
Create JSF datatable with selectonemenu and fill its data from database

Hello.. I'm trying to create a jsf datatable with select one menu and to fill it from database but can't get it work here is my JSF code: <ice:dataTable id="dataTable1" value="#{Page1.users}" var="users"> <ice:column id="column2"> <ice:outputText id="userID" value="users.userId"/> ...

First simplest composite component not working. JSF

Hello, I am following this tutorial :- http://blogs.sun.com/enterprisetechtips/entry/true_abstraction_composite_ui_components But it's not working for me. This is my index.xhtml :- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transition...

JSF backing bean can't access the override method of the nested calss

hi all. i'm using jsf1.2 The xhtml as followings: <h:commandLink label="Open" action="#{surveySubFmTreeViListWeb.dtw.updatePage}"> then the backing bean looks like: public class SurveySubFmTreeViListWeb { ..... private DataTableWeb<Entity> dtw = new DataTableWeb<Entity>(Entity.class) { @Override ...

JSF 2 composite:actionSource exposing commandButtons in ui:repeat

Hi, In my composite component, I have a ui:repeat that has, among other static things, a command button, like this: <ui:repeat var="article" value="#{cc.attrs.articleList}"strong>Aricle: #{article}</strong> <h:commandButton id="addToFavs" value="Subscribe" binding="..." type="..." > <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#...

rich:extendeddatatable to get the first row object during column filterby and pagination

I have a extended table to be populated based on the search result. In the extendeddatatable in one page there will be 10 rows displayed, with the first column as a link.When user clicks on the link more details of the row object will be displayed below the rich:extendeddatatable.By default the first row details should be displayed below...

JSF and progressive enhancement: is it possible?

Has anybody tried to approach building JSF (or JSF2) apps with progressive enhancement in mind? As some of the key built-in components of JSF can't work without JavaScript enabled on the client-side, my guess is that it should very difficult to do progressive enhancement in JSF and it should require development of numerous components tha...

How could randomly my session is null?

I am using Tomcat 6.0, JSF2.0.2 I realized that randomly HttpServletRequest getSession method, returns null. I could the session randomly be null? How can I debug who sets the session to null? I checked it with request.getSession(true) and it returns null. How could it be that it cannot create a session? ...

JSF, Hibernate and serving a BLOB

I want to serve an image saved as a blob in a MySQL Database through hibernate3 in a JSF application. My intention is that /myapp/image/get.faces?id=x will serve the image saved in the database with id x. How to achieve this? ...

"Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions" Hibernate, Spring, JSF

I'm starting to lose faith in Hibernate. It has caused me nothing but weird problems throughout the last few days. Upon deleting an entity from the database I get the following exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions at org.hibernate.collection.AbstractPersisten...

JSF navigation for Header Menu is not working with h:commandlink

Hi, we are using menu with sub menus which is implemented using JSF but forward navigation is working fine but backward navigation is not working please help in this. this is my header jsp: <ul> <li class="bottomline"> <h:commandLink value="General Ledger Mapping" action="#{fyeSelection.getGLMappin...

mailto: on selected option from selectOneMenu in JSF

I want to implement mailto: link in jsf on selected option in selectOneMenu(dropdown list) how can i implement this ? ...

New line in a4j:commandbutton value is removed after reRender'ed

:) Hi all, this is my first post after searching through the forum for similar posts I have buttons that look like this: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-10/1223248/pc3.JPG (Sorry but it said that new user needs 10 reputation to post images and more than one link) and here is the code of the button: <a4j:commandButton styleClass="p...

Jsf library with web.xml

Jsf library (that is included in WEB-INF/lib) might contain its own faces-config.xml file. Is it possible for such a library to include also its own web.xml file? ...

JSF Conversion and Validation

I have an .xhtml page that is processed by the faces servlet in Tomcat. GET requests to the page look like this /module.xhtml?mod=6. I need to validate the integer parameter 'mod'. 'mod' is the ID of the Module object which is to be displayed on the module.xhtml page. Here's what I have far in module.xhtml: <f:metadata> <f:viewPara...

what is none scope bean and when to use it?

hi, could some explain what a none scope is and purpose of it? Suppose if i have a bean in request scope as r1 session scope as s1 application scope a1 and say i inject none scope bean n1 in to each of above scopes then i find that n1 gets instantiated for each parent bean when ever its parent bean[r1/s1/a1] is instantiated. no...

How to call an action method of a UICommand Component which was rendered conditionally? - 2

My previous for the same problem , Now, I am in a same situation and looking for some solutions / suggestions. My Restrictions are My Bean has to be request scoped I cannot use tomahawk - we use a customized app server built on tomcat + SOA - blah , blah so we cannot use. I have a collection of search results which is different fo...

JSFUnit with Spring Security Filter

I am trying the example of JSF2+tomcat. When I don't have Spring Security Filter in my web.xml it works fine. <filter> <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name> <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name> <u...

Richfaces fileupload UI look and feel

I am using richfaces, in our project and there is a fileupload component in richfaces. I want to change the UI of component. Like, one InputText box followed with browse button followed by upload button. There is any way of getting the change of fileupload UI using xcss file? ...

how to add taglibs and jar files in eclipse for autosuggest?

I do not know how do i do this? If I press ctrl + spacebar in eclipse editor , I was able to see jsf tag attributes, .XHTML Attributes and all - now they are gone. How do I enable them? Thanks, ...

JSF (Myfaces) converter resource bundle messages

Hi, does anyone know where I can get a list of the converters used by JSF so I can set a custom message for them in the resource bundle? ...