
Bibliography as section in LaTeX / BibTeX

I'm writing a short document using sections rather than chapters as the top-level (documentclass report). However, \bibliographystyle{amsplain} \bibliography{general} causes the bibliography to be inserted as a chapter rather than a section. Is there any way to change this? ...

Run pdflatex quietly

I'm calling pdflatex from within my (C++) program using system(), needless to say all the garbage pdflatex puts on screen is a bit irritating in this case. do I encourage pdflatex to forego the lengthy outputs? It would be even better if only errors would be visible... ...

Is there any RAK-WB style for bibtex?

RAK-WB is a specific bibliographical standard mostly for libraries in germany; the standard goes as follows: RAK-WB. However, there seems to be no bibtex package/style for this standard. Is there any RAK-WB style for bibtex or do I have to write it on my own? If so, what would be good tutorials/introductions to writing bibtex-style fil...

"Font shape undefined" with latex and isodoc

I'm trying to create a simple invoice with pdflatex and the isodoc class. Unfortunately, the "INVOICE" opening is appear in all lowercase, and I suspect this warning is the reason why: LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/lmr/bx/sc' undefined (Font) using `T1/lmr/bx/n' instead on input line 19. My best guess at this crypti...

What should I add to document preamble to change table float look?

I need to change my document's preamble to change tables look. Currently all my tables have caption added to bottom and aligned to center which looks like: "Table N: Table caption". I need to split that caption into two parts and move then, so my tables will look like: Table N (aligned to left) Table caption (aligned to center) Table Ho...

LaTeX Double Spacing

I am using the acm LaTeX template and I have trouble making my paper double spaced. My LaTeX document looks like the following: \documentclass{acm_proc_article-sp} \usepackage{setspace} \doublespacing \begin{document} ... \end{document} When I compile the above document using pdflatex, I get the following error message on the line th...

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

In Latex, how do I eliminate the space inserted before itemize? \begin{itemize} % produces lots of vertical space \item ... \item ... \end{itemize} ...

Convert EPS to PDF on the fly with pdflatex on the fly

I'm trying to include an EPS figure in a document that will be compiled using pdflatex. Of course, the picture can be converted to pdf using epstopdf (which comes with the MikTeX distribution). Is there any way to do this on the fly, that is, make pdflatex do the conversion? I'm looking for such a solution because I want to set up an ea...

How do you put text below other text?

I need to write the expression meaning optimize over the parameter set. I think I should write something like $\arg \max_{\substack{w \\ \phi}} f(w,\phi)$ but this puts the subscript below at the right of \max and I'd like to put those subindexes below and centered on the max word. Which command should I use? Thanks in advance. ...

Subfigs of a figure on multiple pages

Dear All I am facing problem of stacking many figures The problem is the stack figure is overriding the page dimension vertically and placing all the figure in one page and not changing the page as the limitation of page is reached. How can page be changed while stacking all the figures. \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{float} \begin{...

How does one format a letter in the Memoir document class for LaTeX?

If you have a traditional letter with content like-so. From Someone 50 Example Drive Random City, ZIP Country Tel: 444-555-6666 July 30, 2009 To Somebody 51 Example Drive Random City, ZIP Country Tel: 444-555-7777 Dear Somebody: Get off my lawn! Sincerely yours, Someone How can one create such a letter using the LaTeX Memoir c...

How to change an image on a slide in Latex?

In a frame I have two columns. In the first column I display some information using an itemize. When I display a new item I want to change in the second column the image which is displayed. I tried with onslide but it doesn't help me. Here is the code: \begin{columns} \begin{column}[l]{10cm} \begin{itemize}[<+->] \item first i...

Latex Problem: Undefined control sequence when using /multirow

Hi I simple want to combine some cells in a row of a table in Latex. For instance, I tried to compile the following table: \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Team sheet} \\ \hline Goalkeeper & GK & Paul Robinson \\ \hline \multirow{4}{*}{Defenders} & LB & Lucus Radebe \\ & DC & Michael Duberry \\ & DC ...

LaTeX, longtable package, p{width} and \multicolumn question

I have a really long table in LaTeX that spans several pages and is also too wide for the page. I am using the longtable package with every column width specified with the p{width} command. The problem is, that most of the rows contain a multicolumn call, and thus are not adhering to the p{width} command. Minimal example: \begin{longta...

TeX: string parsing and whitespace stripping

Hi, In TEX, how is it possible to split a string such as \mana{X1 2W/UB R /G} into parts and to feed them to another macro (in this case, to replace the macro invocation by something like \m{X}\m{12}\m{W/U}\m{B}\m{R/G}), grouping by very simple rules, namely: a) consecutive digits form a group, b) a slash creates a group of two nearby c...

Cross-platform editing for LaTeX documents?

What solutions are there for working on a LaTeX document on both Windows and Linux? It's a large document, and I will be working daily on both platforms so compatibility is essential if it's two different pieces of software. Bonus points for a solution that includes easy previewing. ...

Listings in Latex with UTF-8 (or at least german umlauts)

Trying to include a source-file into my latex document using the listings package, i got problems with german umlauts inside of the comments in the code. Using \lstset{ extendedchars=\true, inputencoding=utf8x } Umlauts in the source files (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM) are processed, but they are somehow moved to the beginning of the...

Included LaTeX figures do not show in dvi but do in pdf.

I am trying to get LaTeX to include figures, but the eps files will not show up in the DVI. I tried various packages to no avail. The figures will show up fine if I compile to PDF, but not in the DVI file... I am using MikTex and LEd under Windows. ...

LaTeX: set custom line spacing except for some document parts

Hi, I need to have a 1.5 line spacing within my document but without some parts like the TOC, title page etc. When I use this command to set the line spacing to 1.5: \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.50}\normalsize the documents line spacing is set to 1.5. How can I exclude some parts of the document from that setting? Thanks for ...

LED master file

In LED (LatexEditor), how to mark a file (main_file.tex), containg includes of other files, as "main" ? If I right-click, I don't find this option in the menu. And if I make a copy named main_file.tex.latexmain, it doesn't work. ...