
Is there any way I can define a variable in latex?

In Latex how can I define a string variable whose content is used intead of the variable in the compiled pdf? Let's say I'm writing a tech doc on a software and I wnat to define the package name in the preamble or somewhere so that if its name changes I don't have to replace it in a lot of places but only in one place Thanks ...

One key emacs LaTeX compilation?

Hi. Are there any emacs guru out there who can tell me how to bind C-B to Auctex's LaTeX compilation? This is, instead of C-c C-c RET. I'm on Ubuntu. ...

LaTeX report chapter styles

How do I change chapter styles in LaTeX report class? I have found something about \makechapterstyle, but it doesn't seem to work on reports (or at least it doesn't work on my report :-) ) I'm prety sure there must be some way to change this. I know that LaTeX is not much of programming, but i dont't know any better place to ask this. ...

LaTeX TOC numbering problem

My LaTeX document is acting strangely. Here is a simplified version of it: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \newpage \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{A Part of My Document} \include{includedfile} \end{document} And in includedfile.tex: \section{My Section Title} Quack. Clearly, in the table of contents, the ...

Is there a calculator with LaTeX-syntax?

When I write math in LaTeX I often need to perform simple arithmetic on numbers in my LaTeX source, like 515.1544 + 454 = ???. I usually copy-paste the LaTeX code into Google to get the result, but I still have to manually change the syntax, e.g. \frac{154,7}{25} - (289 - \frac{1337}{42}) must be changed to 154,7/25 - (289 - 1...

what LaTex Editor do you suggest for Linux?

What LaTex editor do you suggest? Could you please give me some links? ...

latex memoir, the verse environment, and \poemtitle

I am currently using the memoir class to typeset some poems. The \poemtitle command gives me a centered poem title, but I would rather have the title flush with the edge of the poem body. I have redefined the \poemtitle command to remove the automatic centering. The \verse environment coupled \settowidth{\versewidth}{} will center the po...

LaTeX math mode and mbox mode

Hello! According to a doc I found around An \mbox within math mode does not use the current math font; rather it uses the typeface of the surrounding running text. In math mode, I would like to write something like a_{\mbox{foo}}. If I use this, the foo will be quite big, too big. If I write a_{foo}, foo will be in italic. W...

Recommended build system for latex?

I'm trying to figure out the best build system for latex. Currently, I use latex-makefile, editing in vim, and viewing changes in Okular or gv. The major problem is that it sometimes gets hides errors on me, and I have to run latex manually. The major advantages are that it does all the iteration I need, and offers both pdf and ps simpl...

latex, multicol, figure*

I am using the multicol package, with two columns, and need a figure to span both columns. I am aware of \begin{figure*}, but I do not want the figure to float. I have been googling for about an hour, to no avail. Any help would be great. ...

How to avoid a page break before start of bibliography?

Hi, I am in the progress of writing an expose for my master thesis. One point in the expose is an overview of literature. To save my time and work I use bibtex to create that chapter. The thing I want to change now is that latex starts a new page for the bibliography which is an enormous overhead in a four page document. The, I think, ...

Redefining latex macro using same name

Currently I use a \mytodo macro, which just calls \todo[inline]: \newcommand{\pbtodo}[1]{\todo[inline]{#1}} But I'd like to call this macro \todo. The simplest solution: \renewcommand{\todo}[1][]{\todo{#1}} unsurprisingly resulted in what I presume to be a stack overflow: ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]. D...

To have LaTeX-like PATH -system for PHP development

I develop my project at ~/Dropbox/db/. I need to move the folder continuously to /var/www to be able to see the result in Firefox because it is the only place where I have Apache. My filetree is at ~/Dropbox/db/ . |-- handlers | |-- login.php | |-- question.php | |-- question_answer.php | `-- register.php |-- index.php |-- form...

How can I compile LaTeX in UTF8?

I did my document in an ISO-standard. It does not support umlaut alphabets, such as ä and ö. I need them. The document gets compiled without UTF8, but not with UTF8. More precisely, the document does not get compiled with the line at the beginning of my main.tex: \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} How can I compile my LaTeX document in UTF8?...

LaTeX makeindex with style combined with hyperref package

Hello *, I am currently having a problem with makeindex package and style when combined with hyperref package with TeXnicCenter and LaTeX=>PDF conversion. Without using everything is fine, but as soon as I use style I get lots of errors. Did anybody face a similar problem and can suggest any solutions? Alte...

latex and unicode: how to write special symbols of other scripts, or import symbols?

I couldn't find the answer to this question in SO. I'll try to explain. I'm writing some text in which I need to change scripts very often. Say I want to write some unicode character (not in the character script, but more in the transliteration of it, say \'a for á). What is the best way to do this in scripts such as indic, chinese, etc...

Multiple commands in an environment in LaTeX

Is it possible to use multiple commands in one environment block in LaTeX? I tried something like this, but it didn't work... \begin{sffamily,emph} I'm sans serif and italic! \end{sffamily,emph} ...

aligning equations in latex

Hi all, I have the following code in an attempt to align things in latex using amsmath package: \begin{alignat}{3} \text{max} && c^Tx &=\\ \text{s.t.} && Ax &\leq b \\ && x &\geq 0 \end{alignat} Basically, i would like for max and s.t. to be in one column, c^Tx, Ax, x to be in second column, and lastly b and 0 to be in the l...

Not indent the first paragraph of a LaTeX document

In the standard LaTeX article class (and probably others as well), paragraph indentation follows standard American publishing norms of not indenting the first paragraph after a section{} or subsection{}. I've redefined \maketitle in a LaTeX document and put the actual title left-aligned as the last line, fairly close to the actual text...

Can I create with LaTeX documents in the EPUB-format?

Is it possible to create a document for an ebook-reader in the EPUB-format with LaTeX/TeX? Which extension or program can be used? ...