
How I can quote tables using hibernate3-maven-plugin hbm2ddl?

I have a project I'm building with maven and I need to generate a schema using the hbm2ddl tool from hibernate3-maven-plugin. I need to create database with a table called Order like the SQL keyword and I don't know how to make maven to quote this table when it's generating the script. I've done a search and I found there is a property...

NetBeans 6.8 marks keywords as fault

Hey, I have just installed NetBeans 6.8. on Ubuntu 10.04 and it marks c++ keywords such as "using" or "namespace" as a fault. I checked that it compiles with g++ and I found an answer to that already here, but there it was a bug in Netbeans which had been fixed via updates within a few days. When I try to update, it tells me, I have the...

$this vs function name

I am getting a hang of OOP and finally started creating them in my scripts. One thing I don't get it is the "$this" after creating an instance of class. For example, this guy coded: class Form { protected $inputs = array(); public function addInput($type, $name) { $this->inputs[] = array("type" => $type, "name" => ...

Selenium Keyword Driven Testing

Is keyword driven testing something that could be implemented using Selenium? If so, how exactly and where can I learn more about it? A simple example might help me get started :) Thanks! ...

geting semantically related keywords for a given word

Hi everyone. Is there any open source/free software available that gives you semantically related keywords for a given word. for example the word dog: it should give the keywords like: animal, mammal, ... or for the word France it should give you keywords like: country, Europe ... . basically a set of keywords related to the given word...

Equivalent of "continue" in Ruby

In C and many other languages, there is a continue keyword that, when used inside of a loop, jumps to the next iteration of the loop. Is there any equivalent of this continue keyword in Ruby? Thanks in advance! ...

form doesn't allow editing

I have a following form: class PlayForwardPageForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PlayForwardPageForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = PlayForwardPage exclude = ( 'id',) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): post = super(PlayForwardPa...