
How to Load images after page load completed in ASP.Net

I need to load images after page load completed in ASP.Net without using JQuery. Is it possible to implement this feature only using asp.Net 3.5 and ASP.Net AJAX? If it is then how to implement? ...

Core Data to-many relationships. Are they Lazy Load?

Hi I have the typical model in Core Data (for iPhone) with Departments and Employesss (Department ->> Employee). I dont want to load all employees of a department each time I load it, so I thought I'd create the Employee as a Fetched Property. I thought I could define some Predicate like this: employee.deparmentId = department.departm...

Lazy module variables--can it be done?

I'm trying to find a way to lazily load a module-level variable. Specifically, I've written a tiny Python library to talk to iTunes, and I want to have a DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH module variable. Unfortunately, iTunes won't tell you where its download folder is, so I've written a function that grabs the filepath of a few podcast tracks and ...

NHibernate lazy loading property - what does build-time bytecode instrumentation mean ?

I've tried to lazy-load a property in my domain model, but lazy loading doesn't work. (It is always loaded). [Property(0, Column = "picture", Lazy=true)] public virtual System.Byte[] Picture { get { return picture; } set { picture = value; } } When reading the documentation here it says that it requires build-time byteco...

Why doesn't JPA offer a loadChildren() method for lazily loaded relations?

There are times when I want to define a relationship as being lazily loaded, since 90% of the time I don't want the child entities, yet also have the possibility of getting the whole hierarchy at once, under certain circumstances. I don't want to achieve this by using a named query, since the parent-child hierarchy is useful when I conve...

Person -> Details with lazy loading

Yesterday I`ve asked a question Person -> Details database structure Now I need to make a NHibernate mapping, where the details are lazy loaded. so my person map is: <class name="Employee" table="Employee"> <id name="Id" column="EmployeeId"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <property name="FName" column="FName"/> ...

Android: Which is a better design choice? Lazy Loading or Initial Waiting Time?

I have been an avid fan of lazy loading but yesterday I was talking with a fellow programmer who showed me another application and expressed how happy he was about the initial waiting time that the application takes (Android Marketplace to be precise) to load up the list and allow him to scroll smoothly than implement lazy loading and ma...

Why not to use Spring's OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter

Hi guys, While a lot of posts have been written on the subject of Spring's OpenSession/EntityManagerInViewFilter, I couldn't find any that mentions its flaws. From what I understand, and assuming a typical layered web application architecture using a @Transactional service layer, the filter works as follows: The filter intercepts a se...

Is opening a file stream a costly operation

Is opening a file stream a costly operation I'd like to provide a lazy loading functionality in a class that reads a structured file. Every element of the file has a header and a payload. the idea is to load only the headers from the file and access the payload data only when the relevent field is accessed a prototype of the class wo...

Is there a helper to know whether a property has been loaded by Hibernate?

I need a helper to know whether a property has been loaded as a way to avoid LazyInitializationException. Is it possible? @Entity public class Parent { @OneToMany private List<Child> childList; } @Entity public class Child { } "select distinct p from Parent p left join fetch p.childList"; // Answer goes here // I want to avo...

Lazy load on wordpress pages

I've installed the lazy load plugin which uses jquery for wordpres on my site, but it only loads in the blog section and not in the other parts of the site eg. front page/portfolio etc. i've tried executing the script from my pages, but i just can't get it wo work. Does anyone know how to integrate lazy load ...

Nhibernate change from lazy=false to fetch=join many-to-many

i have: <bag name="Categories" table="CMS_Articles_Categories" lazy="true"> <key column="article_id"/> <many-to-many class="Framework.CMS.Domain.Category, Framework.CMS" column="category_id"/> </bag> This is under an Article mapping. An article can be in many categories and of course a category has many articles. When this is ...

Use reflection stub to initialize a delegate field lazily

The problem: a .Net 2.0 class with a few thousand delegate fields generated by a code generator varying signatures delegates may or may not return values no generics these delegates much be initialized quickly at runtime initializing a delegate is simple but expensive initializing the whole lot costs ~300ms right now - acceptable,...

Lazy load a collection of data from a service, not the database

My domain objects support custom fields that are stored in such a way that requires metadata and logic to be applied before their values can be stored and retrieved. I already have a Custom Field Repository that handles the persistence of custom fields, and I don't want to try to recreate that logic in NHibernate mappings. I would ho...

Linq-To-Entities Include

I'm currently learning a bit more about Linq-To-Entities - particularly at the moment about eager and lazy loading. proxy.User.Include("Role").First(u => u.UserId == userId) This is supposed to load the User, along with any roles that user has. I have a problem, but I also have a question. It's just a simple model created to learn a...

How to "lazy load" in a RESTful manner?

Given this service to get information about a hotel: > GET /hotel/{id} < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < <hotel> < <a>aaa</a> < <b>aaa</b> > <biggie>aaa....I am 300K</biggie > < </hotel> Problem is that biggie is 300K and we don't want to return it with every response. What's the RESTful way to lazy load this value? Should we set up two ...

hibernate Lazy loading

my hibernate object A has object B, C, and D as properties : A.getB().getName(); A.getC().getTitle(); now, I want to load A with all its properties without getting a LazyInitializationException. so, I need to load A's object graph fully. is there any generic method of retrieving an object's graph in hibernate ? ...

NHibernate creates proxy via session.Load(), but not via Linq or Criteria API

I have an odd problem in my current project. Lazy loading for queries does not work. When I query a list, nhibernate fetches all associations separately. I extracted small parts of it and put it into a separate solution. Basically what I've got now, is a Account-Table and a AccountSync-Table. Both have an ID and a URL, while the ID is j...

On-demand eager loading

Hi guys, I make a query: String query = "SELECT DISTINCT a FROM A a FETCH ALL PROPERTIES " + "JOIN a.Bs AS b " + "JOIN b.Cs AS c WHERE c = :c"; Query q = DAO.getSession().createQuery(query); q.setParameter("c", c); return q.list(); Even though I've said FETCH ALL PROPERTIES on a, when I access all the collections that A has...

How to do the opposite of eager-loading in Entity Framework?

I understand in Entity Framework you can specify relationships that need to be joined with Include: Product firstProduct = db.Product.Include("OrderDetail").Include("Supplier").First(); But we have the opposite issue that a simple LINQ statement is getting making too many JOINs on the SQL server. So how do we do the opposite...