
Bibtex with no references title

I am working on writing a scientific poster in LaTeX, and I want to include a few references for my work. Because this is a poster, I have my own customized headers for different sections, and don't want my related works to have a separate title. Essentially I have something like this: \begin{textblock}{5.5}(19.5,11) \CHead{Related Wo...

Convert mediawiki to LaTeX syntax

I need to convert mediawiki into LaTeX syntax. The formulas should stay the same, but I need to transform, for example = something = into \chapter{something}. Although this can be obtained with a bit of sed, things get a little dirty with the itemize environment, so I was wondering if a better solution can be produced. Anything that can...

Rreport/LaTeX quality output package

I'm looking for some LaTeX template for creating quality output. On R-bloggers I've bumped on Frank Harrel's Rreport package. Due to my quite modest LaTeX abilities, only a user-friendly (and noob-friendly) interface should suffice. Here's a link to an official website. I'm following the instructions, but I cannot manage to install an ap...

Itemize with "-" in Latex

Hello, If I use \begin{itemize} \item asdasd \item dsfsdf \end{itemize} the items are with a bullet, but how can I itemize these two with a "-" (a small line)? Thanks! ...

LaTeX: How to find package(s) that a command belongs to?

It is a simple question to which I am not able to find the answer: Given a LaTeX command, how do I find out what package(s) it belongs to or comes from? For example, given the \qquad horizontal spacing command, what package does it come from? Especially troublesome since it works without including any package! ...

Problem running latex from FastCGI

I have a program which does a system call: latex somefile.latex This runs ok, when I type it directly in the command line, or when i invoke the program via CGI. But when it is using FastCGI, the system call returns: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009) ---! Must increase the hyph_size (Fatal format file error; I'...

Is there an equivalent of latex \newcommand in mediawiki

I want to create a command in mediawiki. For example, in latex I can do \newcommand{\concept}{\textbf} Is it possible to create an alias for '''foo''' and so on? ...

how can I set the subfigure labels in latex to uppercase?

I made a figure within my latex document using the subfigure package, containing three subfigures. The part where the subfigures are now automatically labelled (a), (b), (c) needs to be uppercase, though. i.e. the result from the latex code in the finally rendered PDF is (a) img1 (b) img2 (c) img3 but it needs to be (A) i...

include a .tex file with spaces in the filename

I am including chapters in my latex file one by one by using the \include{} statement, up till now I've had no problem with that. But I've recently written a chapter which I've saved under a name including spaces...because you can. Now the include{} statement apparently doesn't like spaces, and prints just the filename in my document in...

Tex command which affects the next complete word

Is it possible to have a TeX command which will take the whole next word (or the next letters up to but not including the next punctuation symbol) as an argument and not only the next letter or {} group? I’d like to have a \caps command on certain acronyms but don’t want to type curly brackets over and over. ...

How can I correctly display my AVL Tree in LaTex? A solo left-child hangs straight down....

The below code almost works perfectly, however the child of 9, 7, hangs straight down instead of as a left-child. How can I correct this? \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xytree} \begin{tikzpicture}[level/.style={sibling distance=60mm/#1}] \node [circle,draw] {4} child { node [circle,draw] {2} child {node [ci...

Background colour in beamer title

I want to be able to set the background colour of the title to the same as the background of the slide or transparent. I have a gradient on the slide. Currently I have \setbeamercolor{frame title}{bg=, fg=} ...

emacs M-e doesn't work properly in tex-mode

I'm using emacs and auctex to write LaTeX documents. For some reason, M-e doesn't move to the end of the sentence in tex-mode as it did when I went through the tutorial. It moves to the end of the paragraph. (That is, it moves to just before the next double line break) What is wrong? Do I need to turn on/off some mode to skip to the nex...

LyX - Change the fontsize of the compiled math

I have worked with LaTeX in a few years now. My default editor is of course emacs, but I want to try LyX. It seems to work quite well, especially the maxima-calculator intergrated. But I have one problem with it: How do I change the font-size of the run-time compiled math? (It's too small). ...

Latex - Apply an operation to every character in a string

Hi I am using LaTeX and I have a problem concerning string manipulation. I want to have an operation applied to every character of a string, specifically I want to replace every character "x" with "\discretionary{}{}{}x". I want to do this because I have a long string (DNA) which I want to be able to separate at any point without hyp...

LaTeX - How to keep parts in the table of contents.

I want to create section without numbers using the command \section*{Section Name}, but doing this omits them from the table of contents. The same thing happens using \part*{Part Name}. Is there a way to omit the section number and keep the section title in the table of contents? ...

Compiling LaTex bib source

Hi I am writing my thesis in Latex, and I have the references in an own thesis.bib file which look as follows @Article{xxx, author = "D.A. Reinhard", title = "Case Study", year = "1985", } and I reference them in my main document as ~\cite{xxx} When I compile then the main document with: pdflatex main.tex ...

Transform a tex source so that all macros are replaced by their definition

Is it possible to see the output of the TeX ‘pre-processor’, i. e. the intermediate step before the actual output is done but with all user-defined macros replaced and only a subset of TeX primitives left? Or is there no such intermediate step? ...

image format in html and latex

Hi, I want to choose an image formate for including images in both html and latex. I found that jpeg and png formates are not always working well in latex. Is eps format the best for latex. It seems eps is not supported in html? What other format is good too? Thanks and regards! ...

LaTeX, ntheorem package and memoir document class: no room for new \count error

Hi, So I want to use memoir document class and the ntheorem package with the thmmarks option. When I try and compile a file like this, I get "no room for a new \count" errors. What can I do about this? ntheorem with thmmarks option works fine in article, and ntheorem works alright in memoir as long as I don't try and use the thmmarks op...