
foreign keys in sql server 2005

I having trouble creating a foreign key in sql 2005. my primary key table has a primary key that spans 2 columns. I want to create my foreign key so it references a column in my primary table but I want to specify a static value for the second column - is this possible? ...

values of diff keys to concatenate from a resource file, how?

I want to concatenate the values of two or more keys from a resource file, while assigning value to a control, somthing like <%$ Resources:LocalizedText, LeadTitle%>" but, getting an error.Is it possible some way to concatenate the value of different keys from a resource file? ...

Importing a private-public exchange key pair

Hi I want to export a RSA 1024 private-public exchange key pair from Machine-1 to Machine-2. I am using cryptoAPI in XP. In Machine-1, i generated the key pair. I wrapped a session key which actually encrypts some real data. The key container name is "PAIR1". In Machine-2, i wanted to unwrap the session key with the private key(which ...

Singluar data-keys between application and database?

Is there a paradigm in which I can change a data-key name in one place and one place only, and have it properly be dealt with by both the application and database? I have resorted most recently to using class constants to map to database field names, but I still have to keep those aligned with the raw database keys. What I mean is, us...

Is it possible to get the value for a key in a Hashtable without iteration?

Using .NET 3.5, is there a way to retrieve a value from Hashtable corresponding to the key without iteration? ...

Encryption and Java, method generating key - what size?

I got the following method body to generate a key for encryption: new BigInteger(500, new SecureRandom()).toString(64); Could anyone explain what is the size of generated key? ...

Fire keydown in Javascript

Using Mootools, but a generic answer is fine. I would like to remap the 'Enter' key in a web application. When they hit 'Enter' it should react as though the 'Shift-Enter' has been pressed. I would just stop the enter event, and use exec.insertHTMLor its ilk, but FF's implementation is buggy on many elements. I imagine that I could fi...

dictionary data insert or select (oracle, java)

Hello, I have an table (in ORADB) containing two columns: VARCHAR unique key and NUMBER unique key generated from an sequence. I need my Java code to constantly (and in parallel) add records to this column whenever a new VARCHAR key it gets, returning the newly generated NUMBER key. Or returns the existing NUMBER key when it gets an ex...

Securing WinForms Application suggestions

I've been looking for a simple key/license system for our users. Its partly to stop piracy (avoid users from sharing the application around) and the other half to track the number of 'licensed users' we have. I have already read a few good suggestions on SO but I'm curious as to how people have implemented the 30 day evaluation criteria....

Gen public key from xml data file using M2Crypto for signature verification.

I have pub key in xml format: <RSAKeyValue><Modulus>xF9y25EXh8n99sXtU/JAsYTwML6PB7gSCE8tWw8Www2KBfDqohQBL8FMs8jzsDQa7WwoEmiVJ1resEC9YXJGbwQyWgb9qgooC9oSnCB/TkRdBybwby0DKuZOzq+609OBGkwWpgnS4QVCBc6eW+10l3qE3/2hKdcSV+08iRYp7zs=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue> So i try thms like this: from M2Crypto import RSA from

Easy way to store/restore encryption key for decrypting string in java

For encryption I use something like this: SecretKey aesKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey(); StringEncrypter aesEncrypt = new StringEncrypter(aesKey, aesKey.getAlgorithm()); String aesEncrypted= aesEncrypt.encrypt(StringContent); If I print out aesKey I get: "javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec@1708d". So for encryption I ...

How to use generated and encoded key in jce

If I generate a key like this: SecretKey aesKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES").generateKey(); Then decode it: System.out.println("used key: " + aesKlic.getEncoded()); And now I want to use it for decryption(after exiting program and starting again). Obviously, something like this does not work: SecretKey aesKey =

How to modify key in a dictionary in C#

How can I change the value of a number of keys in a dictionary. I have the following dictionary : SortedDictionary<int,SortedDictionary<string,List<string>>> I want to loop through this sorted dictionary and change the key to key+1 if the key value is greater than a certain amount... Thanks ...

What characters are allowed in a Google App Engine Key?

While testing my Google App Engine application, I search for links which include app engine keys. For example: /story/ag5yZXBsaWUtdGVzdGluZ3IMCxIFU3RvcnkY-w0M/ What characters are allowed in these keys? I had been using the regex [a-zA-Z0-9], but it seems "-" is also allowed. What else? Is there a reference on this? I can't find it i...

It's possible to get a attribute from NSEntityDescription using a NSString?

Hello There! Im getting the value of an attribute using NSEntityDescription.attributeName, like this: NSEntityDescription *edCurrentRecord = [maListRecords objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; UILabel *lblCell = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5.0, 10.0, 280, 20.0)]; [lblCell]; There is another way to ...

UITableView from plist dictionary KEYS iPhone

I am attempting to get the name of the custom ringtones in the itunes directory on the iPhone. I can successfully list the custom ringtones, but they re displayed as HWYH1.m4r, which is what iTunes renames the file, but I know theres a way to decipher the actualy name of the song, for example: UHHEN2.m4r = TheSongName. NSMutableDict...

MySQL - Coming up with a Unique Key for each record, not the primary Key

Ok this is a tricky one to explain. I am creating an app that will have PAGES, currently I'm using PageID as the key to SEL the record. The issue I'm having now is that I want users to be able to EDIT pages, but not lose the previous page (for history, recording keeping reasons, like a changelog or wiki page history). This is making m...

OCR an RSA key fob (security token)

I put together a quick WinForm/embedded IE browser control which logs into our company's bank website each morning and scrapes/exports the desired deposit information (the bank is a smallish regional bank). Since we have a few dozen "pseudoaccounts" that draw from the same master account, this actually takes 10-15 minutes to retrieve. ...

problem with two key ranges in couchdb

I'm having problem getting the right results in my coordinate system. To explain my system, I have this simple database that have x_axis, y_axis and name columns. I don't need to get all the data, I just need to display some part of it. For example, I have a coordinate system that have 10:10(meaning from x_axis -10 to 10 and from y_ax...

How to use a key and secret for verification?

On most API's such as facebook and bebo to use there API you must get a Key and secret, I am just wondering what is some good methods of doing a system like this. I will be using PHP/MysQL. How can I basicly verify a user key and secret are ok when there app sends there API request? I was thinking of storing them in mysql, which I wil...