
Configure Restlet to Return JSPs on Google App Engine?

I have a developed a Restlet application. I would like to return a JSP file on a URL request through Restlet. How can I achieve this without using a redirect? i.e. Let's say I have the file "contact.jsp" on mydomain.com and I want people to be able to access contact.jsp at http://mydomain.com/contact Thus, in Restlet, I would have: r...

Asynchronous file upload (AJAX file upload) using jsp and javascript

I am planning on having asynchronous file uploads. That is the file should be uploaded to a jsp or servlet and return something to the html/jsp page without reloading the original page. It should happen like an AJAX call. Is there any way to do it in AJAX or any other way to do it. ...

What are the common tricks in eclipse when working with jsp files?

I looked through this list of “Hidden” features/tricks for Eclipse?", but it doesn't have anything for web-developement (jsp). A very useful list of tricks for a general eclipse user! I work with jsp pages in Eclipse Ganymede, and I would like to find out a list of shortcuts commonly used to facilitate development. I always seem to str...

Accessing context parameters within Servlet Filters

Thanks to everyone in advance, I am trying to access any context parameters in the web.xml from within a servlet filter. Below is a portion from my web.xml file. I have verified that the context-param node is accessible via a jsp page using out.print(getServletContext().getInitParameter("error"));. <filter> <filter-name>prePost</filt...

PHP vs JSP: Which Should I Learn?

I already have some knowledge in Java and I was looking to start writing scripts for web development. I was wondering if I should just learn .jsp since I already have a Java background or is PHP that much better I should take the time and learn it. I'm looking for some pros and cons for each, or just a straight out witch ones better!...

Web User Interface for a Java application

Hello, I'm trying to create a web user interface for a Java application. The user interface is going to be very simple, consisting of a single page with a form for users to pose their queries, and a results page -- sort of like Google's search engine or Ask.com. I'm quite familiar with the base API of Java, but I don't have much experi...

What does it mean by putting dots into a struts forward tag?

As the example below, I came across this one when reading the source code of JAVA D.I.Y Forum. <forward name="feedback" path=".page.index.feedback"/> <forward name="group" path=".page.index.group"/> ...

jsp pointing in web.xml

hie i have all my web application contents inside a directory ui/page of WEB folder. I declared a welcome file pointing to /ui/page/index.html and it works fine. but all the links on the page still points to root folder instead of /ui/page so how to fix it? ...

most popular j2ee based websites

J2EE as I understand is used to build Enterprise applications. My question is :What are the most popular public facing(internet) sites using j2ee stack. The one's that I know of are : linkedIn.com ,evite.com and sun ibm and oracle (obviously) Eclipse.org uses php, I wonder why? If you have worked on/know any other sites, can your s...

How to inject spring beans into a jsp 2.0 SimpleTag ?

Currently my jsp 2.0 tags that need spring beans use this code: ac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext( servletContext); ac.getBeansOfType(MyRequestedClass.class); The I just get the first matching bean. This code works fine, but has the undesired drawback that I spend about half my page rendering time looking up sp...

JSP tricks to make templating easier?

At work I've been tasked with turning a bunch of HTML files into a simple JSP project. It's really all static, no serverside logic to program. I should mention I'm completely new to Java. JSP files seem to make it easy to work with common includes and variables, much like PHP, but I'd like to know a simple way to get something like templ...

java package in jsp

i am using netbeans6.7 ide i have created a jsp file usermanagement.jsp in jspfiles folder in web folder and created a java package com.test.test1 then created a java class in temp in this java package now i want to import this java package in usermanagement.jsp i have written <%@ page import=''%> but my package is not getting populat...

JSP hosting on Google App Engine?

Any body hosted JSP in GoogleAppEngine... I Expect the user experiences from GoogleAppEngine Is it easy to maintain JSP/Servlet . I have used another free webhosting service.But it wasnt nice to manage and use. ...

Generating PDF files dynamically in servlets?

Is there any way to create PDF dynamically against receiving texts and images? ...

what's the right technique to redirect an Exception from a Servlet to a default error JSP?

I need to have a default error JSP page which is shown when an exception is thrown by the servlet, and that page will show the stacktrace.. How do I do that?? is there a right technique (provided by the API) or I have to do it manually?? I mean, sending the exception thrown as an attribute and then dealing with it by myself?? Thanks ...

How to map a class to a jsp tag ?

I see some program, in its jsp code, it has following : And it will be mapped into a class. When you put some database object into this tag, it will automatically loop to load the data from database. I want to know, In Jsp, how to map the JSP tag to a class? Then when there is a such tag, system will know it should load a class to pro...

Unable to compile class for JSP error?

i want to use the Java program in JSP. i have created java program Helloworld under package sam.jni then in JSP program i called the Java class file using <@ page import="sam.jni.Helloworld"> after deploying the JSP file i am getting unable to compile class for JSP error where am i doing wrong ? ...

Getting the actual jsp line number from a stack trace line number?

Here is the stacktrace: ... org.apache.jsp.showcustomer_jsp._jspService(showcustomer_jsp.java:128) org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(Unknown Source) This is what I do: Get the line number from the stacktrace, in this case 128. Find the showcustomer_jsp.java file (and it isn't exactly obvious to look in /var/run/tomcat-6/...

Getting error when using post method in form

I am getting null when I am using post method while passing a form to the next page A repeat of this question link text <html> <head> Title <script> function callme() { alert("Hi"); alert(document.getElementById("prio").value); } </script> </head> <body> <FORM method="post" name="test"enctype="multipart/form-dat...

How to set session variable

I want to set the current form object as session parameter before submitting the form.Is it possible? <html> <head> Title </head> <body> <FORM method="test" name="test" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="sample.jsp" > <select name="test" id="test"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit">...