
Xhtml pages and HttpSession test , no jstl ?

I have a dynamic web application in JEE with JSF, Facelets, Richfaces. My pages are all xhtml pages. So JSTL isn't working in it. For my account pages and all other private pages to be reachable, I want to test if the user got connected, so if the attribute session in HttpSession is not null. If it's null, the user gets redirected in th...

nested el in jsf

I am having a problem with nested EL for <t:inputText> required Attribute. I am using tomahawk implementation. I have a dataTable with 2 columns of inputText. I have forceId=true for both the inputText boxes. When you look at view source of page, id's looks as postal[0] and zone[0] where postalCode and zone are the id's of textBox and th...

JSF2: Open Session in View with EJBs?

Hi, Does it make sense to talk about the Open Session In View Pattern within JSF2 applications? My app has JSF2 Managed Beans calling Business Service EJBs that do all the db-related stuff (there's a DAO layer but that doesn't matter right now). Having OSIV pattern would mean that the Managed Bean would have to somehow make sure the un...

JSF/Seam -- Nested/Recursive iteration

I've got a situation where I would like to perform nested iterations on a series of options and display the results using JSF. As an example, think of a discussion board. Each comment may contain a parent comment and 0-n child comments. So, my root object would be something like this: public class MyObject { ... public List<Comment...

How to force refresh of datatable via AJAX in JSF 2.0?

I've got datatable, which is pulling information from a database. I've added a button to the form that I want to use to force the table (id of "table") to refresh, however I'm not sure how to do it. What I have now is: <h:commandButton value="Refresh"> <f:ajax render="table"/> </h:commandButton> My goal was to have the table com...

How to disable page/form in JSF

For my application I want to have users with different permissions. One permission would allow a user to view the data from my database, while another permission would allow them to edit the data. On log in I would check their permission to determine wether they can edit the data. I am looking for some way to disable the entirety of m...

Show or Hide HTML DIV in JSF 1.2

When the Apache My Faces JSF 1.2 Implementation renders an HTML page behind the scenes , is it even possible to set/code something which will display a pure HTML Table / DIV (NOT the jsf component ) conditionally. When I searched , I saw that , using h:panelGroup is a solution, but I haven't tried yet, posting here for any better methods...

Starting with JSF

I installed Eclipse,Apache tomcat 6.0, and jdk on my PC. Now i want to start my first JSF Hello world Application Tutorial using eclipse and tomcat. Using This tutorial i want to make a starting application in JSF. Any Type of helping material for starting JSF in Eclipse will be help full for me Any text tutorail and video tutorial. ...

Templates with Facelets and calling action from template's component ?

Hello everyone ! I'm a newbie in JSF, facelet, richfaces... and I understood managed beans, methods called within JSF components However, I wanted to use facelets template with the ui:composition, ui:define, like master pages in asp.net But I have an action that's meant to be called in a masterpage component... and I keep having the s...

spring scope request bean is resolved to be null

hi all . I'm new to spring, currently i use the request scope and get the following exceptions: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /login/login.xhtml @11,86 action="#{loginViListWeb.nextPage}": Target Unreachable, identifier 'loginViListWeb' resolved to null the part of the .xhtml is: <h:outputText value="#{loginViListWeb.empName}"/...

What are better Java web application frameworks (Suggestions please)?

hi friends, I am new to Java Web Application. I am practicing with JSF2. Is it better to use any framework with JSF or just should I move with JSF? If it is better to use Framework, what you experienced guys suggest me? ...

Authentication / Authorization in JSF web application ?

I found there are 2 types of authentication mechanism in JSF. JASS Container managed (please correct if I am wrong) I tried searching for a better tutorial that guide to learn any of those method. Unfortunately I was ended up in many of uncompleted lessons. Can any one provide me a solid tutorial or any guide where I can catch the r...

how to count opened newwindows?

Hi everyone, I want to count the number of opened new windows. But, when i close the opened newWindow ,then reduce the window count. My new window have closelink also. May be i choose either closelink or browser close window. Update If i have open 2 new window, then i calculate currently opened window. But, if any window i close...

JSF : immediate true causes problem in searching the product

Hi, All I am facing the problem of immediate = "true" in my project. I have applied immediate = "true" on search commandLink to By Pass the validation. but it affects the search functionality. it does not execute the search method... what is the problem can anyone explaine... is there any way to bypass the validation and search the ...

redirect to http back after https in tomcat + jsf

Hi! I have a login page that I would like to show in https. After validating the user, I would like to transfer him back to http. So I declared in web.xml <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Login and Restricted Space URLs</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/general/enter.jsf</url-pattern> </web-...

Create drop down menu in seam with s:selectItems

Hi guys, I have just started to learn seam framework. I decided to code two drop down menus. One listing categories and other listing subcategory. The idea is that user will first select a category and depending on that a subcategory will be populated. <h:selectOneMenu value="#{manager.category}" required="true"> <a:support ev...

problem with <p:dialog> and facelets

hi all i'm facing a litte problem with primefaces and facelets here's the problem: i got a template file, that will be my base for all my screens. <p:growl id="cadastroMessages" /> <p:panel header="#{header}"> <h:form id="#{formId}"> <h:panelGrid columns="4"> <p:commandButton value="#{msg.novo}" action="#{ma...

Problems with javascript and h:commandLink

<a href="#" onclick="return oamSubmitForm('display_form','display_form:link_prev');" id="display_form:link_prev"> &lt; Prev</a> <a href="#" onclick="return oamSubmitForm('display_form','display_form:link_next');" id="display_form:link_next"> Next &gt;</a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr>...

JSF doesn't interpreted in seam

Hy guys, I installed jboss-seam on weblogic 10.3 (with many problem :( ) but now it's work, my application is deployed. But now, I have a new problem, my JSF isn't interpreted and the JSF code appears in HTML. Here is my web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xml...

prepare a wizard flow using jsf

hi, I am trying to creating a small wizard using jsf1.2 sun RI +richfaces. The user sets input data in multiple pages and in the end presses finish upon which the data is inserted in database. The info is displayed as a row in a table with edit button. when edit is clicked the data is populated in all the pages and user can edit and sav...