
core-plot: still do not understand how to have custom label AND ticks

Hello, I have this problem since a long time and I cannot find anything to solve this. I read several forum but was not able to find a working solution. I have the following code: // Adjust graph using above data CPXYPlotSpace *plotSpace = (CPXYPlotSpace *)graph.defaultPlotSpace; plotSpace.xRange = [CPPlotRange plotRang...

TFS 2008: Overwrite Label on file

Hi all, I'm trying to apply Label on a file, but I obtain this error because Label already exists on an old version of file: TF203007: Cannot create the label because the version controlled item $/MyProj/MyFile.cs already exists or has been specified more than once. I want move Label from an old version to Latest. Is it possible? Th...

Using of threads to update labels after receiving string from bluetooth.

Hi all i have a thread that is able to read data being received across from bluetooth stream. On the sender part i made it a while loop where count keeps on increasing + 1. I did a; and it works fine but when i do a label.text = test i get : "Control.Invoke must be used to interact with controls created on a separa...

WPF Label adapt FontSize to it's Width and Height

Hi all, I need to develop a Label control in WPF, on .net 3.5 and VisualStudio 2010, which FontSize automatically makes the text fill the control area. I dont know if create a CustomControl inheriting from label or create a UserControl which contains a Label control. I've seen an example here using a ValueConverter, but I'am not under...

Flex: Extending x-axis on LineChart for unknown future data

Hello Everyone, How do you display data on a LineChart that cuts off where there is no more data? For example, if I am showing a chart of company revenue for 2010, the chart should only show up to July now (with August and forward on showing no data). This would make the line in the line chart break and dissappear off at about midway ...

JSON response from jQuery get raises "Invalid label"

$.ajax({ beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="); }, url: "", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json", method: 'GET', success: function(a,b,c) { alert(a); ...

String or Integer variable Listener in java?

First off, I am pretty new to java and I am just staring to get the hang of how static classes can interface with non-static classes and how to get a static class to update a textbox. I keep searching for information, but I cannot find anything. I need a variable listener. here is something like what I am trying to do: public class...

Need help setting text prop of label (in a content page) in jQuery

I have searched already but unable to find an answer that works. I simply want to set the text of a label that is in a content page. Obviously because the control is in a content page it has the modified client id. So I know simply ".labelName" will not work alone because the client id is for example "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_labelName"...

Wx Python SL_Labels

Is it possible to display text labels in wx.SL_Labels? Thanks ...

Custom UITableViewCell with 3 labels

Hi guys, I have a custom UITableViewCell and in it I have 2 labels. The 2 labels in the custom cell have name and location. What I need to be able to do is, select a row and use the text in the name label of the row as the title for the next viewController. Any ideas on how I could do this? Thanks. ...

When label tag should be used over span/dev tags in html form?

Hi, When label tag should be used over span or dev in form? Example: option1-span: <form action=""> <span>Name:</span><input type="text"> <input type="submit" /> </form> option2-label: <form action=""> <label>Name:</label><input type="text"> <input type="submit" /> </form> option3-div: <form action=""> <div style="display:inli...

How to add a for attribe to a div like label's for?

So what I want is a div what points to an input or a div with contentEditable=true. So if a click on the div then jumps inside the input. ...

How to change the Title of a view.

hi everyone, So, I have two views and i want to give at my NavigationBar the name of a Label in my first view... And i have an other, in my .xib, i have many button and Label and on the top a "+" button(in a Navigation Bar) (i'm not in a TableView) and my question is, when the first Label is completed, how when i press again the "+" b...

How to update a label to make it display new text?

I am making an application in netbeans and want to have a status label that tells what is going on in the program at any given moment. There is a ton of code, but here is pretty much what it does: Just pretend that statusLabel is a label that has already been put in the program and each of the functions is an expensive function that take...

Smart pie chart label placement algorithms?

Hi all, I am building a custom chart library for my company. I'm having troubles finding / inventing a good algorithm to place the chart labels so that the following requirements are met: Labels should not overlap Labels should remain as close as possible to the related slice If a label must be moved away from its slice, it should pref...

How to display labels on a Pie Chart

Hi, I am developing an application that has a Pie Chart in it. I want to display the values(used for making the pie chart) to be displayed in the center corresponding area. I am using this code to draw the PieChart: CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0.52, 0.63, 0.31, 1.0); CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, posX, posY); CGContextAddArc(ctx,...

listview null values

I don't want the label to show if the field is null. In my database rows, data isn't complete for all columns. I thought this would work: <% if(# Eval("recipe_by") == null){%><br /><br /><%} else {%>Recipe by: <br /><br /> <asp:Label ID="recipe_byLabel" Font-Bold="True" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("recipe_by") %>' /> } I get this...

Label Clearcase branch via batch script

I need to create a Clearcase label script to run on a UNIX server. Labels will not always be on the latest build and the script needs to be run via a manual process. It will label every file a branch of code at a version (currently selected by a timestamp-timestamp is from a Hudson build engine which will create these scripts and ftp ...

What options are available to developers for printing to a dedicated label printer?

Our business uses custom internal software to create shipping labels to be printed on large high-speed label printers. What options are available to developers (libraries, services, full-blown-software, etc.) for assisting in the process of creating a custom-formatted label and sending it to a dedicated label printer? More background...

How to make tab text orientation of a notebook vertical (in gtkmm)

Hi, I want my notebook tab labels to be rotated by 90°. I tried the set_angle() function of Gtk::Label but it doesn't work: #include <gtkmm.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv); Gtk::Window mainwindow; Gtk::Notebook sidebar; Gtk::Label tab; mainwindow.add(sidebar); sidebar.set_tab...