
LaTeX: Using .bb files in \includegraphics

Hi, is it possible to use a .bb file (generated with, for instance, the "ebb" program included in MiKTeX) to define the bounding box of .png files when using \includegraphics? I can define the bounding box in \includegraphics directly, for instance \includegraphics[bb=0 0 100 100]{file.png}, but I'd like to be able to define this outsid...

render math equations for websites latex

I'm looking for a standalone math equation renderer that generates a gif or png file. It should be able to take equation input from a URL. It has to work on a webserver, preferably on IIS and .NET based. I read the previous topics here, but none of them seem to work well. ...

Printing out LaTeX Variables

I am using a LaTeX class file which sets various parameters such as margins, line spacing, ... according to the parameters passed to it. For some reason, the end result does not look right. Some margins are not properly set. I'd like to print out the values of various variables that LaTeX have computed along the way to see where the prob...

Tips for debugging latex errors in Doxygen

Right now I get an error message saying: No file _formulas.aux. ... ! Missing $ inserted. ... I've tried looking for and single @f$ tags in the code, but I have not been successful in locating the culprit thus far. How can I go about solving this specific issue? In addition, what are some general tips for debugging latex errors in do...

How can I change the vertical position of content after a tabularnewline?

I have some trouble with tables in LaTeX. My table has 4 columns. The are too broad to fit the \textwidth, so I searched for a line break and found \tabularnewline. Now the content in the first column breaks into 2 lines but the content in the other 3 columns is now at the bottom of the cell. I would like to center it in the column, or a...

How to generate pdf with epydoc?

I am considering epydoc for the documentation of one module. It looks ok to me and is working fine when I am generating html document. I would like to try to generate the documenation in the pdf format. I've just modified the 'output' setting in my config file. Unfortunately, epydoc fails when generating the pdf file. The error is "Er...

Dimension Preserving JPEG to EPS Conversion

I am looking for the best way to convert my JPEG files into EPS. I have to convert my image files to EPS to insert into my LaTeX files. Note that I am using dvipdfm to compile my LaTeX file into PDF and I am not using pdflatex. The problem is that the actual size of the image changes under the conversion to EPS. Therefore, I have to use...

Converting large set of word documents automatically into xml, modify them and than convert them into latex, pdf, html

Having a set of about 400 Documents in word which are part of a Quality Management System Word is causing me a lot of grieve because a) it handles images in large doc poorly b) the layout gets sometimes busted c) it is cumbersome to configure the documentation for different clients. I can convert single documents by saving them as xml/...

To filter out whitespaces in pictures in LaTeX

Problems: to make the picture a coordinate system such that you can apply functions to it to make a "detection" algorithm which first tries to find the objects like in "ship sinking" -game by considering pixels such that a failure in detecting a white-pixel causes the algorithm look at the pixel in the opposite site in the square. A...

To resize automatically a picture to A4 in LaTeX

I have many pictures which size differ much from picture to picture. I aim to develop an algorithm which allows you to remove the extra whitespace. Such algorithms are used in Signal Processing in removing the redundant noise, for instance in mobile phones. The algorithm should be used as follows \includegraphics[crop-redundant-white...

Ability to update texlive packages on ubuntu

I am using texlive on ubuntu and having issues with some packages used as they are too old. Downloading them from CTAN manually and installing fixes them but this is time consuming. On windows we use Miktex and just update to all the latest packages. Is there a way to update the packages in texlive to the latest from CTAN without going...

To have names for figures in LaTeX

I need to have labels for figures. However, I am not sure where is the bug, since the following figure -command should be correct: \begin{figure}\label{ERD figure} \includegraphics[width=13.0cm]{/Users/cs/pictures/user-cases.png} \end{figure} I removed already some commands from my main document. It solves the bug with the ge...

Japanese characters in a latex \section{} cause an error.

I am working on getting Japanese documents created with latex. I have installed the latest version of texlive-2008 which includes CJK. In my document I have the following: \documentclass{class} \usepackage{CJK} \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{min} \title{[Japanese Characters here 1]} \maketitle \section{[Japanese Characters here 2]...

To have two horizontal pages in LaTeX

I need to have codes in the format A4. The codes are so long that I would like to make two pages in my document horizontal. Other pages should be vertical. How can you make two pages horizontal in LaTeX? ...

To get the current $USER in LaTeX

My friend has the following in his computer in a LaTeX document \includegraphics[width=13.0cm]{/Users/max/Dropbox/2_user_cases.png} I would like to have a variable for the username such that we can collaborate faster. Pseudo-code about what I wont \includegraphics[width=13.0cm]{/Users/`echo $USER`/Dropbox/2_user_cases.png} How c...

To have no LaTeX margins for pictures

I have many types of diagrams in my whitepaper about databases. I use at the moment horizontal pages to make pictures readable. I would like to know how you can remove LaTeX margins from pages where there are pictures. How can you have no margins for pictures in LaTeX? ...

To have no pagebreak after \include in LaTeX

My LaTeX makes me pagebreaks after each subsection because my subsections are in separate files. I use the command \include{file} which adds a pagebreak after the use of it. I would like to have no pagebreak caused by the use of \include{file}. How can you no pagebreak after the use of include -command? ...

To have text and a picture on the same page in LaTeX

My LaTeX puts each picture in my document to an empty page, no matter what is the size of the picture such that only the caption is in the page where is the picture. Example of code \begin{table}[h!] \begin{landscape} \begin{figure} \caption{ERD} \includegraphics[width=25cm]{/Users/cs/hy/usecases.png...

To have wildcard * for LaTeX

How can you have the wildcard character, for example in the following code? \graphicspath{{1/*/pictures/}} ...

LaTeX for PDF generation in production

I used LaTeX for writing couple of white papers while I was in grad school. From that I have a really good impression about it in terms of what LaTeX allows user to do, especially the fine control it provides over formatting, etc. Now I am debating whether I should actually use LaTeX for our production apps to generate PDFs. I have tri...