
Passing a dictionary to a function in python as keyword parameters

I'd like to call a function in python using a dictionary. Here is some pseudo-code: d = dict(param='test') def f(param): print param f(d) This prints {'param': 'test'} but I'd like it to just print test. I'd like it to work similarly for more parameters: d = dict(p1=1, p2=2) def f2(p1,p2): print p1, p2 f2(d) Is this pos...

How to emulate keyword arguments in ActionScript 3 functions

Functions in Python can be called using keyword arguments of the form keyword = value. For instance, the following function: def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', action='voom', type='Norwegian Blue'): print "-- This parrot wouldn't", action, print "if you put", voltage, "volts through it." print "-- Lovely plumage, the", typ...

Java Static

Duplicate: I've read this post already. What does the "static" keyword in a method do? I remember being told that static != clingy...but that is pretty much all I know about this keyword. ...

F# keyword 'Some'

F# keyword 'Some' - what does it mean? ...

What is the type of the 'value' reserved word in C# properties

I am wondering what type the 'value' keyword in a property takes. so: public class Test { string _numberAsString; int _number = -1; public Test() {} public string NumberAsString { get { return _numberAsString; } set { _numberAsString= value; } } public int Number { get { return...

When to use friend class in c++

I was just brushing up on my cpp (I'm a java developer) and I came across the Friend class keyword which I forgot about for a while. Is this one of those features that's just part of the kitchen sink, or is there a good reason for doing this rather than just a vanilla getter? I understand the difference in that it limits who can access t...

F#: Meaning of keyword "in"

Hi all, I am just starting to learn F#. In several F# coding examples I see the keyword "in" used in the following way: let doStuff x = let first, second = x in first + " " + second The function works with and without the "in" at then end of the second line. What does "in" do? Thanks. ...

Missing the 'with' keyword in C#

I was looking at the online help for the Infragistics control library today and saw some VB code that used the With keyword to set multiple properties on a tab control. It's been nearly 10 years since I've done any VB programming, and I had all but forgotten that this keyword even existed. Since I'm still relatively new to C#, I quickl...

When should I use the new keyword in C++?

I've been using C++ for a short while, and I've been wondering about the new keyword. Simply, should I be using it, or not? 1) With the new keyword... MyClass* myClass = new MyClass(); myClass->MyField = "Hello world!"; 2) Without the new keyword... MyClass myClass; myClass.MyField = "Hello world!"; From an implementation perspect...

Should the Java "this" keyword be used when it is optional?

From what I gather as a Java beginner, when accessing instance members, the "this" keyword may apparently be used, but is not mandatory. I wonder whether there is any official recommendation of sorts of a style guide (though I was unable to find anything in the actual Java style guide). How do people usually do this, or is there maybe...

How would you explain the risks of the $Log$ keyword?

I seem to get into an annual debate about the use of the $Log$ keyword. My point of view is this: $Log$ is white hot death. All it does is jam marginally relevant spam into your source files. Any information that anyone thinks they might be able to get from a $Log$ is more readily available from (and is likely to be more accurate ...

top keyword in oracle 9i

what is the format for using top keyword in oracle 9i? i have to retreive top 10 records.. ...

Would this be the correct place to use the java keyword "interface" ?

I'm rather new to Java. After just reading some info on path finding, I read about using an empty class as an "interface", for an unknown object type. I'm developing a game in Java based on hospital theme. So far, the user can build a reception desk and a GP's office. They are two different types of object, one is a Building and one is ...

What is Keyword Density and how to create a script in PHP ??

I am working on a project where I have to find out the keyword density of thepage on the basis of URL of that page. I googled a lot but no help and scripts were found, I found a paid tool But I am not aware actually what "keyword Density of a page" act...

Equivalents to SQL Server TOP

In SQL Server, TOP may be used to return the first n number of rows in a query. For example, SELECT TOP 100 * FROM users ORDER BY id might be used to return the first 100 people that registered for a site. (This is not necessarily the best way, I am just using it as an example). My question is - What is the equivalent to TOP in other da...

Why does the is keyword require a non-null expression?

The MSDN documentation for the is keyword says: expression is not null Why? If MethodThatReturnsNull() is type were called shouldn't that return false since null certainly isn't that type? ...

Fastest way to lookup keywords. Any language, any system.

Daily I have 5 million or so unique keywords with an impression count for each one. I want to be able to look these keywords up by certain words so for instance if I have "ipod nano 4GB" I want to be able to pull that out if I search for "ipod", "nano", or "4GB". mySQL can't seem to handle that much data for what I want, I've tried Ber...

Can you Create Your Own Default T where T is your own class

lets say I have the following public class A { private string _someField; public string SomeField { get { return _someField; } } } For some reason I am checking the default of this class and I would like to set the default for a class, just like a default of type int is 0, I would like in the above class for my default of Som...

Clojure Parameters with Optional Flags

What's the best way to implement keywords as optional flags to a function? I want to make function calls such as: (myfunction 5) (myfunction 6 :do-this) (myfunction 3 :go-here) (myfunction 2 :do-this :do-that) Using defn, I can define a function such as: (defn myfunction [value & flags] ... ) But the flags becomes a list. I can wri...

Avoiding Language Keyword Conflicts

How do you guys avoid keyword conflicts in your language? For example, I'm creating a class (VB 2008) to hold all the configuration variables for some reports we generate. Naturally, one of the variables is "Date". And of course you can't have anything named the same as a keyword. In VB 2008 you do have the option of surrounding a confl...