
Change to lazy loading at runtime

I'm using nhibernate to load parent class in a not lazy way and I have many-to-many set of child class that I want to determine in run time rather to load it lazy or not. I'm using .hbm.xml mapping and I tried to change the set "lazy" property after loading the assemblies, is it possible? ...

NHibernate criteria on lazyload

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to add criteria to an NHibernate lazy loaded collection. For example let's say I have a department that contains employees... I get the department by id and then I lazy load the employees... however lets say there are 1000's of employees and I only want the employees that were hired in the last 30 d...

Dynamic modules with DLLs on Windows

I'm writing an application in C that can be extended at runtime by means of modules / shared objects / DLLs. Those modules may use the API of the existing program but may also provide new functions for use in later loaded modules, so there is the possibility for modules to have dependencies on each other. My current approach under Linux...

Why lazy instantiation of the MessageResourcesFactory in Struts 1.2.7?

Hi, Since there is the Double-checked locking issue so we have to use synchronization to guarantee the concurrent access to the following method (org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources class) : LAZY INSTANTIATION public synchronized static MessageResources getMessageResources(String config) { if (defaultFactory == null) { ...

How to use NHibernate Projections to retrieve a collection.

I am lazy loading the collections, and also because there are so many fields within the person table, I am writing a projection function to retrieve only certain properties. It works with properties, just not collections of other entities. I would be fine if they were loaded in as proxies and i could get them later, but right now it just...

In an ORM, does "lazy loading" mean you may not get the results you expect from larger columns?

I was reading about a feature of an ORM called lazy loading, which, it said, means that larger columns are only loaded when the application actually needs them. How would an ORM decide what a "large column" is - would this be, for example, a blob column that can contain a lot of data compared to, say, an unsigned integer column? And when...

iPhone Dev - Multi-View App lazy loading

(Just so you know I am learning to develop for iphone, without interfacae builder) I'm coding my first multi-view app, which has a root viewcontroller and two other viewcontrollers, and the root viewcontroller uses lazy loading, so when viewDidLoad, it creates the first viewcontroller and adds its view to the subview, but doesn't create...

iPhone Dev - Where to put lazy loading code

I already had a question like this, but I already deleted it anyway. I have very simple app that has a root view controller and it switches between two other view controller views. So in my root view controller, It lazy loads the instances of the two other view controllers. Each time the switch button in the toolbar is pressed, the curr...

HTML: How to halt image loading on link click

I have a page with a few hundred images. If the user clicks a link while the images are loading, the page isn't refreshed until ALL the images are loaded. A savvy user presses ESC and then clicks the link, but I can't expect my users to do that. Is there a way to get all other actions to take precedence over the image loading? Do I have...

Lazy Loading in my C# app

Hi, I have a method in my DAL returning a list of Customers: Collection<Customer> FindAllCustomers(); The Customer has these columns: ID, Name, Address, Bio I need to show them in a paged grid in my ASPX form (show-customers.aspx) where I'll be showing only these columns: ID, Name Now, in my DAL FindAllCustomers(), do I return the ...

iPhone Dev - Lazy loading a Tab Bar app

How can I make it so when a tab is selected, the current one is unloaded, and the next one is loaded so only one loaded at a time? Or should I not even do this? I know how to do it with a normal UIViewController as the root VC, but not sure with a UITabBarController. Also, is there a way to animate the transition from one tab to the next...

How to conditionally assign ActionController::Base.session in rails 2.3.3

I have a rails app that has the following content in the config/initializers/session_store.rb file: ActionController::Base.session = { :key => '_app_session', :secret => 'a really long string here', :expire_after => 2.minutes } ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store So during normal operations ...

Linq2Sql - How do you lazy load nested lists?

How do you lazy load nested lists without actually executing the query? Using a very basic example, say I have: class CityBlock { IList<Building> BuildingsOnBlock; Person BlockOwner; } class Building { IList<Floor> FloorsInBuilding; } class Floor { IList<Cubicle> EmployeeCubicles; } Class Cubicle { System.Gui...

Checking existence of lazy loaded child without getting/loading in Fluent NHibernate

This should be easy, but I can't seem to figure it out... How can I check if a child on an entity exists without actually getting or fetching it? The child is lazy loaded right now.. so I have two entities: class A { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual B Child { get; set; } } class B { public virtual int Id ...

Delay loading expensive fields in Entity Framework v.1

After hunting around the net, and thinking I'd come up with the solution, I seem to have hit another brick wall. I have a table in my database: Photos; containing columns for PhotoID, Caption, Ordering, and four sets of binary data: Original, Large, Medium and Small (yes, it was based on the old ASP.NET starter kit with various fixes, e...

Stop loading of images with javascript (lazyload)?

Hello! I am trying to stop the loading of images with javascript on dom ready and then init the loading whenever i want, a so called lazy loading of images. Something like this: $(document).ready(function () { var images = $('img'); $.each(images, function() { $(this).attr('src', ''); }); }); This doesn't work (tested in ...

ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and Castle ActiveRecord 2.0 Lazy Loading

How do I access a lazy loaded property of an ActiveRecord model from within the view? I have a news model that Belongs to a Category Model, both of which are marked as Lazy=true I'm able to access a lazy loaded property in my view by doing the following in my controller using (new SessionScope()) { results = _service.FindAllNews(s...

NHibernate - Lazy loading collections - not working

I've either misunderstood the NHibernate manual or I've done something wrong. Can anyone help? I am trying to retrieve a User without the AuditLogEntrys. But NHibernate is still loading the AuditLogEntrys. I only want the AuditLogEntrys loaded when I access the property. public class User { public virtual int UserId { get; set; } ...

Dynamic UIImage Content Loading in UITableView code?

im trying to get a tutorial/sample code on how to dynamic download uiimage in uitableview. Just like native iTunes App loading artwork dynamically. its also called "lazy loading" I have been searching it online for a while. The only sample code that is available is:

Android - Issue with lazy loading images into a ListView

This is a very common scenario: displaying images in a ListView which have to be downloaded from the internet. Right now I have a custom subclass of ArrayAdapter which I use for the ListView. In my getView() implementation of the ArrayAdapter, I spawn a separate thread to load an image. After the loading is done, it looks up the appropr...