
How can I justify labels when plotting "with labels" in Gnuplot?

The following plot command produces a bar chart, and above each bar the value is plotted as label, formatted with gprintf: plot "data.txt" using 6:1 index 0 notitle with boxes linestyle 1,\ "data.txt" using 6:(0.7):(gprintf("%5.2f", $1)) index 0 notitle \ with labels font "Courier,34" rotate l...

Matlab subplot title and axes labels

I have the following script to ultimately plot a 4 by 2 subplot: files = getAllFiles('preliminaries'); n = size(files); cases = cell(1, n); m = cell(1, n); for i = 1:1:n S = load(files{i}); cases{i} = retransmission_distribution(S); c = size(cases{i}); m{1,i} = cell(1, c(2)); %figure(i); str_size = size(fil...

How to insert a thousand seperator (comma) with convert to double

Morning all I'm being (a) thick and (b) blind. I have the following, tiny bit of code: this.lblSearchResults1.Text = Convert.ToDouble(lblSearchResults1.Text).ToString(); How do I amend this so that I the text includes comma/thousand seperators? i.e. 1,000 instead of 1000. Apologies for the dumb question. ...

Javascript: Edit a preview with jquery

I have 2 divs, the first one has the label with the content to show, but when you click the "edit" button, it should show you the div="edit" and the content of the 1st label inside of the input that is linked to it (same id). By the other way, I saw sites that when you type something inside that input, the original label of the "preview...

Set input fields to the current value of label elements

How can I get the current value of the label elements within function showEditionBlock() and set them to the corresponding input fields? The function will show the "edit" div, but the inputs are not getting the original values of the labels. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="

HTML Label float passed Checkbox on left

I have a checkbox and a label, and while the label is set after the checkbox, it appears before it when the page is in view. What could be the problem? <input name="signed" id="fd_supplier_contract_signed" type="checkbox" value="1" /> <label for="fd_supplier_contract_signed">Signed:</label> IMAGE: ...

Javascript: Get selected option from list and paste it on a label tag

I have a list of countries, html, they have numeric ids and country name: Ex: <select name="userDto.nationality" id="userDto.nationality"> <option value="">Seleccione</option> <option value="1">Alemania</option> <option selected="selected" value="2">Argentina</option> <option ...

Javascript: get a value with jQuery and replace it.

I have a gender selector, and a script that gets the value of the selected gender and pastes it on a label, but its pasting the value: "M" or "F". <div name="userLabelDiv" id="genderUserLabelDiv"> <label class="required">Sexo</label> <label id="genderLabel">F</label> </div> Now when Im trying to get this letter and replac...

What is the purpose of this inside functions?

Javascript compiles this code without error: function test() { property: true; alert('testing'); } test(); // Shows message 'testing' alert(; // Shows 'undefined' Is the content of property accessible in any way? If not, what is the purpose of accepting this code? ...

create a boxplot in R that labels a box with the sample size (N)

Is there a way to create a boxplot in R that will display with the box (somewhere) an "N=(sample size)"? The varwidth logical adjusts the width of the box on the basis of sample size, but that doesn't allow comparisons between different plots. FWIW, I am using the boxplot command in the following fashion, where 'f1' is a factor: boxpl...

Android Launcher label vs. activity title

This question has been asked before - but with no satisfying answer at all! So I'm trying it again. I want to give my application launcher icon (the one that is displayed on the startscreen!) a different, shorter caption. It seems the launcher takes its label from the mainfest section about the main activity's label, as here: <activity...

PEAR Image_Graph XAxis coordinate orientation

I'm making a graph using PEAR Image_Graph and the bottom coordinates labels are dates. Instead of the labels (dates) displaying horizontally, I'd like them to display vertically - or maybe at a slight angle, so they aren't all on top of each other. However, I'm not sure if this is possible and I can't seem to find anything in the docum...

How to use label for in an ASP.Net webform?

I get this as pure HTML: <label for="txtPais">Pais:</label> <input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtPais" type="text" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtPais" class="textInput" /> In my actual code in Visual Studio I have this: <label for="txtPais">Pais:</label> <asp:TextBox ID="txtPais" runat="server" CssClass="textInput"></...

How to programmatically set label text - Linq To Entities

Hello all. I have to set the label text of a load of differnet labels on a web page based upon user preferences. I have the following code that is place upon the label load event (probably wrong!) string memberid = Session["MemberID"].ToString(); string locationid = Session["LocationID"].ToString(); string user...

Accessing Labels in another Webcontrol on the same page

I'm using one Sublayout (Sitecore) and have a placeHolder that currently holds 2 webcontrols. I want to access the Label from one Webcontrol to the other Webcontrol. Do i have to find the Label recursively or can i just access the Label on another way? I tried different methods like: this.Page.Findcontrol this.Parent.Findcontrol etc.. ...

Appcelerator - Newbie in the mix!

Hi guys, Quick one for any developers using appcelerator out there. I have two labels (This may even bew wrong) which are populated from an RSS feed. One label houses the title and another the description. The content for these comes from an RSS list which all works fine. THe issue I'm having is that some titles are longer than others s...

Two UpdatePanelAnimation Extenders - causing animation to fire on both update panels.

Me again! I have the following that changes the label colour according to an update panel: <asp:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="UpdatePanelAnimationExtender1" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="UpdatePanel1"> <Animations> <OnUpdating> <Color AnimationTarget="lblSearchResults1... - Centering Text inside my label!!!

I am trying to make my first program in 2010, and I have a question. You know how when you have a button, the text centers itself within the frame of the button? I have a label in my application, that displays a different text (through the label) everyday. How can I limit the text area, like the frame in the button, and center t...

VB2005 Transparent Label in Menu area

I've read many articles on how to create transparent labels but it seems to me that my particular case is not covered. Very simply I have a label placed in the upper right part of the form, which in fact is part of the menu strip. The label displays some info to the user but I wish it were transparent. Ive tried various methods including...

(CVS) Detect when files associated with tag/label have changed

How can I detect when a developer updates files associated with a tag/label in CVS, then changes the tag to point to the new versions? The use case is developers surreptitiously making changes after the checked-in and tagged files have been peer-reviewed and approved, but before they have been built & deployed. I would like to avoid ge...