
Java EE application database architecture

Hello ... I'm developing java EE database application(JSF) where I fill drop down menus from database. I looked for some tutorials and I find that they used the session bean to initialize these drop down values from database (using hibernate).As my application contains a lot of these is this a good strategy to fill values from database?...

@EJB in @ViewScoped managed bean causes java.io.NotSerializableException

Hi, I've been banging my head around with a @ViewScoped managed-bean. I'm using primeface's "schedule" component in order to display some events. When the user clicks on a specific button a method in the viewscoped bean is called using ajax but every time I get a "java.io.NotSerializableException", if I change the managed-bean scop...

Avoid richfaces to send back javascript libraries in the ajax responses

I'm using JSF 1.2 with Richfaces, and for every ajax request, the server is sending back the response, whichi is good, but it also contains all the links to the javascript files. I want to improve the performance so I just want the <body> to be returned, because all the javascript files are already loaded in the browser when the user log...

How can I check if a Resource Bundle contains a specific key in a JSF page.

I have a JSF page which has a bundle loaded. However I need to dynamiclly build a key to access the property. What I need to do is check that the property exists so I can decide whether to render the or not. I have tried checking if the value is empty but it always renders the output. Thanks ...

Jsf validation error (shown by h:message) while updating Model, why?

List.xhtml: <h:selectOneMenu value="#{produtosController.selected.codigo}"> <f:selectItems value="#{produtosController.itemsAvailableSelectOne}"/> </h:selectOneMenu> <h:commandButton action="#{produtosController.createByCodigos}" value="Buscar" /> Controller Class method: public String createByCodigos(){ items = new Lis...

JDBC character encoding

Hi there, I have a Java Web application using GlassFish 3, JSF2.0 (facelets) and JPA (EclipseLink) on MySQL (URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/administer). The problem I'm facing is that if I'm saving entities to the database with the update() method, String data loses integrity; '?' is shown instead of some characters. The server, page...

JSF 2.0 Problem

I am doing a project where I am using JSF 2.0 & Primefaces UI Components. There is a tab view component with tabs, "Day","Week" & "Month". In all tab, I have to display Bar Charts in each. For the same, I am fetching three list using the following three method. In the following code, UpdateCountHelper is fetching the data from database...

action method is not called in JSF

This is my Phase Listener public class AdminPhaseListener implements PhaseListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1161541721597667238L; public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent e) { System.out.println("after Phase " + e.getPhaseId()); } public void beforePhase(PhaseEvent e) { System.out.println("before Phase " + e.g...

JSF and usage of gdata maps or js maps api

Hi, I am building jsf component for map servers and I was wondering if it is possible to use gdata maps api to update or retrieve new map which isn' t user map or i have to create Javascript binding for JSF. Regards Jan ...

jsf submit button not wrking

I am using hx:commandExButton of IBM Faces Client Framework to call my method. But the method is not getting called. But if I use immediate="true" it's getting called. But as you all know with this my model won't get updated, so it has no use to me. Has anyone faced this? Check the hx:commandExButton id="btnSearch" <%-- tpl:metada...

Hibernate Initial SessionFactory creation failed

I'm trying to use hibernate to fill my jsf selectonemenu in ApplicationBean (in Liferay). The problem is that I got Initial SessionFactory creation failed problem. Before putting my functions in the applicationbean I was setting them in sessionbean and I got no error. For now the full error Initial SessionFactory creation failed. ja...

How to call an action method of a UICommand Component which was rendered conditionally?

action method is not called Please refer to this question - , One of my UICommand Component is rendered conditionally , it was said in the answer of the linked question - point 5 - that if the Component's or any of its parents rendered or disabled attributes are false - then the action method will not be called ? If thats the case- How d...

Problem in filling SelectOneMenu with data

in my ApplicationBean1.java class I have an Option[] attribute years and a filling method: public void buildYearOptions(){ int initialYear = 1900; int currentYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); int i = 0; for (int y = initialYear; y< currentYear; y++){ Option op = new Option(y, Integer.toString(y));...

Facelet components layouts and javascript

Hi all, I have a question regarding the placement of javascript within facelet components. This is more regarding best practice/style than a programming issue, but I feel like all the solutions I have thought of have been hacks at best. Ok here is my scenario: I have a facelet template like so (my faces, and apache Trinidad)... <ui:com...

Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application

Hi , I have a modal that will be shown and then I have an export button which should bring up the save dialog, if I have use h:commandButton, the validation checks are bypassed , but works well. If I use a4j:commandButton, validations are done perfectly but I dont see the save file dialog. Can somebody help me. thanks ...

JSF 2.0 Problem (faces-config)

We have faces-config.xml in JSF 1.0 where we entry about managed-beans, dependencies & navigations etc. I was developing a sample project using JSF 2.0. But, as I don't know annotation, I need to include face-config.xml externally. Please, provide the solution for it, as in JSF 2.0 we don't need to include it. What is reason behind it? ...

How to find if String contains html data?

How do I find if a string contains HTML data or not? The user provides input via rich:editor component and it's quite possible he could have used either a simple text or used HTML formatting. ...

JSF2 set a UISelectItem to not render. With a custom MenuRenderer

Hi, I have a managed bean that contains a collection of UISelectItem instances. How can i tell one instance to not render? Setting the selectitem.setRendered(false) still renderes that item... I'd like to manipulate the UiSelectItem instance. So basicly i have a h:selectOneMenu that gets populated by this collection by f:selectItems. Bu...

How to rewrite the URL

I have a small application built using Seam 2.2, Richfaces 3.3, JBoss 5.1. Most of the page navigation adds the request parameters to the target URL. I would like to hide parameters to be hidden to the customer who is using the application (e.g. I would expect the URL to be something like "http://localhost:8080/books/Book.seam". The par...

Seam + hibernate + jsf on weblogic

I'm making a little project with Seam, Hibernate and JSF. This project run on JBoss 5.1. My boss wants to deploy this project on WebLogic. I read on the seam documentation that seam and WebLogic don't work fine together. I would like to know if I can use Hibernate (with JPA) and JSF on WebLogic and what framework (struts, spring?) I ca...