
VSS2005: how to use labels to allow quick compiling of earlier versions of code?

Using Visual SourceSafe 2005, what do I need to do to tell VSS 2005 that the current version of code should be labelled (or whatever) so that after further revisions I can come back later and get the version of code that was labelled? ...

show label of an object property in struts2 text tag

Hello. I want to show a property of an object in my Jsp page. the problem is that this property is the name of a label in my resource bundle and the only way I know is to use <s:text name="labelname"> but now that it's a property of an object, I don't know how to do this. This is a part of my code, 'brandList' is a list of brand objects...

putting a hyperlink inside of a label in

i have this in my code. label1.text = "Click on THIS ONE to proceed" Now for the THIS ONE in the label text i want to give it a hyperlink or response.redirect. Any ideas how i can do this? ...

Flash CS4 Switching Scenes is not working

hi everyone I have 3 scenes and I created buttons so they would switch scenes. the bottons work. everything works correctly but my first scene stays ontop of every other scene i go to. CAN I please have help thank you ...

TeamCity - SVN and Labelling

Hi I'm about to start using the labeling feature of TC (Great product :)) and have a question: I have 1 root VCS: svn:\someserver\MyRepo With label rule: trunk=>tags And in all my projects I use checkout rules to only checkout the needed projects like so: Prj1 - Conf1: +:MyPrj1/trunk => / Prj2 - Conf1: +:MyPrj2/trunk => /...

How to do text formating in C# for adjusting text in some control.

I have created a user control on winform where i want to display some text on Label Control at runtime. Here I used textFormatFlag as WordBreak and then displays it in the next line. Size of label is fixed in width while variable in height. Now the problem here is how to break a string if there is no space between i.e. no WordBreak Prese...

Appropriate use of Multi-level Break in Java

I was recently coding a small java program (as design for an 8086 Assembler program) and I wound up in an interesting position -- I needed to exit out of a while loop from an inner switch-statement, something like this (pseudocode, obviously): :MyLoop While(foo) switch (bar) case '1': print '1'; break case '0': print '...

TabIndex control in a non compliant html page

I have an html page where I cannot put a DOCTYPE (I am not allowed to). Plus, I need to make it work on IE 8! Then there is a checkbox + label thing. For example, this: <input id="daffodils" type="checkbox" title="daffodil factsheet" name="daffodils" value="checkbox" tabindex=2> <label for="daffodils">Daffodils</label> <inpu...

Add CSS attributes to Symfony form labels?

Hi, I try to add some css attributes to labels in my custom sfForm but I can't achieve it. In my custom class myForm extends sfForm, I create all textfields dynamically: public function configure() { $widgetFixtures = array(); foreach ($fixtures as $fixture) { $widgetFixtures[$fixture->getId()] = new sfWidgetFormInp...

Regarding the HTML Label's "For" Property

Considering the following 2 lines of code (copied from > "HTML < label > for Attribute"): <label for="male">Male </label> <input type="radio" name="sex" id="male" /> I am having trouble discovering the exact purpose of the above label's "for" property. As you can see it is currently set to "male" (to match the id of ...

perforce label does not list files

I created a label using the new label context menu: I defined the parameters as follows: (unlocked) Label: ms_test Description: Created by ms view: //depot/Projects/Shared/... //depot/Projects/AddIn/... The label is created and shown in the label pane but when I select the label and click on the "List files at ms_test" menu it...

Long label radio button in IE7 issue

Hi, I have a radio button with long labels that wraps to the next line, it is displaying correctly in Firefox and IE8, but not in IE7 and IE6. Basically, what I want is shown below (where o is the radio button): I/we authorise WITHDRAWALS from my Investec account to and DIRECT DEBITS from this designated account I/we authorise WITH...

adobe flash builder 4: css type selectors are not supported in components spark.components.Label

Hiya. I created a new MXML component that contains some labels and the following style: <fx:Style> @namespace s "library://"; @namespace mx "library://"; @namespace local "*"; s|Label { font-size:12; font-weight:bold; color:white; } #timeLeftHGro...

Zend_Form - add CSS Class :: How can I add css class to label in Zend_Form?

Hi, How can I add css class to label in Zend_Form? This is html way: <dt><label for="foo" class="label-design">Foo</label></dt> How can I write above row with Zend_Form? (I know how to write label but i dont know how can i add ccss class. $model = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('model'); $model->setLabel('Model'); ) Thanks, ...

How to read a delimited line of strings and ints and extract them for processing in VB

Hi, I have the following text file (ExamMarks.txt) John, 85, 95, 90 Micheal, 60, 75, 75 I want to extract a line and take the Name and separately and the ints separately. Then I want to print the name and the average of the numbers like this in a label: John's average is 90 Micheal's average is 70 So far I can only display what is ...

Where to put <label> around other html element or not?

Hi, Where to put around other html element or not? Option1- put around input element : <label>Url: <input type="text" size="350"/> </label> Option2: <label>Url:</label> <input type="text" size="350"/> Thanks ...

SQL Server : How do I put a label on top of "Data Flow" tab of my ssis package ?

SQL Server : How do I put a label on top of "Data Flow" tab of my ssis package ? ...

UITableViewCell: Text with styled lines inside label

Hi all, my purpose is to display a UITableView with cells with a style like: TextA - bold text with a big font size TextB - bold text with a small font size TextC - normal text with the same font size of TextB The UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle style is almost perfect, I could set TextA as textLabel and a string that contai...

Acceptable use of GoTo?

Hello all. I'm currently rewriting an old VB6 program in C# in the .Net Framework 2.0 (not my choice, it was decided by the company). For the most part, things have gone pretty well. The program measures incoming data from a precision grinding machine and displays graphs and dials to display the accuracy. The original programmer was a ...

HTML checkbox onclick called in Javascript

Hello, I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to get a certain part of my code to work. <input type="checkbox" id="check_all_1" name="check_all_1" title="Select All" onclick="selectAll(document.wizard_form, this);"> <label for="check_all_1" onclick="toggleCheckbox('check_all_1'); return false;">Select All</label> This i...