
Can JSF standard validation prevent code injection?

In my project, I do duplicate validation at the presentation layer as well as the persistence layer with the hope to increase security. So my question is: can standard JSF validation prevent code injections. <h:inputText id="name" value="#{bean.customer.name}" required="true" requiredMessage="Validation Error: Value is required." title=...

Wicket vs GWT - Advice needed

I am developing a Java EE based web application. We have a very limited time to come up with a alpha version and trying to decide on a web framework to use. It has to be something easy to learn but powerful. Standard JSP/Servlet is not an option here due to the time it takes for the development. Appreciate if anyone could advice. Current...

com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: no web.xml present

I programmed an application with JSF and some other fraeworks. Then I destroyed my metadata with maven and then I created a new project and imported all my classes and config files into the new project. So that I have clean metadata. The Project can be built without problems now. But when I want to start it onto tomcat I get the followin...

rich:jQuery not working on JS call

I have richfaces application. In the page, there is jQuery function defined: <rich:jQuery timing="onJScall" name="updateUrlHash" selector="#conversationId" query="alert('in jquery call');" /> Then I have some a4j:commandLink, which should call the function on completing ajax request. <a4j:commandLink value="test" oncomplete="upd...

what is the best strategy for a log analyze applications

i will develop a web application to view and analyze log files from both remote machines and locally and planning to use java. At first glance it seems like application must work with big data sets effectively. For example to list a log file on browser i should implement a paginated list working with ajax (server will give data according...

Software-Design Issues

Hi, I'm planing to build a software in client-server-design. Technology should be Java. Server should have a communication layer for web-services (e.g. RESTful Jersey), RMI, JSF. Clients can be: Fatclients in Swing or Browser clients in JSF. In my focus are JBoss Netty for the server, Jersey looks much more simple but Netty would have...

What phases of the JSF Life Cycle should get recalled on page refresh

What all phases of the JSF Life cycle should get called on page refresh ...

performance tuning for JSF

Can any one list out the tips to tune JSF WebApp @ its best. ...

SSL Connection problem to web service from Java bean

Hi, I have written an application that connects to a SSL web service (including client certificate) through jaxws. For this to work I have a wstrust.jks that contains trusted root certificate for ws, and client.p12 that is the client certificate to use when connecting to ws. I have then created a custom SSLSocketFactory to be able to us...

JSF do not interpret placeholder in <h:outputText value="#{tableRow.x}" />

Hi all, I am mixing jsf,richfaces and spring together (faces backing beans = spring beans) and I have a jsp page with a table. For some strange reason tag <rich:dataTable value="#{inputBean.table}" var="tableRow"> calls inputBean.getTable() method and construct output table with the same amount table rows which table(List) has -> #{i...

Getting a column value from ice:dataTable in the validator of another column

My ice:dataTable looks like below:- <ice:dataTable id="someTbl" var="someVar" value="#{someBean.someList}" > <ice:column> <f:facet name="header"> <ice:outputText value="#{msgs.tblCol1}"> </f:facet> <ice:outputText value="#{someVar.name}"/> </ice:column> <ice:column> <f:facet name="header"> <ice:outputT...

Accessing a JSF managedBean from a Servlet

Hello all. I need to know what's the best method for accessing a JSF managedBean (which is defined having application scope) from a servlet. Currently I have something like this in my servlet: MyApplicationScopeBean bean = null; try { FacesContext fContext = FacesUtil.getFacesContext(req, resp); ServletContext sc = (ServletCon...

Invoke Backing bean method from JavaScript + JSF

Hi All, I want to invoke backing bean method from javascript function in JSF. Please could you guide me how to achive this. Regards, Ravi Krish ...

JSf with Jasper Report sample example

I am new to JSF and JasperReports. Can anyone suggest a sample webapplication for JSF with JasperReports which doesn't use a database connection? ...

JSF: How to write to database?

Hi, I'm a beginner to JSF, and I can't seem to get this right. I'm trying to take a user input in a form and insert it into a database when the users clicks submit. So what I have at at front end is just a form and a submit button enclosed in form tags: <h:form> <h:panelGrid columns="2" border="1"> <h:outputLabel val...

Richfaces custom components with actionlistener as input parameter

With a custom component how can one make it take an MethodExpression as input parameter. The component XML is set up with: <property elonly="true"> <name>customListener</name> <classname>javax.el.MethodExpression</classname> </property> And when I try to add an listener to the custom component with: ... cust...

How to set focus to the next input box onkeyup like tab functionality

I am creating input boxes dynamically to capture inputs for a certain word (e.g. H E L L O for 'hello'). I want to set focus to the next input box after typing a single character in every input box. How should I do this? <ui:repeat value="#{alphabets}" var="alphabet"> <h:inputText value="#{alphabet.value}"/> </ui:repeat> ...

using jsf page in portal

I am getting the error below when click on any button on my page with is inside a portlet. Why is this happening? [8/27/10 17:45:08:847 IST] 00000051 Servlet E com.ibm.wps.engine.Servlet handleException EJPEJ0069E: URL parsing problem, URL=http://localhost.us.deloitte.com:10040/wps/myportal/!ut/p/c5/fY3JCoMwFEU_6T1sNOlSo6gQjWOr2Yh...

valuehchange listener, ajax

I am using a JSF page in a portal environment. If I use a valueChangeListener, the method is not called in the backing bean unless I use onclick="submit()". This submits my page which I don't want. Same is the case with actionListner. Also, if I use ajaxRefreshSubmit, my whole page is submitted rather than submitting the specified part ...

Custom JSF component which adds new child to page "head" facet

Hi, I want to create custom component which adds new child to page "head" facet. This custom component is based on h:selectOneMenu. When used on jsf page, user can simply change the current theme. What I need this component to do is to add stylesheet child to head facet. My component has backing java. I tried to modify "head" in encod...