
JSF2: Handling Data between ManagedBeans

I am confronted with a problem I don't find an easy suificiant way: I use different ManagedBeans to organise my views. There are controller that manage actions and passes data from/to persistence layer. Further there are models that lie behind the views and contain their data. Controller which are RequestScoped initialise the model (-...

How to surpress escaping in rich fileupload?

Using richfaces fileUpload component has some issues when displaying custom labels containing chars like ö, ä, ü ... DO_ADD=Hinzufügen <rich:fileUpload id="upload" fileUploadListener="#{controller.upload}" maxFilesQuantity="1" immediateUpload="true" allowFlash="false" acceptedTypes="csv" addControlLabel="#{msgs.DO_AD...

jsf form not executing action because comboboxes

Hello, executing this form the action is not executed, but if I comment the combo boxes the action is executed without any problem, so I assume my spring webflow is ok. The combo boxes are populated with the correct data without any problem so I suppose the problem is in the jsf template. Code: <%@ include file="/jsp/taglibs.jsp"%> <...

Add a row to h:dataTable via AJAX with request-scoped bean without losing the row data

I think the title tells it all: I want to add a row to dataTable over AJAX. The datatable has input fields where user can put text. As simple as that, a pretty common case. With session-scoped bean this no issue, as the same bean is updated over and over again. However, I want to do this in request scope. For each request, I guess I wan...

Managed Bean property value not rendered during Render Response Phase

I am not able to figure out what I am doing wrong. Request your inputs. Please. I have a request scoped managed bean , which has a List of which I render as a datatable in my JSF 1.2 Apache my faces application. When I submit the form , and since there are some server side validations that fails, I add a FacesMessage and show the same ...

JSF2: Submit AJAX form

I have a page that has a table list through AJAX pagination, all custom. Pagination is working properly, but the Enter key clears the form input's values instead of submitting. My submit button makes an AJAX post that causes the table to reexecute and rerender. How can I make sure that all form inputs handle the Enter button and submit ...

How to Dynamically adding fields in JSF?

HI All, I am desperately looking for the assistance on adding and removing the fields and rows using JSF. I am using ICE Faces for the rich UI look. The following is my problem: I have to add one text box and two buttons (+) and (-) in a row. When user clicks on the + button, one new row should be added with the above components. When...

javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored.

I have written simple application with container-managed security. The problem is when I log in and open another page on which I logout, then I come back to first page and I click on any link etc or refresh page I get this exception. I guess it's normal (or maybe not:)) because I logged out and session is destroyed. What should I do to r...

Strange problem with session.invalidate()

I have strange issue with logging in and out. I've implemented container-based security. I have Login/Logout links on all my pages (through template.xhtml) that are rendered or not based on backing bean boolean property (it's actually method isLoggedIn()). Also in backing bean I have method logout which is the action for Logout link (it'...

i18n with UTF-8 encoded properties files in JSF 2.0 appliaction

Hi, I am using jsf-ri 2.0.3 where Hebrew and Russian support is needed. The problem is that I see gibberish on the screen instead of the correct text. First of all I have defined bundles (*_locale.properties) for each language. The files is in UTF-8 encoding. Secondly, I've defined the default and supported locales in faces-config.xml ...

Custom pagination component

I am looking custom pagination in jsf. I need this custom component as for dropdown. I have arraylist to display the dropdown values. The previous and next functions also needed. ...

Problem initializing backing bean property in constructor

Hello, I have managed bean/backing bean and I inject there (with @EJB) session bean. Now in constructor I want to use it to initialize property in backing bean with value from database. But injected session bean is null. What are the other ways to initialize? As far as I know I can't use @PostConstruct because fetching data from databas...

jsf params conservation

Hi, I tried to create a an link - image that changes the language of a page. But I encountered an issue, that the GET url params got lost after the ajax call, so not only the language changed, but also the content changed because of no params. The solution I found is to write down every single param that I use accross the whole website a...

javascript issue in jsf/icefaces

jsf command button doesn't invoking javascript , please suggestions <ice:commandButton id="submit" onclick="validationmessage();" value="Submit" ...

JSF2 DataBinding Problem

I have a little issue regarding submit of forms in jsf 2: In my webapp I got a function that updates entities in my db. This function gets the relative data out of a managed bean. So, my issue is that changes in my view are not passed to the managedBean. To make that clear for you, here an example: public String updateProject() { ...

Anchor tag on ICEfaces component

I'm looking for a way to set focus to an ICEfaces component by means of an anchor tag. For instance, when a field fails validation I want to output something like this: <a href="#xyz"> Field XYZ</a> failed validation and then, at the XYZ component, have something like: <ice:inputText id="XYZ" anchor="xyz"> This would enable the ...

iframe containing querystring causes problems in JSF

I am trying to insert a Yahoo weather widget in a JSF page. The code generated by Yahoo is: <!-- Yahoo! Weather Badge --><iframe allowtransparency="true" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://weather.yahoo.com/badge/?id=12753136&amp;u=c&amp;t=trans&amp;l=vertical" height="255px...

Dropdown with next and previous functionalities.

How to create custom component in dorpdown ? requirment is dropdown with next and previous functionalities. dropdown have list, we choose the list as well using next and previous button choose list from drop down. this is jsf dropdown , how to implement the next and previous functions in the dorpdown. (previous)< (dropdown) >(nex...

problem in javascript validation , how to make call to javascript from jsf/icefaces?

Hi, problem in javascript validation , how to make call to javascript ? <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function validate() { alert('hi'); } </script> </head> < body> <ice:panelGrid> <ice:inputText/> ..... ... ... </ice:panelGrid> <ice:commandButton onclick="validate();"/> </body> </html> I am not ...

JSF 2.0 + SWF 3 integration tutorial / example

Where can i find working example / tutorial for simple webapp on JSF 2.0 integrated with SWF 3 (Spring Web Flow) ? Is this possible ? ...