
displaying errors with custom component

While creating a Custom component that works like h:messages tag but in addition with that, if I click the messages, it focuses to each input fields from where the error occured. It works fine but the form gets empty. All the values get disappeared if any error occurs in the form. I was not able to figure out why? I am extending Rend...

Websphere 7 JSF

Hi, In my project we have developed a project using JSF 1.2 and JBOSS 5. As part of new requirement we have to migrate it to Websphere 7. But we are facing a issue which I suspect is related to the java runtime being internally used by WAS. Its not able to autobox int/Integers , cast Strings to long implicitly. After providing the neces...

Auto logon on SEAM + JSF

My webapp needs to auto-login when the user access the app url: example: http://myapp/home.xhtml?token={3bcdc006-05fc-4ce1-953a-17375edcf2a2} on my pages.xml i have the following: <pages xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com...

JSF commandLink, POSTing and the back button

I've recently started doing some JSF work - before that I've always used PHP or Python for web development. I was somewhat surprised to find that JSF uses HTTP POSTs to navigate when the h:commandLink tag is used. I have been using the commandLink as this is apparently the correct way to build JSF apps. Why does JSF use POST for naviga...

Handling an expired ViewState in JSF and Richfaces

I have a series signup pages that build on each other. When the users session expires I have a Listener that cleans everything up on the server and that works great. But, if the user attempts to do anything else I just want to redirect them back to the first page of the series. However, my filter doesn't seem to work correctly. I keep ge...

Dynamically generate ice:commandButton components

Hey all, I've been trying a lot of different things that I would think would work like expected. However, they are causing me some frustration. Here's the scoop: I am using ICEFaces 1.8 components in a Java EE web application. My goal is to render a bunch of ice:commandButtons on the page based on a query to my database. I want these b...

JSF/ICEFaces takes very long time in rendering response

Hello, I have a JSF/ICEFaces application that was working fine but all of the sudden it started taking sinfully long time in rendering response phase! I can tell from the console that the java part completes fine but it takes like 10 minutes to display the web page! I'm using JBoss as my application server. Could you please tell me ho...

JSF+Facelets treating bean action as property

Guys, for some reason EL is not telling actions from properties. I have this page test.xhtml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.su...

JSF/Facelets: set `action` attribute to a dynamically evaluated string

In my JSF/Facelets application, I want to dynamically generate a breadcrumb trail from a list of page IDs using a custom tag: <foo:breadcrumbs trail="foo,bar,baz"/> This should generate something like: <h:commandLink action="foo" ... /> <h:commandLink action="bar" ... /> <!-- (etc.) --> My code looks something like this: <ui:repea...

Disable commandButton in JSF

This seems like it should be pretty straightforward but I'm not feeling it. I have a JSF CommandButton that executes a long running serverside task (10-15 seconds). I've seen forms where the button context changes after it's been clicked (The label on the button changes and the button becomes disabled until the processing is complete)....

combining rich:inplaceInput with rich:suggestionbox

We want to pre-fill our richfaces suggestion-box with a inplace text. Are there any recommendations on how to do this? I think, simple replacement of h:inputText to rich:inplaceInput will not work. <h:inputText id="field" value="#{form.field}" required="true" /><rich:in <rich:suggestionbox id="suggestionBoxId" for="field" suggestionA...

JSF - Richfaces - How to know if the session is timed out (on client)

I am developing application using JSF- richfaces. The application has standard login page, session management and the session expire time is 15 min. One of the requirement is, when the session expires and if the user clicks on any of the links, I need to display a popup(instead of going to login page) which will say "Your session expir...

Are there any disadvantages to SEAM?

As a java web applications developer I have used this last year JSF (SUN) for a framework to my web applications. I have to say I quite liked using it, it makes the developing easier. Recently, I have read a lot of good things about JBoss Seam, but I still haven't encountered a person that has used it. From what I have read it seems tha...

JSF: attach rich:toggleControl to radio buttons or select items.

Has anyone had any success attaching a rich:toggleControl component to a radio button component (h:selectOneRadio) or alternatively any of its children select items (in this case s:enumItem). Basic code example: <h:selectOneRadio value="#{backingValue}"> <s:enumItem enumValue="VAL_1" itemLabel="Value One" /> <s:enumItem enumValue...

ice:selectOneMenu sending the wrong value

Hi there, I have multiple drop down menus with my JSF/ICEFaces application that update each others so depending on the selection of one the contents of others update. The problem is that the menu is sending the wrong value. It seems it sends the value before instead of the current one! not sure why! Any ideas? Thanks, Tam <td> ...

putting hyperlink in <h:messages> tag

I have a requirement where clicking each errors should focus input box. I am trying different ways but could not succeed. I got some answers in the past but that did not work like i wanted. I was using tag with onclick event but I had to do this for each input boxes which is not so relevant if I have 20 fields. So I was looking some t...

Java - RichFaces - RTL

I'm looking for Java "Faces" that supports RTL (Right To Left) user interfaces. The only library that I've checked so far is RichFaces. It seems that it doesn't support it natively. What is a good resource that talks about this issue? What other "Faces" can be recommend that natively support RTL user interfaces? ...

Prettyfaces with Seam beans

Hi, Trying to solve this problem for two days without any luck. The problem occur when i try to define a url-mapping in pretty-config.xml that relay on a bean created with Seam <url-mapping id="test"> <pattern>/test/#{testBean.param}</pattern> <view-id>/test.faces</view-id> </url-mapping> bean source: package com.web.jsfbean; impo...

Calling @EJB from JSF Managed Bean

Hi, We are using JDeveloper 11g. Both a Model and ViewController project that makes use of ADF fusion and what not. My web-xml has an ejb reference for a statfull session ejb. I have a managedbean that's declared in faces-config. I am trying to access a EJb from inside the managed bean. I declare @EJB (name ="LocationServicesEJB") p...

Accessing JSF SelectItem.Label and Value from XHTML without selectOneMenu

Hi, I'm struggling with a little internationalization issue in one of my apps. The story goes like this: I have a datatable which displays records, and a selectOneMenu in order to select a column of the dataTable to be filtered for. The selectOne is fed with SelectItems which are filled according to the actual locale in the backing be...