
Migrating Standalone Tomcat Instance to Eclipse

Currently I'm just kicking off Tomcat as a daemon from a standalone shell startup script. With that, I have many customized files in my app. For example, the start-up script needs user input, is using modified web.xml and server.xml, etc. However, it'd be nice to debug the overall application through eclipse. I've loaded up my Eclipse w...

richfaces alternative for website application development

Can you let me know on the pros and cons of using richfaces and are there any alternatives for it. Its for a proposal submission for a web application. Its for managing documents and it will be intranet. There will be lots of users and main concern is security and ease of use. ...

Java 5 HTML escaping To Prevent XSS

I'm looking into some XSS prevention in my Java application. I currently have custom built routines that will escape any HTML stored in the database for safe display in my jsps. However I would rather use a built in/standard method to do this if possible. I am not currently encoding data that gets sent to the database but would like to...

Sha or Md5 algorithm i need to encrypt and decrypt in flex

Hi I am developing my application in flex and JSP, so when I am passing values through HTTP Service Post method with request object but these values are tracing and modifying by testing team so I am planning to encrypt values in flex and decrypt it in jsp.so is there any algorithms like SHA or MD5 more secure algorithms, so please send a...

jQuery validation plugin problem when served by JSP using @include

Greetings! I'm trying to combine several JS files into one and serve it through JSP but I'm running into a problem with the jquery validation plugin 1.6 The JSP aggregating various .js files: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %> <%@ page contentType="text/javascript" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <c:if test="$...

Forward to JSP after call to ServletOutputStream

As near as I can tell, this falls under a "you can't do that". I'm about to re-think my solution and work around it, but I thought that asking here was worth at least a shot. My JSP/Spring/Struts Servlet produces reports, writes them to PDF, and queues them for download, then waits for the user to request more reports. The details aren'...

What java view technology is this?

It seems velocity and freemarker look fairly similiar, at least for basic usage. Anyhow, what is the "built in" or standard view framework called? It looks like: <c:if test="${someobject.property != null}"> ...

Retrieve multiple images from MySQL

How to retrieve multiple blob images from MySQL database in JSP page? ...

Have you ever succeed in developing high-load web-applications with JSF?

I heard a lot about performance problems with jsf (and even asked related question here some time ago). But today I've heard concrete results of jsf performance tests. From the results where jsp showed response time 0-100ms jsf application showed 1000-1200ms. Testing of form submission showed 100-200ms for jsp versus ~1500ms for jsf. ...

Car rental System

I'm developing a mobile web site that support the rent a cars process and handles possible problems that can occurs. I was wondering if there are algorithms that could help me to (there are just examples): relaxing constraint: if 2 reservations are overlapping, change start_booking/end_booking use in an efficient way the cars instead ...

Is it a typo in this JSP where it says "</a>>"?

I found this example in the App Engine documentation. 1 <% 2 UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); 3 if (!userService.isUserLoggedIn()) { 4 %> 5 Please <a href="<%=userService.createLoginURL("/newlogin.jsp")>">log in</a>> 6 <% } else { %> 7 Welcome, <%= userService.getCurrentUser().getNi...

How do I get Eclipse to look in the build path for JSP includes instead of the web source?

We have a portion of our Dynamic Web Application that gets unpacked from a WAR, and placed in the build directory during compile. Because some of the files included in the web source are references to files from that WAR, then Eclipse can't find them. How do I get Eclipse to look instead in my build directory for the include files? ...

use the c:out tag on a String

Inside my jsp page, I have a string I want to show, but it might contain '<' or some other character that I want to escape so it will not mess up the rest of the HTML. I know c:out can do this, but as far as I understood, it can only work on bean properties, and not on a simple string. Is there a way of doing something like <c:out va...

JSP/.NET XML - simple client to display html

Hi, I am fairly proficient in PHP, but just starting out in ASP.Net and JSP/Java I would like to learn JSP/ASP.NET XML to HTML transformation with some simple practical examples. Im not looking to learn how to edit XML, just displaying it, but im having trouble finding definitive examples/tutorials. Ive spent quite a while studying JS...

How to detect the selected value of a dropdown

When I select one item from 1st dropdown, an ajax event will fire up, invoke another function that will and load information to the second dropdown. I do not want this (No button solution please) <select id=combo1> <option>...</option> ... </select> <input type=button onclick="loadCombo2()"> ...

What are some thread safe techniques for storing data about a single user's request in a servlet?

If a servlet is not thread safe, then does that mean that all objects created and referenced during the servlet lifecycle are not thread safe? Maybe I'm not quite getting this, but in Web applications you almost always want to account for data stored during the servlet lifecycle that is pertinent to a single user's request. What are some...

web based java application to read LDAP

I want to make a web based Java application that reads an LDAP compliant directory and creates a record in a database for each user and group in the directory. How can i go about it? ...

Problem with jsp:param/ c:param in a portlet

I'm just trying to include jsp pages with jsp:param in a portlet environment (using pluto) for example, <jsp:include page="test.jsp"> <jsp:param name="foo" value="bar"/> </jsp:include> and in test.jsp, <c:out value="${foo}"/> or <%= request.getParameter("foo") %> The output is always null and i've also tried using c tags, but g...

How to convert entites of JSP request arguments for html form textarea?

I am new to JSP and generating a form with a text area. Is there a library to convert the text from/to an HTML's FORM TEXTAREA that will convert to/from entities for the URL to be properly formatted/parsed? For example: textarea (named ta): simple test with ampersand & in textarea url: http://.../myapp.jsp?ta=simple+test+with+ampe...

JSP can't resolve import of org.apache.commons.lang

I am trying to include the library StringEscapeUtils and everything that I can find indicates that I can import the Apache Org page as follows: <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils" %> however, I can only resolve the URL down to this: <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.*" %> and when I do that, the compile st...