
Link to external application in LaTeX Beamer

Is there a way to link to an external application (so that it starts) when clicking on a link in a PDF file, e.g. in a beamer class LaTeX file? ...

Documents in LaTeX, output in PDF, sources in SVN - need customizable component or software for peer review.

Hi. We have a large SVN repo of LaTeX documents. Each document ultimately is rendered into PDF. Documents need to be reviewed. Review has two major goals: ensure the quality of text itself and ensure the qualify of typesetting. Right now reviewer could be separated into two major groups: Those who use SVN to checkout sources and bui...

LaTeX lowercase a single letter in an makeuppercase environment

I am writing a paper using the ACM template which capitalizes every letter in the section title. I would like to escape a letter to make it lowercase, is this possible? I tried {p} as would be done to capitalize a letter in a bibliography with no luck. ...

Controlling Doxygen's LaTeX output for making PDF documentation

I'm using Doxygen to generate documentation for my code. I need to make a PDF version of this and using Doxygen's LaTeX output appears to be the way to do it. However I've run into a number of annoying problems, and not knowing anything about LaTeX previously haven't really got much of an idea on how to approach them, and the countless ...

LaTex: start a command in the beginning of an environment and end it in the ending definition

Hello, This may be dumb or obvious, but I am learning to make sty files and I have been modifying some code from the beamerposter project. Anyway, I have this: \def\postercolumn#1 {\begin{column}{#1\textwidth} \begin{beamercolorbox}[center,wd=\textwidth]{postercolumn} \begin{minipage}[T]{.95\textwidth} %\parbo...

How do you save a plot in Octave 3.0.5 if it has latex in it?

My school has Matlab but I can't use it at home so I am trying to learn Octave. I am having trouble saving plots as png files so I can put them in a report. I read you can use print("filename.png") to save the plots, but I am getting some kind of error I am assuming is due to using latex in my labels I am using xlabel('\omega') Error ...

Map between LaTeX commands and Unicode points

Is anyone aware of where I could find a table mapping LaTeX commands to Unicode code points? eg: \le is 0x2264. I'm looking for something as comprehensive as possible. ...

LaTeX - Adding node labels above a sorted list of edges for a weighted graph

This seems like it would be fairly simple, but I've been unable to find anything about how to do this on the web. I'm writing the steps for Kruskal's algorithm. I need to create a list of edges sorted by weight, with labels above the weight referencing the edges, something like this: a-b b-c c-e 1 3 5 ... Design and Analysis of...

Vim autocmd based on file contents

I'm trying to set up Vim to detect when a .tex file contains the command '\usepackage{sagemath}', and run a command accordingly. I've gotten to :au BufReadPost,BufWritePost *.tex TTarget sagepdf but that will fire for all .tex files, which isn't what I want. ...

Typesetting logic proofs in LaTeX

Hi, I'm trying to typeset some basic logic proofs in LaTeX. I need a multiple column layout, and I need the lines numbered on the right. I want to reset the numbering for each proof. The output should look like this: 1) (x)¬F A 2) (Ex)F 3) ... What is the easiest way to do this? enumerate doesn't seem a good idea, since it's no...

Resumé/CV in Latex

Hi, I'm looking to rewrite my CV in tex, but have had difficulties finding an elegant template to start hacking from. Any leads? Thanks, yannick ...

centering titles when using the beamer class in latex

I want to center the frametitles on my talk. I understand that the beamer class has a built-in ability to center frametitles, but I can't figure out how to do it. It is something like: \begin{frame} \frametitle[alignment=center]{title} \end{frame} but that doesn't work. Can I get a little help? ...

problem with subsubsection title

Hi! Suddenly in my document all definitions of \subsubsection*{Title Text} stopped working properly. The subsubsection number is displayed in the generated PDF and the title of the subsubsection is "*" (only the asterisk). The actual title text is displayed at the beginning of the first paragraph. Excact code: \subsubsection*{Failure S...

Problem when using \LaTeX \includegraphics with some PDF files

I noticed some strange effects when including existing pdf graphics in my laTeX documents: Most file work flawlessly, but some PDFs that were created on a different machine (or from the web) cause the whole page on which they are embedded to become ever-so-slightly distorted. I only notice the difference in a side-by-side comparison, bu...

LaTeX hyperref package: Opening a target PDF at a specific page

Does anyone know if it is possible to employ the LaTeX hyperref package to open a target PDf at a specific page? I have tried using the \href{FILENAME#page=XX}{LINK_TEXT} command, where XX is the target page number, but no dice. The file iteself opens, but it always starts out at the first page. The idea being that I have a large inde...

manually define page numbers in latex?

I am editing a 100+ page document in latex, document class is "book". The first few pages of the document have roman page numbers, the rest have arabic page numbers starting with one. I.e. the document has page numbers i-iv, followed by pages 1-120. However, want I want is the pages to be: vii-ix, followed by pages 1-120. (reason: I am i...

latex, vertically align figures in table cells?

I am trying to design a somewhat complex table (sidewaystable) with with 7 rows and 4 columns in latex. The table contains text, bibtex-citations, and most importantly figures within cells (currently the figures are jpeg for testing purposes, ultimately I want to change them to PDF). The figures are very closely cropped (on purpose). I ...

LaTeX Beamer: Using \againframe with squeeze option

When I write: \begin{frame}[label=foo,squeeze] ... \end{frame} and later use \againframe{foo} to repeat the frame, the content on the repeated frame is not "squeezed" (and in my case too long to fit on the slide). How do I combine \againframe with the squeeze option? ...

Inclusion of hash marks in a LaTeX \indexentry aliased with a \newcommand

This is a strange one. I've had to do some interesting workarounds to get it to function even a little bit, but we have another stumbling block. I've been struggling to create a separate document which employs a large .ind file (index created using makeindex from catenated, small individual .idx files), the idea being that I will event...

Inline figures with equation-like numbering in LaTeX

For some reason I thought it would be nice to have inline figures (i.e. no floats) just like the equation environment. They would have to be numbered, as I want to be able to refer to them later on. I've come up with two attempts, but both have their shortcomings. I'm hoping for some feedback that can sort me out. The first attempt uses...