
jQuery keyboard navigation using .live() or .delegate()

Hello, I am currently trying to implement keyboard navigation with jQuery (1.4.2) on a webpage that has all the information getting pulled from a ajax request with Spry. I know it's a convoluted method of grabbing data and populating a webpage with it, but I really like how Spry handles datasets. My markup looks something like this: ...

rewriting search suggest in jQuery

Hi All, First, I know that there are jQuery plugins for search suggest. The reason I'm asking this is because I wrote one for my specific needs and I am interested in learning how to make the script in jQuery (rather than just using a plugin). See code that I pasted to pastebin -- I hope that's ok. Original:

How could I emulate an HTML password field (but one which fires keydown events)?

I need to be able to record keyboard events on elements that act like password (masked) inputs. It sounds sinister, but I assure you it's not. I am not a phisher or scam artist of any kind. My users will be made aware that there behaviour is being analysed and are instructed not to enter a password that they use anywhere else. With tha...

How to create a mapped but not visible window with XLib?

Hi. I'm working on a I/O verification tool based on Linux in a game project. It is written in C++, and,since using the same I/O module as our game, it's based on OIS 1.2. Thus, though all I need is to print users' inputs on the console, I still need to create a window for OIS. So here comes my question: How can I create a mapped window ...

Flash: cross-platform method for handling keyboard events?

Is there any cross-platform-safe method for dealing with keyboard shortcuts in Flash? For example, on my Mac, pressing ctrl+f results in a KeyboardEvent where the keyCode is 6, but on Windows, the keyCode is 70. ...

how do I observe keyboard input event while the applicaion is not actived.

how do I observe keyboard input event while the applicaion is not actived. ...

How to simulate CAPS LOCK press in Xlib

Hello, How to simulate CAPS LOCK on and off using Xlib ? Regards, Levon ...

Portable keycodes in X11?

I want to get mapping-independent key codes, but documentation says that "keycode" in XKeyEvent structure depends on hardware and driver and I can't rely on it. How can I get some portable key codes like VK_* in Windows? ...

Using + (plus) and - (minus) keyboard keys as incrementors and decrementors in a DataGridView

Hello, On a WinForms application that I am writing in C#, I have a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn with cells holding integer values that I would like the users to be able to increment or decrement using the + and - keys from their keyboards. I've handled the KeyDown event as it is what I use usually to handle Delete keys, etc, but it isn't ...

OpenGL key down and key up on CTRL key

I've found a lot of information about using GLUT to detect whether the control key is pressed using the GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL macro. This macro only works, apparently, within a keyboard or mouse callback function. I need to know whether or not the control key is pressed at a point in my main loop, but GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL doesn't seem to work in ...

Suppress default handling of Ctrl+O in Internet Explorer

I'm trying to suppress IE's default handling of Ctrl+O. I've got a onKeyDown handler which get's called, but even though I call event.cancelBubble and return false, the default File|Open command still runs. btw: this is not critical since I can just pick another key but curious if there might be a way around this. ...

How to detect command key as a modifier in a glut program running on a mac?

I am developing a GLUT program on a mac. Mac's seem to pass modifiers through GLUT in a funny way. Alt and control keys are not captured by glutGetModifiers() instead they're translated into the button int. The command key doesn't seem to be captured by either glutGetModifiers() or the button int. Also, it doesn't show up as a key in my ...

Simulating a Backspace button press in c# with a null ActiveSource

Context: We're using an on-screen keyboard on a touch screen kiosk to allow users to enter text. The backspace button is failing because the System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource becomes null. Code Context: if (System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource != null) { System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs ...

Disconnect MS keyboard volume keys from master volume control

The MS natural ergonomic keyboard has buttons on it for volume control. I would like to use these keys as hotkeys to control the volume on my media player instead Problem is, it controls the master volume only and there is nothing in my keyboard software or in my system utilities that can disable it. I have done some searching over the...

Capturing the delete/backspace keys in SproutCore

I have a SproutCore Pane - a PalettePane, specifically - which includes a form tied to an object elsewhere on the screen. The Pane is causing trouble with the object deletion interaction. The way I want it to work is: If a text input field is in focus, the backspace/delete keys should apply to those fields (i.e. editing the text) If no...

How to detect keyboard events on hardware keyboard on iPhone (iOS)

I have an app with a login page that has three fields for three different random characters. When the user leaves the last field, the soft keyboard disappears and the user can touch a "login" button on screen. When there is a hardware keyboard (bluetooth or physical) attached, I'd like to be able to hit "enter" on it. However because th...

Keyboard Navigation to load pages

Hi, is there a quick way to use the right and left arrow keys to load the next page? My solution so far is: $(document).ready(function () { $("a.transition").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); linkLocation = this.href; $("body").fadeOut(20, redirectPage); }); $("a.transitionB").click(f...

drop/rewrite/generate keyboard events under Linux

I would like to hook into, intercept, and generate keyboard (make/break) events under Linux before they get delivered to any application. More precisely, I want to detect patterns in the key event stream and be able to discard/insert events into the stream depending on the detected patterns. I've seen some related questions on SO, but: ...

iphone keyboard keydown/keyup events??

Hello Everyone, I am a newbie in iphone development, yet wondering why i am not able to find any help regarding the keyboard keyup/keydown events, I actually want to detect which key is been pressed by the user via keyboard on iphone while inputting the text in the UITextField. I need an urgent help!! ..... Thanks in advance Mehroz ...

Sending keypresses to JTextField

Hi, I'm trying to simulate text input into a JTextField. I've got a 1 char long string containing the letter I want to add and I run: receiver.dispatchEvent(new KeyEvent(this, KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, 0, this.shifted?KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK:0, KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED, text.charAt(0))); But this doesn't seem to change the contents at a...