
ui:include disables menu

<rich:tabPanel id="profileChangePanel" switchType="client" > <rich:tab id="profileCompetenceTab" label="Kompetenser" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab1.jsp" /> </rich:tab> <rich:tab id="profileInfoTab" label="Information" labelWidth="80"> <ui:include src="/panels/tab2.jsp" /> </rich:tab> ...

Select and unselect list of checkboxes with single checkbox

I have two kinds of check boxes. One is a simple check box e.g t:selectBooleanCheckbox and another is a dynamically generated list of t:selectBooleanCheckbox. I want to control this list with the single check box. E.g. when it is selected or deselected, similar action should take place for the list as well. ...

How to use JSF h:messages better?

My Objective is to use h:messages to convey user - error and confirmation messages.The CSS styles to show these two different messages are different, In fact I would like to use an image beside the confirmation message. for Eg: <tr> <td><img/></td><td><h:msg></td> </td>. So I tried to add messages to the Faces Context based on 2 diffe...

Skip some row in jsf dataTable

How to skip some rows to be displayed using dataTable: <h:dataTable cellspacing="0" id="dogs" value="#{dogBean.dogs}" var="dog" rendered="#{dogBeans.dogs != null}"> <h:column id="nameColumn"> <h:outputText value="#{dog.name}"/> </h:column> <h:column id="breedColumn"> <h:outputText value="#{dog.breed}"/> </h:column> </h:da...

A good extension to JSF that adheres to JSF2.0?

Hi, I have been looking for a JSF extension (Richfaces, IceFaces, and more) but all seem to be according to JSF1.x and ones for JSF2.0 are still alpha or in development and most of the documentation assumes you're using JSF1.2. Is there any production well known extension available? ...

Are @ManagedBean's obsolete in JavaEE6 - because of @Named in CDI/Weld?

Because of CDI (and its implementation Weld), every POJO in JEE6 can be annotated with @Named, which makes the POJO accessible to the view. Does that mean that ManagedBeans are completely obsolete now? Or do i miss something where @ManagedBean still makes sense? ...

How to hide some nodes in Richfaces Tree (do not render nodes by condition)?

I have a tree of categories and courses in my SEAM application. Courses may be active and inactive. I want to be able to show only active or all courses in my tree. I've decided to always build complete tree in my PAGE scope component since building this tree is quite expensive operation. I have boolean flag courseActive in the data wra...

Ajax-enabled composite component

I am using composite components in my JSF 2.0 project, and I want to combine my composite components with like this: <ex:mycompositecomponent> <f:ajax event="change" render="anotherComponent" /> </ex:mycompositecomponent> Is there any way to do that? Yours sincerely Jonathan Frank ...

Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5?

Facelets relies on XML namespaces to work with XHTML. How are HTML 4, and as far as I know, HTML 5 do not support namespaces. Also HTML 5 has some new elements that are not available in XHTML. Even HTML 4 and XHTML have some differences regarding elements and attributes they support. The question is: Is it possible to render HTML 4/5 do...

how to format jsf 2.0 <f:selectItems/> with date value from List

Hi, Im using jsf 2.0 to develop app where user has to select (using radio button) a date from the list of possible choices. List of dates is a managed bean property of type List< java.util.Date>. Im using facelets <h:selectOneRadio value="#{banner_backing.selectedInterval}" border="1" layout="pageDirection"> <f:selectItems val...

JSF actionListener is called multiple times from within HtmlTable

I have a mix of columns in my htmltable: 1 column is an actionlistener, 2 columns are actions and other columns are simple output. <h:dataTable styleClass="table" id="orderTable" value="#{table.dataModel}" var="anOrder" binding="#{table.dataTable}" rows="#{table.rows}" ...

Enlist a table's columns in other component

The main goal is to have a dropdown menu where each of its menuItems represents one column of a <rich:extendedDataTable />. Above the table I have this: <rich:dropDownMenu value="Column visibility" submitMode="none" direction="bottom-right"> <c:forEach var="columnConfigVO" items="#{gridConfigurationManag...

using facelet1.1.15 (external facelet) in JSF2

Hi! I have upgrated to JSF2 but still running with facelet1.1.15. I have these parameters in web.xml: <context-param> <param-name>org.ajax4jsf.VIEW_HANDLERS</param-name> <param-value>com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>javax.faces.DISABLE_FACELET_JSF_VIEWHANDLER</pa...

How to set up weekends in richfaces calendar?

Hi all! I want to change next example: http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/calendar.jsf?tab=organizer&amp;cid=1157294 to have ability to set up weekends and hollydays. And I have q few questions: 1) why I could use data.shortDescription/data.description in the next code: <div> <h:outputT...

JSF hiding exceptions?

I have a managed bean for a JSF page which is doing JPA calls in the constructor to populate fields in the bean. I'm having a bit of trouble with another call to persist an entity (to populate data for testing). I'm expecting it to throw some sort of exception since it's not working, but I'm not getting anything. Just of the heck of it I...

richfaces 3.3.3 problem with ie6

Hi everyone, I am working using richfaces 3.3.3 , tomcat 6. when i try to access my application using IE6 and the windows language is set to arabic, i get the following exception: IllegalArgumentException: Parameter "size" for convert from HTML to java can not be decoded: [1px], reason: Unparseable number: "1px". when i change the win...

Seam page navigation with includes

Hello, I'm using seam page navigation rules. and did not experience any problem with adding rules which redirect from one page to another. But since I designed my page views using those redirection simply don't happen anymore for those pages. Tried to define the rule to the view that gets included, then to the view that includes the ot...

better understanding of JSF Life cycle

I need your help to understand this better. This is my case. I have a custom validator for each of my input controls in the form. So when there is any validation error,I add a corresponding FacesMessage in the validate method. My understanding was that when there is any validation error - or when there are any FacesMessages added in the ...

How to clear h:message or rich:message value in JSF?

Hi colleagues ! I am developing a JSF application and I have many user forms where I use JSF validations. I have an issue which annoys me, it will be easier to tell it with an example. <h:panelGroup> <h:selectOneRadio id="gender" value="#{registrationController.person.gender}" ...

DataTable with dynamic columns

I am completely new to JSF, and just attempting a proof of concept to decide whether it will be useful for a project. My POC simply consists of a single page, with a table, containing some data. The number of columns (as well as the number of rows) is dynamic, loaded from a database before the page is rendered. With the following, I ge...