
Which is better to be use JSF's Action event or Javascript?

In my application i am enabling and disabling a button according to the value selected by the user from the <h:SelectOneMenu>. I am using a valueChangeListener for the same operation.My doubt is whether it is good to use javascript or the valueChangeListener for better performance. ...

How to limit the number of item shown in <h:Selectonemenu>?

How can we limit the size of h:selectonemenu to show suppose 10 values. In our application we have a drop down which has more then 100 values. ...

JSF 2.0 Temlating and injection of MB || CDI bean

Hi everyone! Problem: managed bean not injecting by template. Goal: I wan to decelerate logout button in template. Scenario: I am building j2ee 6 application with jsf 2.0 for web part. template file layout/template.xhtml <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-tr...

Seam security with externally-orchestrated SSO

I have an application deployed on WebLogic 10.3.2 (11g), in which the user logs in through SSO. In other words, if the user is not logged in, he is redirected to SSO, where he logs in, and then is redirected back to the application. The whole redirection takes place by an the Oracle HTTP Server (a modified apache), which makes sure that ...

javascript validation

I have two input fields say val1 and val2 in jsp.Let say val1 is dynamic, I need to restrict user entering the value of val2 not exceeding val1. It can be equal but not more. I tried with onKeypress but i was not able to success. Val1 value can be get from document.getElementById(..).value. Can anyone tell me the efficient way to do this...

<comp:fileUpload> supporing jar file?

Hi, I have use the following tag. But i don't know the jar file. i want to add that jar in my project. <%@ taglib uri="/tags/taglib" prefix="comp"%> and tag : <comp:fileUpload value="#{uploadBean.uploadedFile}" uploadIcon="" uploadOnMouseOver="" uploadOnMouseOut="" styleClass="" progressBarStyleClass="" cellStyleClass="" activeSty...

issues in multi page navigation in JSF

Hi, I am having problems in implementing menu navigation in JSF where I am using one header.jsp which is included in all other jsps, from main page forward navigation is working fine but if I want to go to any other page using dropdown menu I am getting javascript error as f: has no value. here is my header.jsp menu part <li><a href="...

Internationalization in javascript

I have a legacy JSF application. Now that we want to add i18n support to the application. Some portion of the textual content comes from javascript code and is added dynamically. How do we best internationalize this? The approach that i have in mind is to get the entire resource bundle as a json object from a server side script and then ...

How to set h:panelGrid height in JSF?

In JSF, I am using panelGrid which is equivalent to table in html. How to set height=100% in it? width=100% exists but not height. Thanks ...

hx:inputRowSelect in hx:dataTableEx

hi all, my requirement is that when ever i select a row(inputRowSelect ) in datatable i need to get the object for that selected row. there can be a single radio button and at the same time i want this to work for multiple selections as well(check boxes). i tried using valuchangelistner as well but didnt help. please give me pointers or...

storing separate session variables for different SelectOneMenu(s) in a dataTable JSF

I have a dataTable which has a value of a bean class which looks like this: public class myBean { private List<SelectItem> depList; With getters and setters. My getter calls a method buildDepList() which gets department names from the database and fills the depList. Here's how my JSP file looks like: <ice:dataTable id="speciali...

rich:fileUpload -- Nothing happening?

I'm trying to use RichFaces <rich:fileUpload> component (with Seam as the overall framework) to upload a series of files. However, when I click the "Add" button nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. I'm not prompted with an open dialog or anything. I have a JSF page with an , and inside of that form I have: <rich:fileUpload allowFlas...

How to prepopulate repeating h:selectOneMenu?

Modifying working form with one spot per order to multiple spots per order I met problems with prepopulating h:selectOneMenu. Exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value binding '#{spot.deliveryTypes}'of UISelectItems with component-path {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /order.jsp][Class: java...

RichFaces and JSF: Where does the fileUpload component upload files?

I'm trying to use this fileUpload component example to work in my own project. However, whenever I upload something, it says it uploads and completes successfully, but I have no idea where on the server it's going. I use the Windows search feature to find the filename of the file I just uploaded, but it doesn't return anything. Accordin...

JSF 2 cc: pass attribute into backing bean

I am creating a custom component that is an image viewer for a given product number. I access these files using a modified version of BalusC's ImageServlet: @WebServlet(name="ImageLoader", urlPatterns={"/ImageLoader"}) public class ImageLoader extends HttpServlet { private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 10240; // 10KB. ...

JSF 2.0 Sortable headers with h:datatable

I'm trying to add sortable headers to an h:dataTable. I'm attempting to follow http://balusc.blogspot.com/2006/06/using-datatables.html to do this. The following renders a link but it doesn't do anything. list.xhtml <h:dataTable value="#{iptableController.items}" var="item" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" ro...

how to render a datatable based on a list size in jsf using java EL?

how to render a datatable based on the list size in jsf using java EL? ...

How to import yahoo, gmail contacts in my JSF application

How can I import yahoo, gmail contacts in my application by giving username and password using JSF? I want to do functionality of send invitation from my application. ...

JSF Tag exception caused by f:setPropertyActionListener: Parent is not of type ActionSource

I have a web application written in plain old JSF that I want partially migrate to ICEfaces to use some of its components, namely confirmation panel for now. To use it, I changed my forms with links that require confirmation to ice: tag library from h:. Links I use should fire method that takes a parameter. The parameter is sent via f:se...

Call rich:modalPanel for every ajax request with out using a4j:status?

Hi, I am developing web application using JSF richfaces.I have one rich:modalpanel in main templete. This modalPanel have 'Your request is processing....." message. I want to show this message(modalPanel) every action(ajax request). But without using a4j:status element. Is there possible to acheive this(using listener or any otherway)...