
playing flv videos in jsp/j2ee

i want to play flv videos on my website. The video files are not stored on my server but i only have the url of video . The url of video donot end with .flv. So my flv player( jw player) gives error "video not found " . only if the url is ending with .flv then it plays. How can i play the videos whose path dont end with .flv ?? I cant ...

j2ee input output stream

i want to creat a pipe between clint browser<->my server <-> some other server .For downloadin some file. I am using apache tomcat as my server. How can i create the pipe via my server ? i dont have mucg space on my server . So i dont wan to save files on my server .I just want the download data to go via my server due to some reasons....

Add Jar to Runtime Path for JSP

I'm using IBM's Rational Software Architect (essentially Eclipse I suppose). I have a JAR file that contains Proxy classes to access a Web Service (JAX-RPC). I've created a Dynamic Web Project with a simple JSP page in which I'm trying to consume the Web Service using a Proxy class from this library. Code from the JSP page: <jsp:useBean...

javascript with jsp

Ok its a continuation of my crap attempts of using client side scripts along with server side elements. <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-eq...

JSP compiler and IKVM

Did anybody try to compile some JSP compiler into .NET assembly using IKVM? My point is that I'm trying to port an application from JSP (just pure JSP pages, but lots of them) into .NET and I'd like to make the first spike using IKVM-compiled JSP compiler to get it up and running in as little time as possible. Matthias. ...

Is it possible, In JSP, to print the value of a variable whose name is in another variable ?

The problem i am having is like this there is variable <core:set var="type">*one of: load,migrate, or ...* </core:set> and the value of load, migrate, is a map. Now, i want to print the value of these based on the type? Is it possible at all? ...

Whats the difference between "${foo.bar}" and "#{foo.bar}" ?

I can use objects from my Java Beans within .jsp files by using the Expression Language (EL). Therefore I can get my value by typing ${foo.bar}. But I can also use #{foo.bar}. Can anybody explain the difference or provide a link with meaningful information? ...

Caching of swf files in Flex application

Hi, I've created a Flex application and the size of the swf file is ~900KB. My trouble is that the files are not getting cached. When I launch the application for the second time, the swf file is fetched again from the server. I'm including the swf file in a jsp, and I'm not modifying any HTTP Caching Headers. I assumed that the swf f...

How to avoid resubmit in jsp when refresh?

I am writing a program, but i encounter a problem: when I refresh the jsp page, system will automatically resubmit the whole page, and i don't know how to avoid it, can someone help me ? ...

Dynamic HTML Table rows added and filled and inserted in to databse

I needed a solution , to implement adding dynamic HTML table rows and filling them with details , the rows should then be added to database on submit. what is the best way to implement this in jsp.The jsp page on load get the data from the database and creates rows, i can edit the row values and it should be updated,also new rows can be ...

.htaccess and rewrite of URL

Need help with .htaccess - not able to get what i want... Ugly URL - http://www.onnlist.com/punerealestate.jsp?section=realestate&amp;file=pune Want Better URL (such as) - mysite/realestate/pune/punerealestate.html here is my latest .htacess file - of course this does not work - Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^p...

how to prevent reexecute action when refresh in jsp

I use jsp to write a application, and i encounter such a problem, that the browser will always cache the URL i execute, so when user refresh the page, the action will be execute again. for example: ">transfer; if i clicked the link, and after that , i refresh the page, this action will be execute again. I also know, that i need to us...

War file deployment

I wrote a jsp application, and if I generate a war file with eclipse in windows XP, language: tradition Chinese. and deploy to weblogic, it will have such problem: inputAdministrator.jsp:251:11: This type name is ambiguous because it matches more than one '*'-import, including 'java.io.*' and 'admin.iguard.businessObject.*'. ...

IllegalAccessError when calling ant script from maven-antrun-plugin

I just updated Maven from 2.0.9 to 2.2.1 and I'm getting the following exception when running a maven build: INFO] [antrun:run {execution: precompile-jsp}] [INFO] Executing tasks default: jspc: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\builds\trunk\webapps\vyre_portlets\WEB-INF\jsp_src [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------...

How do I set Tomcat Manager Application User Name and Password for NetBeans?

I'm trying to follow a tutorial to make an extremely basic Java web application in NetBeans. When I try to run it, a dialogue box appears title "Authentication Required". Inside the dialogue box there the heading "Tomcat Manager Application" and fields for "User Name" and "Password." Investigating this, I've come to understand that I ...

URL rewrite using .htaccess

I am trying to rewrite the URL From ---> http://www.onnlist.com/punerealestate.jsp?section=realestate&amp;file=pune To -----> myserver/realestate/pune/punerealestate.html my suggested .htaccess is ---> Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/punerealestate.html /punerealestate.jsp?section=$1&file=$2 [L]...

Where does the log file locate in a web application with log4j?

With the following settings: log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.file.maxFileSize=100KB log4j.appender.file.maxBackupIndex=5 log4j.appender.file.File=test.log log4j.appender.file.threshold=info log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{AB...

How to give JSP permissions with SecurityManager policy file in Resin?

We are trying to use SecurityManager with Resin 3.1.9 and run into the following problem: CodeSource.getLocation() returns null for compiled JSPs. This means that we cannot use a specific codebase in grant clause in our policy file, for example: grant codeBase "file:/path_to_resin/runtime/work/-" { OR grant codeBase "file:/path_to_resi...

Intellij 7.0.3 jsp tag namespace

I am declaring a namespace and binding it in a jsp file. i then include this JSP file in other files. however, the JSP file that contains this include complains that the namespace is not bound. Is there a way I can get intellij to intelligently understand that there is a file that is included and the namespace is bound in that file? ...

Access denied when attempting to connect to MySQL from jsp in NetBeans

I'm trying run a simple Java/MySQL web app tutorial in NetBeans. I am able to connect to my database from a standard Java program in NetBeans, and Tomcat is working. But when I try to connect to the database from a JSP, I get the following error: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Unable to get connection...