
I am using jsf, hibernate and Spring in my project and now i need to implement JBPM(JBOSS)

hello I am using jsf 2.0, hibernate and Spring in my project and now i need to implement JBPM(JBOSS) and totally i am new to jbpm and using glassfish server so how can i add this stuff... ...

How to check if a JSF UIComponent is valid in a jsp file?

In a jsp file, is there a way to find a component on that page and check if that component is valid. Say i have a an input field, and a panelGroup with complex html that should be showed if validation failed on the input field. What i'm really looking for is a EL expression for the rendered attribute on the panelGroup. I tried playing ...

Problems referring a css from an XHTML

In my JSF Application (My faces 1.2.3) , I am referring to a css file as <link href="css/nav.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />, This worked when the rendered HTML is accessed as an HTML file using the browser but not inside my customized servlet container. It wasn't referring correctly, eventhough the relative path was corre...

JSF2: Pass objects from one requestscoped bean into another Requestscoped bean?

Hi, In JSF2, how can i pass objects from one requestscoped bean to another requestscoped bean? I really don't want to make them sessionscoped. Maybe can i inject one bean in the other? Thank you. ...

How do I turn off minified JavaScript under Richfaces?

For the purposes of debugging I need to make Richfaces use non-minified JavaScript. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? ...

Detect page unload with JSF; influencing <body> tag from JSF

Hello I have a JSF web app which, after some user manipulation, opens a connection to an IBM MQ Q Manager, ie does something. When the user navigates away from the page (using FF only) or closes the browser, I would like my app to detect this and close the connection gracefully. All I can find thus far on the web are references to wind...

Write a custom HtmlResponseWriter JSF

Hello guys, For many internal problems that doesn't count now, We have a Servlet filter that changes all outcome that's application/xhtml+xml and rewrite to text/html;charset=UTF-8 so even using the facelets it'll work with no problem with IE 6.0. My question is on the HtmlResponseWriter, which is the component responsible for the rend...

Expression language implicit objects

How can the JSF implicit objects be access via expression language? For example, if I wanted to determine what roles the current principal is associated with, how could I do this? ...

JSF - Highlight changed data in table (within transaction) Reusable framework

While implementing a data entry utility, I was given the need to highlight fields in a table whose values were changed by that transaction. (Not all fields in the table are required to change) A reusable framework for this could replicate the same functionality for similar utilities/transactions without the replicated cost of a "one of...

How to compile facelets?

Many times I had errors like: -tag is not closed(xml error) -xhtml has duplicated id Id like to write validator to check is those errors exist in files. I bet there is some facelets compiler that compile xhtml into java classes and than validates it. ...

Hiding an a4j:outputPanel and showing it on submit a4j command button ..

Hello, From now on, I have this : ..... <a4j:commandButton action="#{ChoixContratBean.Submit1}" reRender="suite" value="valider" > </a4j:commandButton> </a4j:outputPanel> <a4j:outputPanel display="none" id="suite"> <jsf:outputText id="reponseeFormule"............ which works. the suite panel is rerendered. But I wo...

Nested tables with jsf datatable component..

Hi, Does any one have an idea how to generate and populate nested tables with JSF. An example of the expected output: <table align="center" width="100%" border="1"> <tr> <th colspan="6" scope="col">School </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="6" scope="col">Time </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="6" scope="col"> Seme...

cache provider for hibernate + jsf + spring

Which cache provider is suggested for an application that uses Hibernate3 Spring JSF2 ...

How to make two JSF selectOneMenu that depend on each other?

I have two instances of selectOneMenu, one dependent on the other. But my processValueChange in the bean is never invoked. JSP portion: <h:selectOneMenu id="slaPeriod" onchange="submit()" required="true"> <f:selectItems value="#{LoginForm.periodList}"/> <f:valueChangeListener type="form.LoginForm" /> </h:selectOneMenu> I want to ...

webpage expired when back button pressed on JSF(Richfaces) submit

My title maybe confusing so please read on. I'm using the following technologies if you may. Spring, Hibernate, JSF (RichFaces), MySQL, Internet Explorer. I have a List of items which is displayed in a RichFaces datatable like so: item a item b item c item d item e On the same page I have the following buttons: search, edit, add, de...

Default value for h:inputText

Hi all, Imagine a text box, bound to a ManagedBean: <h:inputText id="name" value="#{mb.name}"/> I would like to default the field to a value. I know I can set the value in the ManagedBean at construction time, but that doesn't work for me as I use the same ManagedBean as a backing bean in different xhtml pages. And I don't want the...

Recommended JSF 2.0 CRUD frameworks

Hi all, Can somebody recommend any framework to facilitate CRUD development in JSF 2.0? Aspects I value most: As lightweight as possible; limited dependencies on third party libraries Support for an evolving domain model Limited need for repetitive coding; support for scaffolding and/or metaannotations Any hints highly appreciated...

Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization

a standard case - you have a controller (@Controller) with @Scope("session"). classes put in the session usually are expected to implement Serializable so that they can be stored physically in case the server is restarted, for example If the controller implements Serializable, this means all Services (other spring beans) it is referring...

How to get selected datatable row using icefaces ?

I want to get selected row data from ice:datatable ? Here is me code , please give me your suggestion to get selected row data using rowselector. Backingbean: public void rowSelectionListener(RowSelectorEvent event) { System.out.println(event.getRow()); } jspx code: <ice:rowSelector id="selected" selectionListener="#{invent...

JSF + backing bean: How to detect when the application first load

How do I do something like this Inside JSF file, list.xhtml <p:dataTable value="#{document.drawings}" var="item"> //document is the backing bean that has method getDrawings() that return list of item </p:dataTable> Inside my backing bean, document.java List<Drawing> drawings; ... public void List<SelectItem> getDrawings()...