
<p:ajax event="change"> wont work on runtime generated data

I have this: <h:selectOneMenu id="facility" value="#{document.facility}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="A" itemValue=""/> <f:selectItem itemLabel="B" itemValue=""/> <f:selectItems value="#{document.facilities}"/> <p:ajax actionListener="#{document.test}" update="project" event="change"/> </h:selectOneMenu> document is t...

How to set tabindex on panelTabSet in ICEfaces

How can I specify the tabindex of a panelTabSet? I have tried setting it on the both the panelTabSet: <ice:panelTabSet id="foo" tabindex="4"> ... and on the panelTabs <ice:panelTab id="bar" tabindex="4"> ... What am I missing? ...

<h:inputText inside <t:datatable not set

hi all. i am new to JSF. i have a problem with tag my .jsp page is like this: <h:form id="form1"> <t:inputHidden id="primaryKey" value="#{EditConfigurationBean.primaryKey}" forceId="true" /> <t:inputHidden id="beanName" value="#{EditConfigurationBean.beanName}" f...

Resolve EL variables in Javascript with FacesServlet

I was externalizing in a file all my Javascript code inside and application, and to resolve all the EL variables inside the code I tried to use BalusC solution 2 proposed as an answer to this SO question. I am trying to use the Faces Servlet to handle JS files when requested. The problem comes that when I set up so, the JS file is not ...

Showing the JSF Error Messages

I am using JSF Myfaces Impl 1.2 without tomahawk and other libs : I am using different styles + images to show JSF Error messages, find below a sample. <h:panelGroup rendered="${adminBean.showErrorIcon==2}"> <table width="375" align="center" class="InfoMsg" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table wi...

JSF EL expression renders question marks (?) for Chinese characters inside JavaScript

I am using an EL expression inside JavaScript for rendering Chinese value. alert('#{bundle.chinese}'); But it renders question marks (?) instead of actual characters. When I use it outside a script tag in the same XHTML page, e.g. <p>#{bundle.chinese}</p> It renders the right chinese Characters. View source shows the html UTF enc...

modalPanel lazy rendering when displayed

Motivation: I want to reduce the size of the page when is accessed, so I thought that lazy rendering on modalPanels would help. The idea is to render the modalPanel when the user clicks the link that displays it. I want to lazy render on rich:modalPanel when the link to display it is clicked. To achieve this I've found a way: Code of t...

Date Validation in JSF & Richfaces

I m using a rich:calendar to display Date in my application But some how date validation isn't working properly in a particular scenario. i.e it some one enters date as 05/05/2010sfc in this case it automatically trims the extra characters in the end and displays date properly in next page instead of giving an error of invalid date on...

Java Server Faces video tutorials

any one please suggest me the video tutorial link about JSF and JSF with ajax support video tutorials..... ...

How do i add a HTML Break <br /> in the JSF FacesMessage I create

By Default , every JSF FacesMessage is added in a single row , I wanted to add a HTML in the message itself, so that the error is shown neatly. I tried few ways but was not successful. I am using Facelets, JSF 1.2 without Tomahawk or other libs and XHTML Transitional Doctype ...

How to invoke a JSF backing bean method from a non-faces request ?

We have a requirement to replace our current login, for a web-application written in JSF using single sign-on. Currently our login.jsp invokes the authenticate method on a backing bean to achieve this and perform additional role validations. Now authentication will be done by my single sign-on server, but how do i invoke the authenticate...

Using JSF with multiple tabs in one browser

By default JSF appears to be very 'stateful'. I need to allow people to use our application with multiple tabs doing many things in different parts of the application. I can't seem to find decent instruction on making this happen without a whole lot of re-engineering. We do not currently use ICEfaces, but I just found this in the ICEfa...

jsf - intercept when user departs page

Hi - I have the following 3 simple pages in a JSF app. index.html start.html confirmSuccess.thml start.html is a simple form, with a "GO!" button and a html link back to index.html. When the user clicks GO! it kicks of a transaction in the backing bean. If this fails, I want start.html form redisplayed, but with an error explaining ...

Richfaces: Passing additional parametrs to suggestionbox`s suggest method

I need to pass additional parametrs to my suggest method. For example: I have one selectList in which i choose a country. In another inputfield i have suggestionbox, where i can choose city from that country. So i need to pass to my suggest method 2 values: String, which user has typed in suggestionfield Country, which user has cho...

Dynamically changing the visibility of the JSF components

Hi, My requirement is like this: I am having a text input and whenever a value change event occurs, a select many list box has to be populated. If there is no matching records found, then a text input has to appear instead of a select many list box. <h:column> <h:selectManyListbox size="3" value="#{hostInfoBean.gateKeeperendPoint...

Displaying error message in popup JSF

How to generate popup while displaying validation error? For example for <h:inputText required="true"> if I skip and press submit button I want to display <h:message> in a popup. Is that possible in JSF 2.0 or using jQuery or any other? ...

Issue with JSF ViewExpiredException and multiple error-page tag definitions in web.xml

I'm working on a JSF web application in which I need to bring up a "Session Expired" page if the view expires, but a general technical error page for all others. The application only goes to the technical error page when I trigger the exception. Here's the error-page definitions: <error-page> <exception-type>javax.faces.applicati...

how to do autocomplete="off" at form level in JSF

how to do autocomplete="off" at form level in JSF? ...

Show error within JSF page and continue rendering it instead of redirecting to separate error page

Whenever there is an error during the load of a JSF facelet, JSF stops rendering the page at the point of the error and shows the error page instead (default behavior). I want JSF to continue rendering a page instead and show the exception/error within the page. For example if the page is loading a "portlet", which throws an exception, t...

ww.w3.org/1999/xhtml]. JAR containing the TLD may not be in the classpath

when i am trying to running jsf project using the ice faces i am getting this error 10:56:54,144 ERROR JspPageToDocument:104 - Can't find TLD for location www.w3.org/1999/xhtml]. JAR containing the TLD may not be in the classpath . waht needs to be add to get rid of this error. ...