
How GWT differs from JSF/Wicket in maintaing state and performance

I am new to GWT, JSF and Wicket. I am just wondering how GWT differs from maintaining client state from JSF/Wicket and also how performance differs under peek load. Any thoughts? ...

@Column(unique=true) does not seem to work

Even though I set the attribute to be @Column(unique=true), I still insert a duplicate entry. @Entity public class Customer { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @Column(unique=true ) private String name; ... } I set the name using regular EL in JSF. I did not create table ...

rich:comboBox default value selection

Hi, I need to create a scenario where on a page load the rich:comboBox defaults to a certain string value, sort of the way it would if I were using a selectOneMenu. Or if that is impossible I would need to find a way to edit a selectOneMenu so that it looks like the rich:comboBox, including the skin (deepMarine) we are using. I thought ...

JSF 2.0 and Hibernate error

Hi, I deployed my application to the official server and started getting this error: Stacktrace: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(JspServletWrapper.java:510) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:401) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(Jsp...

Dynamic components in JSF

I am interested in creating a dynamic component in JSF. By that I mean a component that looks and acts differently dependent on the variables it is passed. Let's take an easy example that actually works. A composite component (facelet) that hides/shows different parts of itself dependent on the data. In this case, it takes an attribute ...

Invisible comments in jsf 2.0?

Hi, is it possible to embed comments in my .xhtml-files that are only displayed in the source and not the rendered result? I want to include author, date,... in the files but they should not be visible to the enduser in the generated output. If I use the standard comment-tags <!-- --> the browser displays them. ...

File extension changes to ".jsf" while using the action attribute.

I'm having a little bit of a problem here, whenever I use an action attribute (i.e. <h:commandButton action="/test/test2.whatever" value="Test"/>) jsf changes the extension to .jsf and then redirects me there. So if I press the aforementioned button it would redirect me to /test/test2.jsf. Is this the default behavour and can I change it...

Acquire full prefix for a component clientId inside naming containers with JSF 2.0

I am updating a component via AJAX in JSF: <h:form> <h:outputLink>Click me <f:ajax event="click" render=":messages" /> </h:outputLink> </h:form> <h:messages id="messages" globalOnly="true" /> As the <h:messages /> resides outside <h:form /> I have to prefix the ID with colon (:). This works. However, if I put this sa...

communicate between two web browsers instances in jsf

HI I need to embed two web browsers in one form of a windows application (design wise, I have to separate them). I also need to "communicate" between both - when the user clicks on a button in one web control, I have to disable a component in the other one. I thought of using ajax:poll and push from primefaces, but I think that it's t...

CommandLink navigation doesn't work in JSF

Hi, i wanted to use the navigation-rule feature of my faces-config.xml (JSF 2.0) but I have some problems with it. I have three files (index.xhtml,index2.html,index3.xhtml) and they look like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <htm...

h:inputText data cached

Click "LINK1" --> modal popsup --> enter value in text-box --> click Submit/Process Click another link "update/cancel" --> same modal popsup --> I see the value in the text box (This is fine and if I reload the page and click the link again, the modal appears with values intact) Click "LINK1" --> same modal popsup --> I see the value ...

JAVA JSF Managed bean request using ui:repeat

Hello, I have noticed a small issue with ui:repeat and checkboxes - the information is not passed back if the rendered or disabled attributes are set. I am not sure why it occurs or rather what is the offending code. The code given below is high level of what I am working with. My goal is to have a bean that display uploaded file with t...

Does log4j requires JSF jars?

I build a REST web service (using JAX-RS, Spring, Spring JMS, and ActiveMQ). I'm surprised that when I deploy it to Tomcat 5.5.23 I get an exception that JSF jars are required?! Error configuring application listener of class org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.myfaces.we...

JSF: Is it possible to create a custom converter for this

I am using JSF 2.0 btw I have an attribute X type Integer, that has default value 0. In my JSF page, I create a component that I want it to be disabled if X is 0, and enabled otherwise. <h:selectBooleanCheckbox disabled="#{X}"/> and I got this error Cannot convert 0 of type class java.lang.Integer to class java.lang.Boolean ...

JSF with timestamp

Hi, I have a jsf page that contains some javascript includes. And I want to prevent caching with adding timestamps to its urls. It it possible to do with "plain" jsf without adding java code ? E.g: <script type="text/javascript" src="file.js?ts=#{timestamp}"></script> ...

How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields

Hi. We are using JSF 1.2 and Seam 2.2. I have found some similar questions like this one, however there are so many ways this can be done that it made me more confused. We are getting a XML file that we are reading. This XML contains information on some form fields that needs to be presented. So I created this custom DynamicField.ja...

JSF define custom namespace for component declaration

Hello, when you use a component from extarnal libraries (or custom component) in JSF page you add the xmlns declaration, for example: xmlns:util="http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite/component/util I would like to know what I have to do to use a private address in the Namaspace like this below: xmlns:p="http://primefaces.prime.com.tr/ui...

Format the date using <f:convertDateTime> and display it in the <h:outputText>

I want to display something like "2010-10-20 by Mary" in the h:outputText. The date value is stored inside the MBean 's field called date1 while the user name is stored inside the MBean 's field called username. I use the following EL expression and UI control: <h:outputText value="#{MBean.date1} by #{MBean.username}"> <f:convertDa...

Why does event listener not get called?

Hi all, I'm using ice:menuPopup to dinamically create menus on tree nodes. In jsf page I've something like this <f:facet name="content"> <ice:panelGroup id="faccont" style="display: inline" menuPopup="qtaPupMenu"><ice:menuPopup imageDir="/images"> <ice:menuItems id="qtaPupMenu" value="#{item.userObject.menuModel}"/> ...

Doubt regarding rich:suggestionbox ?

Hi, I'm trying use rich:suggestionbox. I went through the tutorial provided by the Richfaces. important think is i am using richface 3.1.4 JAR. In the suggestion box i am just trying to populate some default data's at the starting, but the suggestion box is not rendering at all. When i try to see the error console in firefox the follow...