below. <h:form> <f:ajax> ...

Templating and trying to reference context path from inside a CSS file

I'm working with JSF and XHTML templates, I'm using a CSS file in the templates, the background images being called like: background-image: url("../../images/imageFile.jpg"); Because I'm using templates I found out that I must keep same depth for both pages and styles/images to pages apply styles correctly, but the project had change...

Returning list of images on JSF page

Hi, I have a dropdown list of items a user can select from (the view is JSF). I would like for an image to appear on the same JSF page after a user selects an item from the dropdown list (i.e. A user select the word "Cat" from the dropdown list, and group of different cat images appear) How would I code this in JSF? Note* I'm using JS...

How to print only the contents of a h:datatable?

I need to print only the contents of a h:datatable. How can I do this? ...

JasperReports on mobile platform

I have web application that uses JasperReports for PDF report generation. I'd like to write a mobile version of my application, specifically iPhone development (iOS). Will this be possible? ...

JSF AjaxStatusTag how to add programmatically

hey, I tried so hard but I just cannot get a simple Richfaces AjaxStatusTag inserted in my page. I generate the components from Java code, not xhtml. That's what I do: AjaxStatusTag deleteStatus = new AjaxStatusTag(); FacetTag start = new FacetTag(); start.setName("start"); HtmlGraphicImage pic = new HtmlGraphicImage();...

<f:ajax> Unable to attach <f:ajax> to non-ClientBehaviorHolder parent

I receive the following error when running my application: <f:ajax> Unable to attach <f:ajax> to non-ClientBehaviorHolder parent My JSF: <h:commandButton id="submitschool" action="submit" value="Get templates" style="FONT-SIZE: medium;FONT-FAMILY: 'Rockwell';width : 128px; height : 24px;"> <ui:repeat value="#{person.theImage}...

Losing data when editing editable datatable (JSF2)

Hi there, I'm starting to code a little cookbook. Therefor i've created a page to add some menusteps, a menustep should describe how to cook the menu step by step. I have a datatable containing a list of MenuSteps. The user can click a commandLink to add/delete a new step. The Bean adds or removes a MenuStep of the list and rerender the...

Returning Multiple Images to JSF page

Hello, With this code, I am able to return one image based off of a dropdown selection. Any ideas on how to return multiple images (I have attempted to create an ArrayList with the images and use the UI:Repeat tag to render it back to my view, but I was unsuccessful. Here is my current code now, which works but only returns one image. A...

JSFUnit accessing FacesContext before JSFSession is created

I want to access the JSFUnit FacesContext before I create the JSFSession object. The reason for this is I would like to set a managed bean value before any request/response processing is done. I use this value in a filter. ...

JSF custom components

Hey there, I tried to extend RichFaces' rich:messages component by making it appear like a popup box and adding a close button to it. Thus, I only need to change the renderer of the component. I managed to get it work programmatically, but I couldn't use my new tag in the xhtml files. It won't render it. Besides, I use Eclipse and an er...

JSF: somes say it's a presentation layer, somes say it's a web-tier

Somes documentation say represent a presentation layer (which I think represent the 6th level of the OSI Model), but others documentation say it's represent a web-tier in a multi-tier web model. I dont think they are the same, or are they? ...

how do i call a jsf action method (in JSF 1.2) using Ajax?

I am writing a JSF 1.2 Application in Apache My faces. I cannot use any customized component library - like tomahawk or a4j and others. Is there a way to call an action method of JSF using Ajax? When the JSF action is done , I would like to handle the response of the JSF action by Javascript and populate a DIV Tag in the Client side ? Is...

c:forEach vs ui:repeat (a.k.a ice:panelSeries)

Hello, I'm trying to avoid using c:forEach because I heard that JSTL doesn't mix well into the render phase of the JSF... I'm not sure of that claim at all. On the contrary I had to resort to using c:forEach instead of ui:repeat in many cases because the ui:repeate simply does NOT iterate on the collection.. this happened in many cases ...

JSF table component with high demo value

As part of an ongoing quest for a nice web demo in a couple of weeks we now have a list of customers where we are considering presenting an HTML table with a row of core details for each, and then allowing the user to ask for additional details. This could be in a mouse over, an opening up the table inserting a panel of details, or open...

JSF 2.0 tutorial with Eclipse and Tomcat

I am new to JSF 2.0 and I am planning to use Eclipse as the IDE and Tomcat as servletcontainer. Are there any good tutorials for this? ...

Does spring have a validation framework module that can be used in any layer for validatons?

For instance, I am using JSF + custom framework developed in our company. Now I want to use a third party validation framework that can be used as an plug-in and it should not create any dependency what ever may be the technical stack. So my question is does spring provide any framework of that sort or if it's available how can I use...

How to control alignment of DataTable inside of a PanelGrid?

I've got a multi-column panelGrid setup, with dataTables as each of the columns. Each of the dataTables is a different length. This results in the panelGrid stretching out to fit the largest dataTable (so far, that's good). The remaining dataTables are centered vertically (this is not good as it looks horrible on screen) instead of be...