
Can a java class member variable decleared as `native`?

For instance, is the following legal public class Foo { private native int bar; } ...

Is there a difference between using "this" and "prototype" in Javascript here?

Hi, Is there a difference between the two codes below, I presume not. function Agent(bIsSecret) { if(bIsSecret) this.isSecret=true; this.isActive = true; this.isMale = false; } and function Agent(bIsSecret) { if(bIsSecret) this.isSecret=true; } Agent.prototype.isActive = true; Agent.prototype.isMale =...

this, current context-when should I use in jQuery?

Hi All, I am not very sure with the use of "this" [current context] in jquery.What I know is- it prevents the dom from searching all the elements, it just work on that current element, which improve performance[correct me if I am wrong].Also I am not sure when to use this and when not. lets say, should I go for $("span",this).slice(5...

When NOT to use the static keyword in Java?

When is it considered poor practice to use the static keyword in Java on method signatures? If a method performs a function based upon some arguments, and does not require access to fields that are not static, then wouldn't you always want these types of methods to be static? ...

Is there a svn:keyword for "modification count" of a versioned file in subversion

The $Revision$ in CVS shows the version of a file, which based on modification count. This is very convienient, as the modification count can be used as "Build Number", and for each file, the number itself reflects the "growing life" of a file. But in SVN, the version is about the whole repository, any modification to files are by me...

Get keyword from a (search engine) referrer url using PHP

Hi, I am trying to get the search keyword from a referrer url. Currently, I am using the following code for Google urls. But sometimes it is not working... $query_get = "(q|p)"; $referrer = ""; preg_match('/[?&]'.$query_get.'=(.*?)[&]/',$referrer,$search_keyword); ...

Access Database connection string error

So I'm making a website on localhost and I have a database in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Lollipops\App_Data\lollipopDB.mdb that I need to use on my website but when I try to do a SELECT statement on it, it keeps giving me the error: "System.ArgumentException: Keyword not supported: 'provider'." This is in my web.config file - < connectionStri...

mysql keyword search across multiple columns

Various incarnations of this question have been asked here before, but I thought I'd give it another shot. I had a terrible database layout. A single entity (widget) was split into two tables: CREATE TABLE widgets (widget_id int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment) CREATE TABLE widget_data ( widget_id int(10), field ENUM('name','size','color...

how to return results like google?

i wonder how you get the search results that is highlighted like Google? They search a text for the keyword you entered and then chop the text some nr of letters before and after the keyword and highlight it? How do you accomplish that with PHP. What functions should you use to search the keyword and then return a specific length befor...

Is 'action' a keyword in jQuery?!

I was having this issue with jQuery not being able to find a <form> element in my HTML for the past day and a half. I ran my HTML through validators multiple times, validated my JS and CSS, and even removed unnecessary JS and CSS files, which is now reduced to this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "

Delphi stringlist finding negative keyword in list

I have two string lists that I'm working with. One that has a list of keywords, and then another that has a list of negative keywords. I want to be able to search through the list and pick out the list items that do not contain the negative keyword and output to a third keyword list. I was using the AnsiPos function but that found the...

replace keyword within html string.

I am looking for a way to replace keywords within a html string with a variable. At the moment i am using the following example. returnString = Replace(message, "[CustomerName]", customerName, CompareMethod.Text) The above will work fine if the html block is spread fully across the keyword. eg. <b>[CustomerName]</b> However if the...

What is the equivalent in F# of the C# default keyword ?

Hi, I'm looking for the equivalent of C# default keyword, e.g: public T GetNext() { T temp = default(T); ... Thanks ...

Why is the 'this' keyword not a reference type in C++

Possible Duplicates: Why this is a pointer and not a reference? SAFE Pointer to a pointer (well reference to a reference) in C# The this keyword in C++ gets a pointer to the object I currently am. My question is why is the type of this a pointer type and not a reference type. Are there any conditions under which the this ke...

encoding problem on file_get_contents

i'm using a script for getting a url's content then it calculates keyword destiny etc. but my problem is that, there is problem about turkish characters like "ı","ş" i tried iconv for converting utf-8 to iso-8859-9 but it didn't work. you can see the code on thx in advance. ...

php5 encoding problem turkish characters

i have a php script which detects keyword density on given url. my problem is, it doesn't detect turkish characters or deletes them.. i'm getting contents of url by file_get_contents method. this method works perfect and gets all content with turkish characters. you can see my code on ...

Do C# static functions perform better than nonstatic functions, beyond reduced memory usage?

I assume that public or private static targets must have reduced memory usage, due to the fact that there is only one copy of the static target in memory. It seems like because a method is static that might make the method a potential point for further optimization by the CLR compiler beyond what is possible with a non-static function. ...

What's the yield keyword in javascript?

I heard about a "yield" keyword in javascript, but i found very poor documentation about it. Can someone explain me (or recommend a site that explains) its usage and what it is used for? ...

Javascript check yield support

Hi, i read about the yield keyword in javascript and i need to use it in my project. I read that this keyword has been implemented starting from a certain version of JS so i think that old browsers don't support it (right?). Is there a way to check if the yield keyword is supported? or at least is there a way to check if the version of ...

Is it possible to "escape" a method name in PHP, to be able to have a method name that clashes with a reserved keyword?

I'm doing MVC in PHP, and i'd like to have a list() method inside my Controller, to have the URL /entity/list/parent_id, to show all the "x" that belong to that parent. However, I can't have a method called list(), since it's a PHP reserved keyword. In VB.Net, for example, if I need to have something with a name that clashes with a res...