
Dealing with widows in a multicol environment

I have problems with dealing with widows within a multicols environment, that is, I have not managed to instruct LaTeX to remove the them. This PDF document shows an example of the problem. At the top of the second page, I get a widow from the last paragraph of the first page. I have tried a couple of approaches, without luck: setting...

Select only some items from a list in LaTeX

I have a LaTeX document which is basically one big enumerate environment, with a few hundreds of items. I want to be able to issue a command like \printitems{2,5,12,45-48} which will output only the requested items. A similar command \onlyslides is a part of slides.cls, but I cannot figure out what goes on there and adapt it to my ne...

Single column, long index pages in LaTeX

Been having some trouble implementing a single-column index in LaTeX. I've been employing the idxlayout package along with multind in order to create an index that is catenated from a slew of other source idx files. First, the index is ALWAYS set to use two columns. Even though the idxlayout package is set to columns=1, and the itemla...

LaTeX - Simple way to inset table?

I'm a LaTeX beginner. Up until now whenever I've created a table (using the tabular environment) LaTeX floats it in its own paragraph, between my lines of text. However, I want a way to embed a small table within a paragraph (to the left or right), having the text flow around it. Is there a simple way to do this without having to exer...

LaTex compilation doesn't generate output

Can't generate the output of my LaTex document (using TeXnicCenter). At the end of the log he says: Latex-Result: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Bad Box(es), 0 Page(s) and correspondingly the viewer says it couldn't find the file. I have defined the path of the pdf viewer but it didn't help. The path of the source document doesn't c...

Including date and time in Tex File

Hello, The latex file is giving the following error ! LaTeX Error: File `datetime.sty' not found. Here is the Latex Code : \usepackage{datetime} Please let me know, if I am missing something. I am using Debian 3.1 Linux Machine. Would appreciate any useful pointers or help. Thanks Kiran ...

Split comma-separated parameters in LaTeX

I am trying to build a command which is similar to LaTeX \cite{}, which accepts a comma-separated list of parameters like this \cite{Wall91, Schwartz93} I would like to pass each item in the comma-separated list which the parameter represents to another command and return the concatenation of the individual results. I imagine it to be ...

Latex multicols. Can I group content so it won't split over cols and/or suggest colbreaks?

Hi. I'm trying to learn LaTeX. I've been googling this one for a couple days, but I don't speak enough LaTeX to be able to search for it effectively and what documentation I have found is either too simple or goes way over my head ( I have a document using the multicol package. (I'm ...

Latex --- Is there a way to shift the equation numbering one tab space from the right margin (shift towards left)?

I have been formatting my dissertation and one little problem is stucking me up. I used the following code to typeset an equation \begin{align} & R=\frac{P^2}{P+S'} \label{eqn:SCS}\\ &\mbox {where} \quad \mbox R = \mbox {Watershed Runoff} \notag\\ &\hspace{0.63in} \mbox P = \mbox{Rainfall} \notag\\ &\hspace{0.63in} \mbox S' = \mbox{Stor...

Paragraph-based diff program?

Does anyone know of a diff viewer or comparison program that can do paragraph-based differentials? My repos has a large number of LaTeX files that are formatted into 80-character wide paragraphs (for easy editing with vim). It's currently very difficult to interpret the diffs between various versions, because any edit that caused the pos...

LaTeX, a0poster,tikz and multicols

I'm using the multicol package inside an a0poster document class. I am trying out a 3 column layout for a portrait poster. I have a large tikz drawing that I want to put inside a figure environment inside a column. If I put the figure inside the multicols environment, the picture disappears. In fact, I can only get text to stick to the c...

How to align times by their colon in a LaTeX-tabular?

I have a tabular of the times I in LaTeX. These times are in the form 4:00 or 12:00 and this have different lengths. I would like to vertically align these times by their colon. Is there a nice way to do this in LaTeX? ...

Creating landscape page-spanning tables in LaTeX

I have a large table I want to include in a LaTeX document. It is too wide for a page, so I want to rotate it 90 degrees and have it landscape. Then it will be too tall for the page, so I want it to span multiple pages. I have managed to get it landscape with: \begin{landscape} \begin{table}[htdp] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|l|c|l...

Can I use XeTeX to produce a PDF/Xn file?

I am using the XeTex typesetting system on a Macintosh running Snow Leopard. I would like it to produce a PDF/X file. Is this possible? I am mainly concerned with ensuring the fonts are embedded. ...

Why does LaTeX not render my gantt-diagram into pdf

Hi, is there anybody out there, with experiences about how to do a gantt-diagram / chart using latex. I tryed it for a lot of hours today, lastly it worked switching outpout from pdf to dvi. Maybe someone can tell me what to include, besides pst-gantt, and the normal pstricks stuff. It showed more than 100 errors for 4 Tasks.. after s...

LaTeX: Redefining starred command

I want to redefine the \part* command so that it automatically adds a contents line. This proves difficult since I want to reuse the original \part* command inside my starred version. Normally (i.e. for unstarred commands) I would do it like this: \let\old@part\part \renewcommand\part[2][]{ \old@part[#1]{#2} … rest of definition} ...

PHP-based LaTeX parser -- where to begin?

The project: I want to build a LaTeX-to-MathML translator in PHP. Why? Because I'm a mathematician, and I want to publish math on my Drupal site. It doesn't have to translate all of LaTeX, since the basic document-level stuff is ably handled by the CMS and wouldn't be written in LaTeX to begin with; it just has to translate math writt...

Example for a simple LaTeX glossary

I'm trying to include a simple glossary to my LaTeX document, I already searched for something like that on google, but never got it running. I would like to use glossary or glossaries. how to write it in the text? how to print it? what to execute on which position? ...

Modifying LaTeX Table of Contents to add a period after chapter/table/figure number

I need to add a period after the chapter/table/figure number in each line in Table of Contents/LoT/LoF. ie, right now it shows: TABLES 1 first 2 second but I need it to show: TABLES 1. first 2. second I know this can be done with the tocloft package, however, that package is conflicting with the latex style I'm using, with t...

Insert video clip in a lyx presentation and play it in GNU/Linux.

How can I insert a video clip into a presentation created in Lyx? Have seen It works, but there the video starts in the background in an external player. I would prefer it to be played in the presentation itself. If an external player is used it it should at least start ...