
Proper usage of "this." keyword in C#?

Hi all, I'm working through the book Head First C# (and it's going well so far), but I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the syntax involved with using the "this." keyword. Conceptually, I get that I'm supposed to use it to avoid having a parameter mask a field of the same name, but I'm having trouble actually tracking ...

is there a way to search for keywords, past and present, in a (svn) subversion repository

Although a subversion repository is like a time machine where nothing is ever deleted. i still find myself reluctant to totally 'svn delete' things from my codebase if i think i might want to search for it at a later date. So, i will feel freer if i could have some way of keeping a local-copy index of the keywords and phrases in the rep...

What is C# 'internal' in

What is C# 'internal' in Simple question, hard to find! ...

Scala: "using" keyword

i've defined 'using' keyword as following: def using[A, B <: {def close(): Unit}] (closeable: B) (f: B => A): A = try { f(closeable) } finally { closeable.close() } i can use it like that: using(new PrintWriter("sample.txt")){ out => out.println("hellow world!") } now i'm curious how to define 'using' keyword to take any number...

Python AdWords select keywords in certain adgroup

I'm wondering if any had the chance to work on this: Using Python lib for AdWords, I want to select certain keywords that belongs to some adgroup. How to achieve that? ...

Google API to figure how many times a keyword is searched.

Is there a Google API tool to get how many times a specific term was searched between a certain interval (month/day/year)? From my understanding, what I'm looking for is similar to Google Keywords Tool, but I prefer not to fill in their captcha everytime, and I want to know only the statistics that suit the entered term. Does Google/ot...

How to relate keywords to records - Many to Many

Hi All, I am looking for suggestions on database design for a sample jobs listing application. I have many jobs that I would like to associate various keywords with. Each job can have multiple keywords. I would like to store the keywords in a seperate table instead of in a field within the Job table so as to avoid mispellings in keyword...

VB.NET equivalent to C# var keyword

Is there a VB.NET equivalent to the C# var keyword? I would like to use it to retrieve the result of a LINQ query. ...

C# memory management: unsafe keyword and pointers

What are the consequences (positive/negative) of using the unsafe keyword in C# to use pointers? For example, what becomes of garbage collection, what are the performance gains/losses, what are the performance gains/losses compared to other languages manual memory management, what are the dangers, in which situation is it really justifia...

this keyword as a property

I know c# well, but it is something strange for me. In some old program, I have seen this code: public MyType this[string name] { ......some code that finally return instance of MyType } How it is called? What is the use of this? ...

Problem with extern keyword in C++

What's the difference between the following two declarations? I thought they were equivalent, but the first sample works, and the second does not. I mean it compiles and runs, but the bitmap display code shows blank. I have not stepped through it yet, but am I missing something obvious? GUI_BITMAP is a simple structure describing a bitma...

LINQ-to-SQL load keyword from variable

public IQueryable<ArticleDisplay> SearchNumberOfArticles(int articleNr, string order) var result = ( from category in db.ArticleCategories join article in db.Articles on category.CategoryID equals article.CategoryID orderby article.Date order ...

Is it possible to add "assert" as a keyword in Delphi?

I write couple of "assert(...)" in code, to make sure that pre- and post-conditions should be satisfied. We can tell the Delphi compiler, whether to compile with assertions in a debug version and without assertions in a release version. I would like to know, if it is possible, to highlight "assert" like other Pascal keywords? ...

What really is the purpose of "base" keyword in c#?

Thus for used base class for some commom reusable methods in every page of my application... public class BaseClass:System.Web.UI.Page { public string GetRandomPasswordUsingGUID(int length) { string guidResult = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); guidResult = guidResult.Replace("-", string.Empty); return guidResul...

When should one use dynamic keyword in c# 4.0?

When should one use dynamic keyword in c# 4.0?.......Any good example with dynamic keyword in c# 4.0 that explains its usage.... ...

problem Keyword token antlr

If the 'for' is used both as a command and as "the English word": for_statement: 'for' ... id: 'for' | ID ; ID: ... right? My problem is how to differentiate the two cases. For example for_statement is only possible beginning of a line (only if preceded by ' ' or '\t'). For example: echo for print example for i in {0..10..2} ...

identifier token keyword antlr parser

How to handle the case where the token 'for' is used in two different situations in the language to parse? Such as statement and as a "parameter" as the following example: echo for print example for i in {0..10..2} do echo "Welcome $i times" done Output: for print example Welcome 0 times Welcome 2 times Welcome 4 times Welcom...

What’s the Linq to SQL equivalent to CEILING?

How do I do this SELECT CEILING(COUNT(*) / 10) NumberOfPages FROM MyTable in Linq to SQL? ...

Strange behaviour of keywords within macros in Clojure

I'm a little confused by how keyword accesses seem to behave in Clojure when they are evaluated at macro expansion time. The following works as I expect: (def m {:a 1}) (:a m) => 1 However the same keyword access doesn't seem to work within a macro: (def m {:a 1}) (defmacro get-a [x] (:a x)) (get-a m) => nil Any idea what is goin...

How can I parse a string into a hash using keywords in Perl?

I have a string where different predefined keywords introduce different data. Is there a way to do that using clever use of regexp, or something? Here is an example: Keywords can be "first name: " and "last name: ". Now I want to parse: "character first name: Han last name: Solo" into { "first name: " => "Han ", "last name: " => "So...