
Deploying JSF application on a Glassfish cluster

When I deploy a JSF application on a Glassfish V2.1 Patch02 Cluster, the following exception is thrown while loading the first page. java.security.ProviderException: update() failed at sun.security.pkcs11.P11Cipher.implUpdate(P11Cipher.java:557) at sun.security.pkcs11.P11Cipher.engineUpdate(P11Cipher.java:457) at sun.se...

Question about arbitrary validation in JSF

Hey, I have this a field: <h:inputText id="email" value="#{user.user.email}" title="Email" validator="#{user.user.validateEmail}"/> The validateEmail method checks if the email address's length is greater than 0, if not, it throws an exception. I thought this would work, but sadly the method is called only if you enter a value. Why? ...

Avoiding creating the same object twice on refresh in JSF

Say we have an "add new object" form in AddObject.jspx, and a Confirm.jsp page (saying something like object with id NN was added to the database...) in faces-config.xml: <navigation-rule> <from-view-id>/AddObject.jsp</from-view-id> <navigation-case> <from-outcome>add</from-outcome> <to-view-id>/Confirm.jsp</to-...

Get http variable JSF

Hello everybody, I have a question about JSF and GET http request. How can I get a GET variable in bean managed by JSF ? I tried to use it but nothing is in the map. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap(); Thanks for your answers. ...

Accessing html field values in JSF framework

By default JSF renders the HTML field id name dynamically. ID name is generated randomly in the format formname:id_some_random_number. Because of this i cannot use document.getElementById(""). Is there any solution for this problem? ...

Recommendations... JavaServer Faces (JSF), Struts, model2, other

We are looking at reworking a java business management web service that has been in use for over 4 years now. The software's internal architecture has been all custom built and with a bad separation of of the presentation layer and business logic. As well the overall model layer has proven it can't effectively keep up with changing busin...

Get the Raw Request String from HttpServletRequest.

Is it possible to get the raw HTTP Request from the HttpServletRequest object? I want to see the raw request as a String if at all possible. I need to get the full text of the request, in this case it's a POST request, so the URL doesn't help. It's also part of a multi-part form, so I can't just call the "getParameterNames()" or "getPar...

JSF project wiring

I am writing a simple enough program using JSF, and I need some advice about how to go about it. I have a jsp which takes a unique ID and has to find out if the ID exists in 3 different databases. If it does it should display a message telling user, where it exists, otherwise it should give the user option to add the ID to a particular d...

JSF passing in expression value into a commanButton

I am trying to access the value of the expression $result.id and use that value and pass it in the bean action commitBtn. how do I go about doing this. <c:forEach items="${bean.results}" var="result"> <fieldset> <legend> <b>Title:</b> ${result.id} <c:set var="Id" value="${result.id}" /> <!-- this Id doesn'...

hi from my db i am getting a value as string type and when i am displaying in in my jsf page it is displaying as 12.0

hi from my db i am getting a value as string type and when i am displaying in in my jsf page it is displaying as 12.0 but i want to display it as 12.00 can i do that by changing the data type from string to double or any other ways can any one please suggest me? thanks Suresh ...

How to change the list in a SelectOneMenu, if the value is changed in another?

Hey, I want to change the SelectItem[] array in the second SelectOneMenu, if the value is changed in the first one. Is that possible? Thanks in advance! ...

Strange behaviour of JSF application

Hello everyone, i'm developing web app using jsf, richfaces and seam and i'm facing the following problem. For unknown reason my app passes through every jsf phase almost every second! i have one a4j:poll that rerenders several rich:dataTables which in turn perform some actions but it has 6 secs interval. Can anyone comment on this? ...

jsf-facelets forward bypass servlet filters

For one week, i am playing with appfuse-jsf-basic but i noticed something. If i do not put tag to my navigation rules, i can view a page that require ROLE_ADMIN with ROLE_USER rights. Then i understand something that facelets doesnt use "servlet.forward" methods for forwarding so filters does not catch facelets forwards in navigation ru...

how to insert space in jsf page

hi can any one please tell me how to insert a space character in the jsf field like how we does it html by using &nbsp;? is there any tag in jsf? thanks Suresh ...

JSF concurrency issue

When i hit a link a window popup is opened.I am having a session managed bean that loads a java.util.List.It is taking few seconds to load that list. when i click the link twice i am getting concurrent modification exception. because the page is in session mode and first request is still loading the List, before it ends the second reque...

exception deploying on jboss : argument type mismatch

hi everyone! I'm getting a very weird exception when trying to deploy my app on JBOSS 5.0.1 GA . The strangest thing is that the application deploys flawlessly on JBOSS 5.0.0 CR2. I upgraded the version to 5.0.1 GA as I don't want to make use of a Candidate Release (CR) version for a professional application. You can see the exception ...

Notifying one bean from another in ICEFaces

Hello, I have an ICEFaces we application. One page has two beans that display different things on the page. I want to be able to notify one bean when another bean changes something on the bean so that the first bean update its content on the page. Is that possible in ICEFaces? if so how? Thanks, Tam ...

Is there a way to use EL to get the current value of an h:inputText field?

Hi, I'm new to JSF and EL, and was wondering if there is a way to use EL to get the current value of an h:inputText field. Am I doing it wrong, or is it possible at all? Thanks, -Ben ...

hi how can i insert a currency symbol in the jsf page with precision of 2 digits

hi how can i insert a currency symbol in the jsf page with precision of 2 digits i am using the following libs <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://www.ibm.com/jsf/html_extended" prefix="hx"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl...

Populate a Woodstock JSF Table

I'm using Netbeans and trying to populate a Table component with my data, but the examples that are available only show how to do it with a DB. How can I populate the table e.g. with random data? The JSF code is: <webuijsf:table augmentTitle="false" id="table1" style="left: 312px; top: 216px; position: absolute; width: 450px" title="T...