
Why can't I show accents in Latex?

As soon as I use accents in my text, it won't work anymore. It reports the error: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> R\UTF {00E9}seau Ethernet l.88 \section{R\UTF{00E9}seau Ethernet} ? To explain the output a bit, I am trying to compile \section{Réseau Ethernet} in that line. I think it has to do with the enc...

LaTeX links

How do I link to another section, or subsection of my LaTeX document? What is the conventional format for such links, to write them like [link name], or to do them like webpage hyperlinks? ...

Too much whitespace after verbatim command

If I put the following LaTeX code: \begin{singlespace} \begin{verbatim} There is too much whitespace before the text inside those tags appear. It looks like there are two line breaks. Is there a way to reduce this whitespace? ...

How do I cite author in Latex?

How do I cite authors in Latex? I tried using natbib package ---- doc.tex ---- ... \usepackage{natbib} ... \citeauthor{736184} ... ---- doc.bib ---- @inproceedings{736184, author = {Broder, Andrei Z.}, ... but all I get is (author?) (in bold). ...

Latex: Citations in section headings put into table of contents first

I have some citations for sections of my document that I have put in the section heading: \section{The title \cite{abc}, \cite{def}} Text I am also using the table of contents function, but Latex must look at the citations in the headings (for the table of contents) first and assign them the first citation rankings, regardless of their...

How can I rotate a page 180 degrees in LaTeX?

As the title says: How can I rotate a page 180 degrees in LaTeX? ...

How to wrap uninterrupted text in Latex?

Hello, I need to insert text like this in my Latex document: ((((tetrameristaceae,pellicieraceae),marcgraviaceae),balsaminaceae),(fouquieriaceae,polemoniaceae,sladeniaceae,(ternstroemia,adinandra)pentaphylacaceae,(schima,gordonia)theaceae,(lissocarpa,diospyros)ebenaceae,symplocaceae,(maesaceae,(theophrastaceae,(primulaceae,(myrsine,ard...

Various Latex questions

Hi! I had to learn Latex in a hurry and am now trying to fix a report. Most of the things works fine, but I have some problems. The abstract has very much padding. This makes the abstract break and end up in two pages. How do I make it fit on one page, by removing padding, not making the text smaller? I have a long table, which I use ...

Lookup table in Latex

Hi! I have a bunch of automatically generated LaTeX code with hypertargets of the form "functionname_2093840289fad1337", i.e the name of a function with a hash appended. I would like to refer to those functions from the rest of the document by only referring to the function name which I know is unique. I would like a lookup function som...

Different font for all headings in LaTeX

I would like to set my chapter/section/subsection headings to use a sans-serif font, but keep the serif font for the body text. How can this be done? ...

How to force line wrapping in listings package?

I have a problem concerning listings package in latex. I need to embed a source code of the following XML document in my master thesis appendix. The problem is, no matter what options I pass to the package, I don't seem to be able to fit it on page - the code lines are t...

Why does using ledpar cause a document to fail?

Here is my minimal LaTeX document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[polutonikogreek,english]{babel} \newcommand{\Gk}[1]{\selectlanguage{polutonikogreek}#1\selectlanguage{english}} \usepackage{ledmac} \newcommand{\cn}[1]{\Afootnote{#1}} \usepackage{ledpar} \begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart \edtext{apostle}{\cn{\Gk{apostoloc...

Theorem numbering in LaTeX

I have a problem with theorem numbering in LaTeX. I can make it number by subsection, e.g Theorem 1.2.1 for the first theorem in the second subsection of the first section. But I need it to show me only the numbers of the subsection and the theorem, but not the section number, like this: Theorem 2.1 I use \newtheorem{thm}{T...

Load a single symbol from a LaTeX package

When using the MnSymbol package, pdflatex gives two font warnings: LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding 'OMS' has changed to 'U' for symbol font (Font) 'symbols' in the math version 'normal' on input line 120. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font 'symbols' in version 'normal' (Font) OMS/cmsy/m/n --> U/MnSym...

LaTeX: Prevent line break in a span of text.

How can I prevent LaTeX from inserting linebreaks in my \texttt{...} or \url{...} text regions? There's no spaces inside I can replace with ~, it's just breaking on symbols. Update: I don't want to cause line overflows, I'd just rather LaTeX insert linebreaks before these regions rather than inside them. ...

Get started with Latex on Linux

Impressed by is-latex-worth-learning-today, and many how-to's on Windows, How do you have someone started with LaTeX on Linux. How do you generate a pdf out of it and give up the OOO Word processer. Update: Thanks to all the suggestions given in here. I was able to create an awesome ppt using the Beamer class:

Latex Output

When I compile a latex file, it produces also a .txt, .bbl, .aux files. They are not useful as I can delete them without harm. My question is what are these files for and how can I opte not to generate them when I compile the .tex file? ...

Sensible python source line wrapping for printout

I am working on a latex document that will require typesetting significant amounts of python source code. I'm using pygments (the python module, not the online demo) to encapsulate this python in latex, which works well except in the case of long individual lines - which simply continue off the page. I could manually wrap these lines exc...

Define every symbol as a command in LaTeX

I'm working on a large project involving multiple documents typeset in LaTeX. I want to be consistent in my use of symbols, so it might be a nice idea to define a command for every symbol that has a specific meaning throughout the project. Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there issues I should pay attention to? A little mo...

Parts in pdflatex Table of Contents

I have a thesis in which I want to group some chapters together, using the \part command. What I would like is to have the following: Chapter 1 Part I Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Part II Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 So the last chapter should again be on the same level as the parts. In the table of contents of the text you can't really...