
Importing jsf fragments

HI, I am using Eclipse, JSF. I have a jsf fragment a .jspf file which will be used across multiple projects and called by different .war projects. I was wondering if there is a way to place the .jspf files in 1 project and then import it into another project for use when displaying the different jsp files. I could just copy them over ...

Issue with resetting jsp page

I am working on a jsp page using richfaces. My current page has multiple feilds and an add and a reset button. The reset button works fine, calling a method in my backingbean which null the appropriate fields on the page and resets some other assorted values. The issue is with my add button. The add button calls a method which valida...

How to show the loading status in mouse?

Hi, I create jsp page using JSF Framework. If i perform some action(Login), then go to the backend and perform some process and it will return some value. Here this whole process will be taken some times. Now that time i want to show processing status (wait or busy status) in Mouse. That means after i press Login button , i want to sho...

JSF : How can i get the msg from message.property as a String in Java code ?

I want to get message.properties's message as a String in Java. How can I get it? ...

ICEfaces radio buttons

ICEFaces has strict restriction of closing every inner tag within the outer tag. But when creating a table layout how to incorporate various radiobuttons within different columns of the table. ...

How to remove text cursor in rich:ComboBox in Richfaces ?

I am using a combobox from richfaces. Check the following code <rich:comboBox id="combo" value="#{thebean.selectedValue}" enableManualInput="false"> <f:selectItems value="#{thebean.listOfValues}" /> </rich:comboBox> The items are displayed and is not editable. However, the text cursor appears when you click on the selected item. How t...

Hibernate Session closed problem!

The function below is the actionListener for a button I have in my web application, I am deleting the old chosen rows from a table in a database and inserting the new ones to the database. public void getSelectedExemptionItems(ActionEvent ae) { Session hibernateSession; Session hibernate2Session; selectedExemptio...

jsf : setfocus to inputText on pageload

I want to set focus on inputText field in JSF on page load. How can I implement this? ...

What is django? Can i use it with jsf??

Hello at present I am using jsf+hibernate+spring and i need to get data from session using django and iam new to it so any one can help me.... ...

how to draw a line between cells in jsf datatable?

How to draw line between cells in JSF datatable? ...

A List box of static data in JSF Request scoped Bean?

In a Screen to be rendered by a JSF Implementation, I had to show a static drop down or list box (which means the values are not changing ), So I decided to use a list of select Items and in the getter of the List , I am populating all the select Items as this List.add(new SelectItem(VALUE,TEXT)) and so on.. If I used this way - Wha...

JSF -- Alternative to "rendered="?

We're developing a Java web app that utilizes JSF (Richfaces through Seam) for its UI. I've read several articles that indicate that using the "rendered=" attribute on UI components results in a pretty substantial performance hit. We have several components that we'd like to enable or disable based on whether or not their values are se...

Richfaces + Spring DataTable DataScroler problem

I try to use Richfaces DataTable with DataTableModel to have server side paging and sorting. My tebaleModel is a spring bean with scope "request" and " proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS". On the page is a keepAlive tag for tebaleModel bean. When I click next the bean is initialized but it should be restored. Can anybody help....

JSF SelectItems: how to get both label and value

I am working on a jsp page which has a combo box: <h:selectOneMenu disabled="#{controller.disabled}" id="actualType" value="#{controller.active.actualType}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel=" " itemValue=" " /> <f:selectItems id="ACTUAL" value="#{controller.types}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> I need to get both the value and label ...

JSF : how to display search results ?

hi guys , i want to implement a small search engine , i have index page where user enter search keyword then he redirected to search results page so how to display the search results since they are dynamically generated i am using lucene and i have this page implemented in jsp (i want to redesign it in jsf) : <p style=" color: green"> <...

Problem with table layout

I have three drop down list <h:selectOneMenu>, and a <p:dataTable>. I want the three drop down list to be side by side with the dataTable. As I have right now, The three drop down lists are above the dataTable. I try to create bigger table and put the three drop down lists in one column, and put <h:dataTable> in another column to get the...

Controlling a rich:togglePanel with a select widget

Per this question I tried the following <h:selectOneMenu id="branchSelect" value="#{cloner.branchType}"> <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true" rerender="branchSelect, branchPanel" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="Constant" itemValue="constant" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="Pattern" itemValue="pattern" /> </h:selectOneMenu...

Validators Icefaces

I have validator classes in my application that display error messages in the ice:messages control but due to design issues I want to change the validation to only let the user insert the correct input. For Example if the user presses numbers in a text field that should take the name, it just won't let him type numbers. How can I possib...

How to fix extendedData selection change when not focused.

We have a page in a seam application using richfaces that contains an extendedDataTable plus one or more list boxes. We've found that, once you select something in the extendedDataTable and then switch to one of the list boxes, the extendedDataTable keeps responding to the up and down arrow keys, so if you use them to change the selecti...

Prevent onclick when ondblclick is triggered

Hello, stackoverflow world! I have h:panelGrid, containing some elements. I want to trigger an action when user clicks it and I want to trigger another action when use double clicks it. I have the following code now: <h:panelGrid ...> <a4j:support event="ondblclick" actionListener="#{page.doubleClicked}"/> <a4j:support event="onc...