
sample_en.jsp and sample_fr.jsp in Spring MVC

I am trying to setup Spring MVC 3.0 to support localization. The messages are in messages_en.properties and messages_fr.properties. It works, but I cannot figure out how to support localized JSP pages. I have tried naming them sample_en.jsp for example, but it does not work. I use ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping, BeanNameViewResolver ...

Calling a java method in jsp

I have a java class which performs some operations on files. Since the java code is huge I don't want to write this code in jsp. I want to call the methods in jsp whenever required. Please tell me the path where I need to keep this file. Also some example code how to use it would be helpful. ...

Using Dreamweaver with JSP/JSTL (Scriptlet vs JSTL)

I am considering whether using JSTL is better than Scriptlets on a JSP page and one consideration is the tool that the web designers will be using to generate the JSP pages. Since Dreamweaver seems to be the industry standard product, I am using that as a reference point. I can't find any up-to-date information about Dreamweaver suppor...

What are the advantages of using JSP? (java sever pages)

What are the advantages of using jsp over PHP or Ruby on rails? Thanks in advance;-) ...

I have a problem that is "cannot resolve directory 'WEB-INF'" on intellij IDEA 9

I created custom tag file at "/WEB-INF/tags/test.tag" and add jsp define tag <@ taglib prefix="test" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/test.tag" %> but, I have a problem that is "cannot resolve driectory 'WEB-INF'" on IntelliJ IDEA 9. This source does not have any problems on Eclipse. ...

Handling response.redirect errors in JSP page

Hi i have a condition where an URL is manipulated or changed wantedly. i have to catch the error and move to error page. but the error page is never called. I am using response.sendRedirect("MyURL"); in the jsp page. If the URL is correct its working fine. If i manipulate the URL and use the command it shows HTTP 404 error in the s...

Facebook application to display friend list in jsp

How to create a facebook application to display friend list in jsp page without using script. ...

Recommended JSP table taglib?

Can you recommend a declarative table-generation taglib for JSP (with EL) that is still being maintained? I found a few, such as the Jakarata taglib and Display tag but nothing seems to have been updated in the past year or so. Any recommendations would be appreciated. ...

Java/Jsp XML Dom

Hi all, looks like I need help again! :-/ Im trying to read this XML file with Java/Jsp: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <universal_campaign> <campaign_details> <campaign_id></campaign_id> <campaign_title>Test Campaign</campaign_title> <campaign_sdate>2010-01-21</campaign_sdate> <campai...

Google map in jsp document

Hi, I am trying to implement google map api into one of my web page which is generated by jsp document, and I am having trouble getting it work. I found some jsp taglibrary by www.lamatek.com/GoogleMaps, but it doesn't seem to work.(I mean even examples on their web site don't work) Has anyone done work on google map in jsp document...

What kind of functionality differences are there in jsp and standalone java applications?

Or APIs accessible by standalone java applications also accessible by jsp? ...

JSP / servlet / IE combination doesn't submit form detail on Enter

Using IE 7, JDK 1.6 and Sun Web server 7. Inside the jsp form, we have: <input type="text" name="id" maxlength="20" /> <input ... type="submit" name="send" value="Send"/> i.e. a text box and a "Submit" button (called Send). and the servlet has: if (request.getParameter("send") != null && request.getParameter("send").trim().length()...

Unable to read TLD "META-INF/tld/tiles-jsp.tld"

I maked jsp file using with tiles and springframework, but I hvae Unable to read TLD "META-INF/tld/tiles-jsp.tld". What is a problem? ...

Is ResourceBundle fallback resolution broken in Resin3x?

Given the following ResourceBundle properties files: messages.properties messages_en.properties messages_es.properties messages_{some locale}.properties Note: messages.properties contains all the messages for the default locale. messages_en.properties is really empty - it's just there for correctness. messages_en.properties will fall...

How to call html to jsp?

hi, my html file having the search box and when click on search box it will go to the jsp file... can you provide any sample code for this.. plz help me ...

swf sending servlet doesn't work on IE

hi im trying to render the swf on jsp page i can show local files "waf.swf" but whenever i use the servlet address it fails on IE but works on firefox this is the servlet code ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); response.setContentType("application/x-shockwave-flash"); response.setContentLength(length); response.setH...

How do I set JSP UseBean values from a servlet

I am writing a web application that uses a JSP usebean tag in the session scope as shown below <jsp:useBean id="userSession" class="project.session.UserSession" scope="session" /> I have also written a filter which does some processing and needs to set some values on the userSession bean. How do I get a handle onto the object and set ...

JSP request object has no parameters

I have a JSP file, create.jsp, which receives a POST request from an Ext grid containing a data parameter. Firebug displays a POST like this: {"data":{"a":"","b":"","c":""}} When I try to retrieve the data from the request object in create.jsp using this method, request.getParameter("data"); it returns null. In fact the request obj...

Need to get a path location via a web page

In firefox 2 I was able to get the path using Browse - I use the path in our project to then write out files to that location. So now that browse does not get the path, does anyone know a way for a user to go to a directory and have the path returned via a web page so I could pass that along to the server for processing? execCommand do...

How do I display values of an JSON object?

Here is what I got so far. Please read the comment in the code. It contains my questions. var customer; //global variable function getCustomerOption(ddId){ $.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/WebApps/DDListJASON?dd="+ddId, function(opts) { $('>option', dd).remove(); // Remove all the previous option of the drop down ...