
LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

The LaTeX code provided below shows the usage of the command "\indent" as it appears in the document, but it does not produce the desired indentation within the document. Is there a specific package associated with the command "\indent" or "\="? I am asking for a step by step method of producing an indentation within a document for only ...

Getting the error "Missing $ inserted" in LaTeX

Hey, I try to write the following in latex: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{insert(element|text)} inserts the element or text passed at the start of the selection. \item \textbf{insert_after(element|text)} inserts the element or text passed at the end of the selection. \item \textbf{replace(element|text)} replaces the selecti...

LaTeX indentation (formatting) in Emacs

Hi, what is the correct way to do indentation of a LaTeX document in Emacs (AucTex)? For example when I have a list: \begin{itemize} \item orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam enim urna, mattis eu aliquet eget, condimentum id nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. \item orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetu...

latex table reference

Hi, I wrote a long table with a label in a tex file and \input it into my main tex file. The reference in the main tex file to the table, however, does not show the numbering of the table but the one of the next table that are written directly in the main tex file. All long tables that are written directly in the main tex file have corr...

emacs auctex: can one auto-fill section labels?

Hi all, I am currently using emacs and auctex to author my latex documents. This is, of course, fantastic. However, I would like to have emacs and/or auctex auto-fill the section label when using C-c C-e to make a new header. It should end up looking like this: \section{This is a section title} \label{sec:this-is-a-section-title} wit...

Compilation of latex file

Hi, I am compiling a latex file on a server and download from there the generated dvi, ps and pdf files to view them. The latex file by \includegraphics includes some figure files which are not on my local machine. I found that dvi file generated by latex command does not show the figures after dowloaded to my local, but ps file genera...

include figure files in latex

Hi, I am trying to include jpeg files in latex \includegraphics[width=57.6mm, height=43.2mm]{../../results2/html/zerooneloss_stumps.jpg} With specified the width and height and compiled with pdflatex, however, it produces the error: ! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in ../../results2/html/zerooneloss_stumps.jpg (no B...

\center environment centers the whole document in LaTeX

I have the following line between my \maketitle and my \begin{abstract}: \center{ \textsc{Some text here} } This seems to cause the ENTIRE DOCUMENT to be formatted as centered. Why is this and how should I get around it? ...

"Page description language" and "markup language"

What is the difference and relation between "Page description language", "markup language" and "Page description markup language"? Based on their wiki webpages, I just don't understand what is their difference. Why needs there be a markup adaption of the Page description language - "Page description markup language"? Examples: PostSc...

image not shown in dvi after latexing

Hi, I include several images of eps format in latex. After latex command, there are some of the images missing in the dvi file. Not sure if it is related to the image size, most of the images missing have size around 83kB while those shown up have a size less than 40kB. After conversion from dvi to ps, the images are all back. Just wond...

How do I enter angle brackets in bibtex?

I want to put a title field in a bibtex citation that includes angle brackets: @article{ title= { <foo> } } but when it compiles I get upside down '!' and '?' instead. How to escape the angle bracket? ...

Programming R/Sweave for proper \Sexpr output

Hi I'm having a bit of a problem programming R for Sweave, and the #rstats twitter group often points here, so I thought I'd put this question to the SO crowd. I'm an analyst- not a programmer- so go easy on me my first post. Here's the problem: I am drafting a survey report in Sweave with R and would like to report the marginal return...

Making the draft document option in LaTeX have extra text appear in LaTeX

Is there a way to get some text to appear only when the [draft] option is active. For example, when the draft option is active, I want some text to appear between my title and abstract: "draft: do not cite without permission" or some such. ...

LaTeX: Unnumbered section in header of document

I have a document where I want to place an unnumbered section in my header. I use the fancyhdr package, and for a numbered section, I would had done something like this: \lhead{\leftmark} But this don't work with unnumbered sections. I'm solving math-problems in my document, so I don't want part-sections and numbered sections Anyone,...

Coping with nodes that contain text that goes below baseline in tikz

I have the following problem with Tikz/Latex: I have some nodes that contain text. Most text doesn't have letters that reach below the baseline. But for those nodes where it happens, the ratio and placement of node height and text/baseline is off. Have a look at the example image. Solutions I know of: make the nodes' minimum height...

Special names in Latex

Hi, In my english thesis latex file, how to mention the following non English words: François, École Fédérale? Thanks and regards! ...

How do I cite the title of an article in LaTeX?

I'm using LaTeX and BibTeX for an article, and I want to able to cite the title of an article I reference. What is the command to do this? I'm using \bibliographystyle{chicago} and it does not appear to be \citeT{}, \citetitle{} or \citeTitle{} Thanks! ...

Figures occurring after ^ and _ macros (was: LaTeX limitation?)

Hi, I've hit an annoying problem in LaTeX. I've got a tex file of about 1000 lines. I've already got a few figures, but when I try to add another figure, It barfs with: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> ... \sf@size \z@ \selectfont \@currbox l.937 \begin{figure}[t] If I move the figure to other parts of the file, I can get s...

LaTeX at symbol

What does the @ symbol mean in LaTeX? I'm looking at the source of apa.cls, and there's a declaration: \newsavebox\gr@box and later on \sbox\gr@box{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{#2}}. It seems like @ isn't acting as a normal character, but I can't figure out exactly what it's doing, and couldn't find anything after bit of goog...

Using LaTeX, how can I have a list of references at the end of each section?

I want to generate the bibliography for each section, and have it at the end of the section. When I do this at the moment it generates the full bibliography and places it after each section. Is there a way that this can be done? The advice here says "The chapterbib package provides an option sectionbib that puts the bibliogra...