
C# vertical label in a winform

Hello, Is it possible to display a label vertically in a winform ? ...

AutoEllipsis in StatusStrip Label?

Hi, I'm coding a Windows Forms App that has a StatusStrip that displays status informations to the user, and hints when the mouse is over relevant things. However, when the program is on it's minimal window size, the text sometimes is bigger than the whole StatusStrip, and the label simply dissapears. There must be a workaround to this, ...

Zend Form - Method to extract Label value from Form Class to show in View Script?

I'm in the process of switching my forms to use a View Script as their decorators. The examples I've seen so far do the following in the View Script: <td><label for='textEmail'>Email:</label></td> <td><?php echo $this->element->textEmail; ?></td> I would like to find a way to have the text to be displayed in the label from the Form Ob...

Does the ASP .NET Label Add to the Weight of the ViewState Being Passed on Localization?

I am currently working on a localization project for an ASP .NET application. I currently have a massive page with a multi view with about 9 tabs with each tab containing lots of data. I was just wondering, I put a lot of tag on my ASPX page so that I could localize my text easily. I was wondering if the amount of Label has a big impact...

Algorithm for nice graph labels for time/date axis?

Hello, I'm looking for a "nice numbers" algorithm for determining the labels on a date/time value axis. I'm familar with Paul Heckbert's Nice Numbers algorithm ( I have a plot that displays time/date on the X axis and the user can zoom in and look at a smaller time frame. I'm looking for an algorithm that p...

JUNG (Java Graph): How to prevent Vertex- and Edge-Labels from overlapping?

I'm currently using Jung to draw graphs (I really mean graphs not charts!). The problem: Vertex and Edge Labels are overlapping with the Vertexes and the Edges. This leads into strange looking graphs: the "produces" label is overlapping with the vertex and the "60" edge-label is also overlapping with the vertex. Are there any possib...

devexpress aspxgridview - setting label with page number

Hi, I am using devexpress aspxgridview in 3.5 web application. on pageload, I have a label control on top of the page whose text for example is "abc". I am trying to set the value of the label with the page number selected by the user from the grid using onpageindexchanged event. But the label values is not changing. it is st...

Is Interface as labels a bad practice in java OO?

During the parsing of certain xml files, I come across a situation that I have to use interface as labels to identify that certain tags belong to certain category, for example, I created a Tag interface to identify that these classes are used to represent xml tags, and ContainableTag to point out that certain tags can be one of the child...

How to see what label color is on a file/folder from within Termnal (Mac OS X)

I want to include in a script a check for a file input to see if the file/folder has a color set and if it does, which one... (I don't need help with the creation of this script, just need the command to check what color the label is). eg, like these colors (grey): I would l...

flex3:How to override function set label of a button

Hi, Flex 3 question: I trying here to avoid having to bind resources to all my components labels ( ie a button) and find a way to have this automated. Problem: It corrupts the layout in design mode to bind directly in the mxml label="{resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit')}" and makes the design view useless. but when dec...

Is it possible to simulate HTML tag <Label /> in asp:Label ASP.NET Control?

Hi guys, I really like the HTML tag which makes it really easy to see which label stands for which input element by checking its 'for' attribute. You know, something like: <label for="txtInput"> Enter your name</label> <input type="text" id="txtInput" /> Is it possible to do something similar in Label control so that I can...

Which is smaller footprint in C#

A lable sized like a rectangle with no text but has a border and is invisible (for a visual rectangle on the form around controls but not to contain the controls) or a panel? ...

ASP .NET Label orientation for East Asian Text

Does anyone know how to create an asp .net label control that is orientated in 90 degrees clockwise Right now the way I do it is using tag like this <td style="font-size: 13px; width: 20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <asp:Label ID="lbl1" runat="server" Text="日" /><br /> <asp:Label ID="lbl2" runat...

How to retrieve all tab names or labels without selecting tab in jQuery?

How to retrieve all tab names or labels without selecting tab in jQuery? I need this to validate tab name/label length. ...

Rename a label programmatically in

I am using visual studio 2008, using VB.NET. I have a number of labels that I want to rename programmatically. The current names for the labels take the form of label100, label101,label102 etc. It sounds so simple but its got me beat, is this possible? ...

C# How to set label text in a listview?

In my codebehind I want the set the text of a label. Here is the aspx code: <asp:ListView ID="lstRegistrations" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <th width="80" align="left"> <asp:Label ID="lblDate" runat="server" Text="<%=...

Cannot access label through segment registers, error in assembly

INCLUDE .data byteArray BYTE 6 DUP(?) listSize = ($ - byteArray) aSum WORD 0 soffset = 0 .code main PROC mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov cx, listSize Loop1: mov ax, 0 movzx ax, [byteArray + soffset] add aSum, ax soffset = soffset + 1 loop Loop1 exit main ENDP END main ...

Windows batch file - The system cannot find the batch label specified

The Problem I'm having a problem with a DOS batch file and labels. I keep getting this error: The system cannot find the batch label specified What I've tried Two computers; a WindowsXP and a 2003 Server. Made sure it was encoded as ASCII Editted the hex code for the line continuation characters. Tried replacing all with CR ,...

Using "label for" on radio buttons

When using the "label for" parameter on radio buttons, to be 508 compliant, is the following correct? <label for="button one"><input type="radio" name="group1" id="r1" value="1" /> button one</label> or is this? <input type="radio" name="group1" id="r1" value="1" /><label for="button one"> button one</label> Reason I ask is that ...

is there a equivalent of Java's labelled break in C# or a workaround

I am converting some Java code to C# and have found a few labelled "break" statements (e.g.) label1: while (somethingA) { ... while (somethingB) { if (condition) { break label1; } } } Is there an equivalent in C# (current reading suggests not) and if not is there ...