How can I write a drop down box in JSF?
How can I write a drop down box in JSF? ...
How can I write a drop down box in JSF? ...
Hi there, I am new to the world of J(2)EE and web app development but am quickly navigating my way around it and learning a lot. Every day is a fantastic voyage of new discovery for me. I am currently working on a project in which I am using Visual JSF Woodstock on Glassfish v2. I am pretty new to JSF also. There are times when I ne...
Can any one help me to display a label in a single line? In my UI there is a field called check funding period but it is getting displayed in 3 lines like: check funding period what can i do so that it will display like check funding period (in single line) in ...
Hi i have a jsf application in which i have three frames,one for the header,one for side navigation and the other is the mainframe.I have built this in the spring framework. I have a problem that when the HttpSession object gets timed out the apllication gets forwarded to the Login page(which is correct,and is the starting page of the a...
This is a Seam application. HTML <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{officeCriteria.carrier}"> <f:selectItem itemValue="ATT" itemLabel="ATT" /> <f:selectItem itemValue="VZB" itemLabel="VZB" /> </h:selectManyCheckbox> backing bean OfficeCriteria: private List<String> carrier; public List<String> getCarrier() { return carrier; } ...
The code below has been simplified to the simplest possible thing that is failing. Basically when someone requests to confirm an action, I am forcing them to login, then allowing them to confirm the action. This is all done with ajax. The first form submission happens correctly but the second one fails to run the desired ActionListener. ...
Explanation: I have a JSF command link that sets a member in the backing bean, however, when setting the backing bean member using setPropertyActionListener I get a tag not recognized error. The project builds and deploys with no issues. The default page is displayed then the error is thrown on the page request with the setPropertyAct...
Is JSF the only option? The HTML front end uses JQuery as a front-end scripting framework. ...
I want to use below code and want to get datas from both tables, but how? There aren't any association in my hibernate mapping files. SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT cat.* from cat inner join owner on cat.owner_id = where"); query.addEntity(Cat.class); query.setInteger("username",'Duke');...
How can i display Label from SelecteItem and use the value as a Key in rich:combobox? Jboss forums says it is not possible since the rich:combobox is designed for suggestion. Not really a replacement for h:selectOneMenu . is there any work around or alternative way? PS: i tried using JSF converter it is modifying both value and label. ...
Hi all, With h:datatable we can display data as follows Jems tom chirs harry but can I display the same as shown below: Jems 2. tom chris 4. harry Ragards, Abhi ...
I am developing web application using A4J, Richfaces. One of my requirement is, I need to check if the user has changed any values in the form when he is trying navigate away from the page. I have save and cancel buttons in the page. I am using a4j:command button for cancel functionality. Clicking on cancel button should do below things...
Hi, Do you think this kind of code enjoy google ? <form id="j_id29" name="j_id29" method="post" action="/stockradio/radio.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input type="hidden" name="j_id29" value="j_id29" /> <table class="dr-table rich-table " id="j_id29:j_id30" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><c...
Hi, I use JSF-facelets.jar 1.1.14 (I downloaded it here) and tomcat 6.0 Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 1.5.0_12-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Implementation-Version: 1.1.14 If I understand well, JSF-facelets.jar = JSF + JSTL + Facelets (???) My problem is when I use "fmt" fonction. This code... <h...
I am having an issue in creating rich:combobox i did as follows <rich:comboBox selectFirstOnUpdate="false" defaultLabel="Enter some value"> <f:selectItems value="#{userregister.selectItems}" /> </rich:comboBox> and in the backing bean i created the selectItems as follows List<UISelectItem> selectItems; UISelectItem uisi = new...
Hello everybody, I need to send xml to the browser with my jsf application. This xml is generated by the application. I try to create it but my jsf application sends html every time. How can I change the content-type to send xml ? Thanks for your help. ...
I am currently displaying a ticket number like so. <h:outputText value="#{ticket.ticketNumber}" /> Instead of this I want a hyper-link to a URL. The address will look similar to this:{ticket.ticketNumber} So, the new code might look something like this (note the code below doesn't work, jus...
I just installed Windows 7 with NetBeans 6.5.1 and JDK 6.16. I checked out our Webapplication project with SVN, which is working with spring security. Libraries are imported, no reference problems, the same configuration worked with XP. Here's the beginning of the exception: WebModule[/db3]PWC1275: Exception sending context initialized...
What is the syntax for calling list.size() in a JSF 2.0 Facelets template (eg, using an h:outputText element)? ...
Hello, Is there any way can declare a bean in just like JSP UseBean in JSF? for example if i have nested objected inside a VO, I don't want to call to many get methods again and again For Example i have ManagedBean(MB) hold VO. VO hold (CVO), CVO Hold CVO1. if want methods of CVO. i need to write MB.VO.CVO.CVO1.method1, MB.VO.CVO.CVO...