
Is it possible to cache JSP bytecode to avoid recompiles w/ Tomcat?

Hi, Is there any way of caching the bytecode for JSP webapps/ In particular, using Tomcat as the Java servlet? I'm getting really fed up of Tomcat taking up all the CPU for 10 minutes while it compiles 4 different webapps every time I restart it.... I'm already using Jikes to "speed up" the compiles, but it's really killing me. The cod...

How to define an onLoad function in JSF template that will be defined elsewhere

I'm designing the view for my site, which has a standard login and landing page, and I want to have an onLoad function called for my login page, but not for my other pages (yet). I've got a template.xhtml file, which has this insert: <div id="content"> <ui:insert name="content"/> </div> Then in login.xhtml I have: ...

JSP / servlet combination doesn’t submit form on Enter if only form element is a submit button

This is a follow on to my previous question: JSP / servlet / IE combination doesn’t submit form detail on Enter Inside the form, we have: <input ... type="submit" name="confirm" value="Confirm"/> There are no input fields on this form. This form appears at the end of a workflow and is essentially a verification to proceed. This fo...

getting marathi data from request.getParameter.

In my request Queryparameter="आकुर्डी". When I'm trying following String strstring = request.getParameter("Queryparameter"); it gives "à¤à¤à¥à¤°à¥à¤¡à¥" while I want the string "आकुर्डी". How to get it? What is the problem here? ...

Servlet and jsp

How to call servlet program using HTML. ...

Netbeans jsp debug

Hello all. How can i see in debug time the value of a el expression? i.e. ${myBean.myProperty} ? Thank you ...

Servlet, JSP, JavaBeans and HTML form

Hi, I'm working on a servlet that makes a connection to a database gets the information of one of the tables ans sends this information to a jsp file. This file will print on the brower the information table, adding radio buttons that allows us to choose one of the rows. The servlet looks like this: List<InfoBean> items = new ArrayList...

redirect the user once logged in to the requested page

Hi I have a form realm authentication with which i am securing a directory "secureUser" well my question is: - How i can redirect the user once logged in to the requested page the details: - now i can log on a user using this (login.jsp) <form action="j_security_check" method="POST" id="login_from"> <p> <input ty...

passing valus to one jsp page to another jsp page

I'm retrieving values from database to table in jsp.(to a column) I want to insert that value into another table in database. To do that i'm using another jsp table to insert that value in db and i call that jsp page in my previous jsp's page form action tab. I use request.getParameter() method to get the values in my first jsp page to...

iText image in java servlet

Hi, I'm doing the letter generation with iText (pdf/rtf) in java servlet and got a problem with accessing images. The images are in the WebContent/images folder. When I run it in a local server and pointing the full path of images directory (c://eclipse/myproject/WebContent/images/letterHead.jpg) its working, but it fails running on the...

Error in JSP program

I created one jsp and html file.My constraint is to i created one button inside html,if i ckick the button then control goes to jsp program. coding as follows HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; ...

What is the best view layer for Spring 3 ?

I'm investigating presentation layers to be used with spring in our new project. I'm coming from PHP+Prado and want to move to something what is as simple as Prado and more powerfull than PHP. I like Spring 3 and Spring MVC. It's very simple to learn and start working with. But I'm looking for "view framework" better than simple jsp. I ...

Tomcat 6 JSF/JSP filename configuration problem

Hello I've a JSF app deploying from Eclipse Ganymede through Tomcat 6. The latter suggests JSP 2.0. I'm using Sun RI JSF implementation and RichFaces 3.3.2SR1. My index.jsp file on request from the browser causes this error to the console: 05-Mar-2010 12:04:41 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke SEVERE: Servlet.se...

What is a work around for Connection refused: connect

I am trying to pull information from another site. When I try and do URL url = new URL("theSite"); url.getContent(); It throws a Connection refused: connect exception. Does this mean the site will not allow automated connections? Is there another way to get this information? ...

What is the bests book for learning JSP?

The title is pretty suggestive... :) What book should I buy. Something new, updated with the last updates of JSP. ...

Struts - Alternative of <html:errors /> to display error messages in Jsp?

Struts - Alternative of <html:errors /> to display error messages in Jsp? ...

Struts - Exception - The Struts dispatcher cannot be found

I am using Struts I want to use tags, supplied by struts, im my jsp pages. e.g <%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="/struts-tags" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1...

How to input Date to a Struts2 action from a jsp?

I am facing a lot of problems here in my jsp page. What tag I should use to get a date (yyyy-MM-dd) from user and store it in a Date property of a Struts2 action ? The property in my action is declared to be of java.util.Date. I want the input from jsp page to land in this property. please help. I get Invalid field error (in JSP) if ...

Accessing xml from jsp on tomcat server is throwing FileNotFoundException trying to access .keystore?

I am trying to access an XML file from JSP on my Tomcat server. The error is from Catalina's protocol handler and the exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException trying to access my .keystore in the 'documents and settings' folder for my signed-on user (with admin, but not the user that installed the server). I can provide the stacktrac...

Deploy war problem

What does the following error error mean? I'm use eclipse and export web project as war file then I deploy to weblogic there is error message that I don't understand. Message icon - Error Unable to access the selected application. Message icon - Error Exception in AppMerge flows' progression Message icon - Error Exception in AppMerge fl...