
JSF data binding

I am having trouble using JSF just wanted to run it by so if there is anything obvious someone can spot. I have a managed bean which is giving me trouble. In my faces-config.xml I have: <managed-bean> <description>Info Bean</description> <managed-bean-name>InfoBean</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class>bean.InfoBean</managed-be...

JSF faces config file outside WEB-INF?

When creating multiple faces config files, it is correct to have the faces-config.xml outside of WEB-INF? The JSF spec does not seem to be very clear about this (Section 10.1.3) If yes, how should this faces-config.xml be declared in web.xml? the paths generated by IDE's (like Eclipse/JDev) generally use something like: <context-param>...

[JSF + REST] Dynamically generated GET request to an external database

Hello, I'm asking for help to my problem. I am new to JSF and I have a simple JSF online store demo page. I don't even use navigation rules since I only include the page with search results beneath the searching tags fields. The problem is a have sth like 15 fields (input texts and menus) to perform a detailed search. After selecting th...

Single column in JSF DataTable displaying wrong data

We are using JSF, Seam, and Hibernate. I am debugging a view that has a JSF Datatable that is getting its data from an EntityQuery. The EntityQuery has only the method getEjbql defined and is returning a query like "select viewA from ViewA viewA". The JSF DataTable is displaying the data correctly except for one column which is displayin...

How do I get a child object to edit using the same form in Seam?

I have a class, let's call it Task. Task can have sub-tasks. Sub-tasks can have sub-tasks, etc. I have a Seam JSF page that very nicely allows you to edit all the fields of any given Task. I also have a list of sub-tasks, and I want a user to be able to click on that subtask, and begin to edit it. So here's how I have that I've imple...

Refresh JSF before validation

Hi, I am using JSF validation to simply check that the length of a field is 15, if not an error message is shown. My issue with this approach is that user enters a number which is the correct length and clicks a button and some information is displayed about it. The second time when the user enters a number whose length is <15 then the ...

Trimming inputs in JBoss Seam

I am making a web application using JBoss Seam 2.2.0, and I want to trim my inputs before receiving them, even before the Hibernate Bean Validation phase. Is this possible? I saw someone using a PhaseListener to do the same functionality. Is this the best way to do it? ...

Writing a custom JSF Tag

Hi all, I am trying to write a custom tag. I can write attributes; however, I'm having difficulty writing the innerHTML part: <span class="required">*</span> I can write: writer.startElement("span", component); writer.writeAttribute("class", "required", "class"); writer.endElement("span"); How do I write the *? http://developers...

Jsf component for html tag

Does it exist a way to create a <a name="bookmark"> in jsf? I would like to create a list with general bookmarks so that i can point them with links, i would like to create these links with values I take dynamically. h:outputLink doesn't have a name attribute. ...

Richfaces DataScroller executed when not needed

In my JSF + Richfaces application I observed that rich:datascroller gets executed when I fire ajax request from different a4j:region. This is my code: <jsfc:view> <a4j:region renderRegionOnly="true"> <a4j:form> <a4j:region renderRegionOnly="true"> <jsfh:selectOneMenu id="selectOneMerchant" valu...

scroll bar in JSF page

I want a scroll bar inside a page for complex rich:dataTable. I can not use scrollableDataTable since the table has very complex structure. Currently i used div with width in pixels. But the width is changing for different computers. Can anyone help ? ...

error in combobox using SEAM 2.1.2 and JBOSS 4.2.3GA

Hi, I'm trying to create a combobox on a sean project and the sean tags are not recognizing my session bean method, but if i display the list in a simple table everything is ok. My session bean PaisSB.java: package br.com.logical.prepark.session; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.jboss.seam.S...

Facelets and JSP in same project?

Is it possible to use Facelets pages and .jsp style ICEfaces pages in the same project? In looking at the ICEFaces Facelets tutorial, the migration appears to be an all-or-nothing switch. Is it possible to support both (for a slow migration)? ...

JSF dataTable question

HI All, I want to display data using the h:dataTable tags in JSF The data I am displaying has to be in a format like this: Name: XXXX ID: 8989 Age: 32 I have seen several examples on the web that tell you how to display the data like this: Name ID Age XXX 8989 32 Since the dataTable tag only has a sub tag h:column and...

Question about Seam context scope

Hi guys, I'm in doubt about using roles for different scopes for my seam components. For example: My project has a table called Parameter that stores all global parameters for the project as URLs, admin e-mail and etc ... For this table there is a simple CRUD interface for administration. So, reading the seam 2.1.2 documentation i un...

Where can I find JSF 1.0 sources ?

Only JSF 1.1_01+ and 1.2 sources seems to be available. Links are dead for 1.1 and 1.0 sources : javaserverfaces.dev.java ...

JSF - serving a page without xhtml

Hi all, I am working on some UI Components that I would like to use entirely instead of writing the XHTML. I am perfectly happy with XHTML; however, I want to break everything up into modules as well as break the physical connection between a URL and a file in a WAR or on the filesystem. I also want it to be entirely virtual so that I...

Tree component in JSF

Hi What is a good tree component in JSF. I also want the user to be able to select one (using radiobutton) or more than one node (using checkboxes) from that tree component. Is there any existing component that meets my need? thanks Vikas ...

cannot use values from beans in facelets custom component

Hi, i cannot use any bean value in my custom control.: for instance: this is my foo.taglib.xml file. <facelet-taglib> <namespace>http://www.penguenyuvasi.org/tags&lt;/namespace&gt; <tag> <tag-name>test</tag-name> <component> <component-type>test.Data</component-type> </component> </tag> </facelet-taglib> faces...

Duplicate Id. JSF

Hi! I have a problem with JSF. Can anyone say why this doesn't work? <h:selectOneListbox id="lang" size="5" value="#{MbInstitution.node.lang}" valueChangeListener="#{MbInstitution.changeLanguage}" rendered="#{MbInstitution.view}" > <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="shortDesc, fullDesc"/> <f:selectItems value="#{MbInsti...