
What Design Pattern is this?

I know that everything we do in programming can be described as design pattern(even abstract method has design pattern called template method) public class Guicer extends AbstractModule { private static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new Guicer()); public static void setInjector(Injector injector) {

What was the thinking behind the development of Object Oriented Programming?

I've got some real nay-sayers on my hands here, and I'm trying to give them the reason why OOP was developed in the first place. I realize that OOP is not perfect for all problems and situations, but it was developed for a reason... My guess would be, that a few of those reasons would be: Maintainability Re-usability Document-ability...

Is anyone aware of any HTML5 based language editor with content assist?

Does anyone know of a project that will allow the editing of a language (any language) within a web-page itself (via HTML-5) with content assist (ctrl+space)? CLARIFICATION I'm not looking for a HTML5 editor (I'm aware of many), I'm looking for a language editor written in HTML5/Javascript that runs within a browser. ...

Algorithm to fill slots

I am searching for an algorithm to fill several slots, which are already filled to some level. The current levels and the available quantity to fill are known Resulting levels should be as equal as possible, but existing level cannot be reduced Slots are filled from left to right, so left slots get higher level if equal level is imposs...

Guidelines for solution source code organisation(OO/DDD)

I'm starting on my first business project (.NET) and am trying to follow DDD principles. Are there any guidelines or common patterns for orgaining source code and namespaces? For example, do your domain objects go in a namespace MyProject.Domain or whatever? Would you separate the concrete implementations and the interfaces? In differen...

Detecting regular expression in content during parse

I am writing a simple parser for C. I was just running it with some other language files (for fun - to see the extent of C-likeness and laziness - don't wanna really write separate parsers for each language if I can avoid it). However the parser seems to break down for JavaScript if the code being parsed contains regular expressions.....

How would I code a complex formula parser manually?

Hm, this is language - agnostic, I would prefer doing it in C# or F#, but I'm more interested this time in the question "how would that work anyway". What I want to accomplish ist: a) I want to LEARN it - it's about my ego this time, it's for a fun project where I want to show myself that I'm a really good at this stuff b) I know a ti...

UML scenario example

How are scenarios expressed? I think they're linked to use-cases but I'm not sure and I'm seeking some good examples or a document that can serve as a template. ...

Algorithm to calculate a page importance based on its views / comments

I need an algorithm that allows me to determine an appropriate <priority> field for my website's sitemap based on the page's views and comments count. For those of you unfamiliar with sitemaps, the priority field is used to signal the importance of a page relative to the others on the same website. It must be a decimal number between 0 ...

Program structure in long running data processing python script

For my current job I am writing some long-running (think hours to days) scripts that do CPU intensive data-processing. The program flow is very simple - it proceeds into the main loop, completes the main loop, saves output and terminates: The basic structure of my programs tends to be like so: <import statements> <constant declaration...

Please suggest other ways of communicating between server & client.

I'm writing a TCP chat server ( programming language does not mather ). It's a school project for my nephew, so it won't be released, and all questions I'm asking are just for my knowledge :). . Some of the things it will support: chatting between users ( doh ), it will be multithreaded sending each other files I know I could easily ...

Automatic tracking algorithm

Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a simple tracking routine to track some points on a movie. Essentially I have a series of 100-frames-long movies, showing some bright spots on dark background. I have ~100-150 spots per frame, and they move over the course of the movie. I would like to track them, so I'm looking for some efficient (but ...

How to work with this turing machine?

This is a screenshot of the applet LogiCell 1.0, link to which I found here. As the bottom left corner shows, this is doing sum 0+1 and the result is 01b (bottom right hand side). I am not able to link what is displayed to what the inputs ans outputs are. For example in this case - seeing the snapshot, how do you determine that the i...

Programming style: should you return early if a guard condition is not satisfied?

One thing I've sometimes wondered is which is the better style out of the two shown below (if any)? Is it better to return immediately if a guard condition hasn't been satisfied, or should you only do the other stuff if the guard condition is satisfied? For the sake of argument, please assume that the guard condition is a simple test th...

How should I implement items that are normalized in the Database, in Object Oriented Design?

How should I implement items that are normalized in the Database, in Object Oriented classes? In the database I have a big table of items and a smaller of groups. Each item belong to one group. This is how my database design look like: +----------------------------------------+ | Inventory | +----+------+-...

Code Maintenance - Is English always the best language to write the code in?

Possible Duplicate: Do you use another language instead of english ? Few days ago friend of mine asked me to look at the CMS written in PHP. He asked me to review the code, and provide my comments to check if the company he hired did a good job. Apart from few design and security related bugs I found one thing that annoyed t...

Playground for Artificial Intelligence?

In school, one of my professors had created a 3D game (not just an engine), where all the players were entirely AI-controlled, and it was our assignment to program the AI of a single player. We were basically provided an API to interact with the game world. Our AI implementations were then dropped into the game together, and we watched ...

Code Golf: 1x1 black pixel

Recently, I used my favorite image editor to make a 1x1 black pixel (which can come in handy when you want to draw solid boxes in HTML cheaply). Even though I made it a monochrome PNG, it came out to be 120 bytes! I mean, that's kind of steep. 120 bytes. For one pixel. I then converted it to a GIF, which dropped the size down to 43 ...

Simulating aspects of static-typing in a duck-typed language

In my current job I'm building a suite of Perl scripts that depend heavily on objects. (using Perl's bless() on a Hash to get as close to OO as possible) Now, for lack of a better way of putting this, most programmers at my company aren't very smart. Worse, they don't like reading documentation and seem to have a problem understanding ...

All minimum spanning trees implementation

I've been looking for an implementation (I'm using networkx library.) that will find all the minimum spanning trees (MST) of an undirected weighted graph. I can only find implementations for Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm both of which will only return a single MST. I've seen papers that address this problem (such as Represen...