
Validating a wrong date entry in rich faces

In one of our functionality we have some date fields for inline edit where we have enabled manual input. If in rich:calendar component, we manually enter improper date or junk data it will not even call the action method. As per our requirement we need to display an error message for date validation for these kind of fields. Is there any...

Glassfish complaining about JSF component IDs

Hello All I am very new to JSF (v2.0) and I am attempting to learn it at places like netbeans.org and coreservlets.com. I am working on a very simple "add/subtract/multiply/divide" Java webapp and I have run into a problem. When I first started out, the application was enter two numbers and hit a '+' key and they would be automatically ...

How to Get JSF 2.0 Working with Eclipse 3.5 and JBoss 5.1

I am running Eclipse 3.5 and JBoss 5.1. I want to create a JSF 2.0 project. I heard here that the Eclipse JBoss Tools plugin version 3.1 (available here) could do this for me. I have installed the plugin. However, if I go to the Project Facets properties page for a Dynamic Web Project, I only see Facets for JavaServer Faces 1.1 and 1...

Redirecting to a Facelet is not working when extending FaceletViewHandler

I'm overriding the handleRenderResponse method defined in com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler: protected void handleRenderException(FacesContext context, Exception ex) I'm overriding this method so I can redirect the user to a custom error page (which contain the desired look and feel and other stuff). This is the way I'm trying to ...

Using Web Flow 2 in JSF application

Hi, I created a JSF cart application which runs just fine. I am using 'redirect' to fix the problem with refresh. The problem is when there is multiple page flow logic like if you haven't signed up you need to sign up or create an account, and once you do that you need to be redirected back to where you were when you were asked to sign u...

How to capture value from textarea during form submission

I am using textarea to capture book description but textarea doesn't have attribute "value", How to pass the value to bean. But the following mechanism to capture value doesn't seem to work <textarea cols="80" rows="3" spellcheck="false">#{_book.description}</textarea> ...

How to set cursor focus onload?

Hi, I use h:selectOneRadio tag. I need to set the cursor focus to first radio field. <f:view> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body> <h:form id="focusForm" > <h:selectOneRadio id="testRadioId" value=""> ...

problem on representing label of component in validation message in jsf

hi i am working on multilingual web application and i want to show label of components in validation message instead of client-id <h:outputLabel styleClass="default largest" value="#{text['test.name']}" id="testLabel" for="testInput"/> <t:inputText id="testInput" forceId="true" label="#{text['test.name']}" value="#{test}" autocomplete=...

How to call javascript from backingbean jsf

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( this.GetType(), "ReturnScript", "<script language='javascript'> alert('" + ErrorMsg + "');</script>"); alternate in java (JSF) ...

Java Framework Choice Question.

We do have many frameworks available in Java. Struts, Swing, JSF 2.0, Spring etc are used as per their priority. Actually, I don't know how many they are as well! But, as I am fresher to Java, even learning after their architecture, I cannot decide which framework can be used with what type of Projects ! Also, I am confused with mixed ...

Better <h:selectManyCheckbox> layout?

I have a JSF page. At one point, I have a <h:selectManyCheckbox> that is displaying a number of items. The tag provides 2 attributes you can set to define whether the contents should be displayed horizontally or vertically. However, with more than a few items both choices look bad. Go with horizontal, and everything ends up bunched up...

How to stop the user in entering text for h:inputText ?

I am using JSF 1.2 - My Faces Implementation. I have a form , I use h:inputText to display few values. There are 2 input boxes which should not be edited but shown to the user and should be submitted to the server when the submit it clicked. I tried readonly="true" and disabled="true", both did not solve the purpose! Any suggestions? ...

NullPointerExcpetion when trying to get sessionMap

I randomly get this excpetion when I try to reach my session to put a variable. java.lang.NullPointerException com.sun.faces.context.SessionMap.put(SessionMap.java:123) com.sun.faces.context.SessionMap.put(SessionMap.java:57) com.mycompany.servlet.MyCompanySecurityFilter.getVisitUrlMap(MyCompanySecurityFilter.java:130) My ...

What would be a correct implemantation of JSF Converter if I need to get an Integer to run a query? (should I use another interface)

HI here's my code: List.xhmtl <h:selectOneMenu value="#{produtosController.items}"> <f:selectItems value="#{produtosController.itemsAvailableSelectOne}"/> </h:selectOneMenu> <h:commandButton action="#{produtosController.createByCodigos}" value="Buscar" /> My Controller Class with innner Converter implemantation @ManagedBean (nam...

JSF 1.0 vs JSF 2.0

What is difference between these 2 version ? As a freshes to java, I just only got that, the difference is only at the point at architectural level. But, at a long perspective, I can't get that how much it affects to java ? Also, the MVC changes with JSF and Spring. Even if JSF has improved architecture, still Spring is in better use. Wh...

t:commandSortHeader not being styled

I've got the following JSF: <t:column styleClass="cb-status-column"> <f:facet name="header"> <t:commandSortHeader columnName="externalStatus" styleClass="cb-status-column"> Status </t:commandSortHeader> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{tx.externalStatus}" title="#{tx.externalStatus}"/> </t:colum...

Why is internationalization not working properly? JSF

Hello, This is my messages_en_US.properties file in WEB-INF/classes folder :- Login=Login And then i created messages_fr_FR.properties :- Login=frenchLogin Then in my JSF page i wrote this :- <f:loadBundle basename="messages" var="msg"/> <h:commandButton id="btnLogin" value="#{msg.Login}" actionListener="#{IndexBean.doLogin}"/>...

Cannot open xls file in IE

We have JSF web application that generates XLS file and gives user link to thes file. All works fine if access this file via HTTP. But IE(8) cannot open/save this xls file via HTTPS. There is following error message: Internet Explorer cannot download ...466088C5C313F92808BDB0AFF3447 from testhost. Internet Explorer was not able to op...

Hibernate+PostgreSQL throws JDBCConnectionException: Cannot open connection

I write an Test Java APP and it works right BUt this Web app throws an exception like that with to same cfg.xml file <property name="hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer">false</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.autocommit">true</property> <property name="hibernate.connection.release_mode">auto</property> <property n...

invalidate a session from EL

How can I invalidate a session using EL? ...