
Ways to include a dynamically generated facelet

In current project I need to create a panel that will contain an HTML content created by the user elsewhere in the application. This content can be easily inserted like this: <h:outputText value="#{myBean.dynamicHTMLContent}" escape="false"/> An example content: <p>User text</p> Now we need to give the user more freedom and allow h...

How to open a pop-up page and render a JSF Response ?

I am using JSF 1.2 without any component libs for a JSF Application. Consider a case where I have a JSF rendered page and on click of a link in that page,a pop-up page should open and show some details which are from the backing bean? What are the options? since the pop up page is just a look up (read only data) , I am thinking to use ja...

JSF: Resource bundle key (name) as EL expression ?

How to make work something like that: <c:forEach items="#{bean.data}" var="key" > <h:outputText value="#{m[#{key}]}" /> </c:forEach> I need to get value from messages.properties, but dynamically using #{} expression. ...

delete HtmlColumn on clicking HtmlCommandButton which is in the column itself.

I have generating a HtmlCommandButton in backing bean. By clicking that button I want to delete a HtmlColumn from a HtmlDataTable which was also generated in the baking bean. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;...

How to split column and row in shopping cart with java JSP or JSF

Hello everybody, i want to present one shopping cart in index i want to show 3 column and 5 row for each category Example Books || Books A || Books B || Books C ||============||===============||========= || Books D || Books E || Books F ||============||===============||========= || Books G || Books H || Boo...

How to add <h:inputtext> dynamically in JSF?

I my application I want to add more dynamically for ex: my application asks to input city and provides one but is the user wants to add more cities, I need to provide him more dynamically, so how to do that in JSF? ...

JSF 2.0 Annotation does not work

;Hi, I am using JSF 2.0 Mojarra ver. 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT (obtain using maven). I am trying to use Annotation to setup JSF bean, as such: @ManagedBean @RequestScoped public class HelloBean { @ManagedProperty(value="test") private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String na...

Get hidden value set by JavaScript in JSF backing bean

I want to get a JavaScript value in a JSF backing bean. I've tried the following: JSF: <h:inputHidden id="fileName" value="#{TestBean.fileName}" /> <a4j:commandButton id="button" value="Send Mail" action="#{TestBean.send}" onclick="onCall()"/> Bean: public String send() { System.out.println("File Name: " + fileName); } JS: ...

JSF + Stateless EJB performance

Hey there, I have a JSF 2.0 application running on GlassFish v3. It has EJBs that serve database data via JPA for the main applications sessions. Even on non-IDE app-server, the EJB calls are very slow. Between some pages, the user has to wait over 10 seconds to get to the next page. The EJB runs on the same application server, and onl...

How to pass the value to next page dropdown ?

Hi, I am having list of values in the datatable and click the one row link it will go to another page dropdown as current value and as well as need to send backend for the value. After that if i change the dropdown value again need to get and send it to back end for retrive the values. I am using jsf and java1.6.How to do do that ? Co...

<t:selectOneRadio link to backbean problem

I have used Tomahawk <t:selectOneRadio> in my jsf page. I have reserved one boolean value for each radio button in my back bean, but I have a problem with linking the component to the backing bean. How must I link the component to the backing bean? Is my data model in backing bean wrong? This is my code: <t:radio index="0" for="select...

How can I show/hide component with JSF?

How can I show/hide component with JSF? I am currently trying so do the same with the help of javascript but not successfull. I cannot use any third party libraries. Thanks| Abhi ...

problem in javascript

Hi, problem in javascript validation , how to make call to javascript ? <!DOCTYPE html> <f:view xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:ice="http://www.icesoft.com/icefaces/component"&gt; <html> <head> <script...

The requested resource not available in case of JSF

I am using JSF in one of my application and the scenario is as follows: I have "pages" folder under "WEB" in side "pages" I have "a.jsp" When I deploy this application with the local tomcat and access the application it works perfectly ok but when I deploy this application on my web hosting providers tomcat, it says "The requested reso...

How to make dropdown current value from previous page link value ?

I am having list of values(jsf datatable) , there is link to go to another page .In the next page has dropdown with current value what ever we select in the previos page.How to make this process as current value in the dropdown ? At the same time that current value need to send backend for retrive the value to display .how to do the bo...

Show/hide JSF2 form using selectBooleanCheckbox

Hi guys, I am using JSF2 and Java to build a web application. I want to build a form like the one at the picture below: When somebody unchecks the checkbox the form should disappear: Here is an example with gwt. So far, I tried some stuff with the <f:ajax> tag and an PropertyActionListener in the managedBean but it didn't work. ...

JSF 2.0 with RAD 8.0 & WAS

Hi, I'm trying to develop JSF 2.0 applications with IBM's "RAD8 and WAS7.0.0.0". When I deployed the application via RAD 8 IDE, the application configuration options were disabled so that I could not change anything such as "class loader policy" and adding "shared library references". Once I deployed manually an exported EAR file (usi...

JSF 2.0 Saving dynamic form to a database

Hi, I'm writing an application that serves as an admin panel using JSF 2.0 and Hibernate. I have a JSP page with a JSF form which elements are added dynamically using javascript (jQuery to be specific). So I cannot make any assumption on how much data do I have to process. I have a managed bean but I don't know how to put the getters and...

radio button doesn't get selected properly

We use the following code to select a choice value from a radio button group. Sometimes the radio button doesn't get selected properly, if you click in between the radio button control and the choice in a horizontal layout (this behaviour is consistently reproducible). How do I ensure that the value gets selected if I click anywhere on t...

By deleting the column of h:datatable the values entered in other column got refereshed.

Possible Duplicate: delete HtmlColumn on clicking HtmlCommandButton which is in the column itself. By deleting the column of h:datatable the values entered in other column got refereshed. I am generating whole datatable from back bean. ...