
Adobe AIR - Weird Framerate / Memory Issue (Maybe startAtLogin issue? )

Hi All, I am creating a slideshow application where it loads all the slide data from xml and external images / text files and dynamically creates the slides. The problem that I am having is that when I test the app on my machine it works perfectly fine, every time, however when I place them in the clients machines (the presentation is ...

Memory leak tool for C++ under Windows

I need a recommendation of a free tool (even for a trial) for detecting memory leaks in C++ under Windows (Visual Studio 2005). I've looked in the net, but I would prefer a recommendation. ...

Java deque / prepared statement memory leak.

One of the following pieces of code generates a memory leak, any idea which part? 1) private Deque<Snapshot> snapshots = new LinkedList<Snapshot>(); Iterator<Snapshot> i = world.getSnapshots().descendingIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Snapshot s = i.next(); if (curTime - s.getTimestamp() > 60000) { i.remove(); ...

OS API allocates members in struct. Free just the struct or every member first?

Let's say we have an array of PRINTER_INFO_2 like this: PRINTER_INFO_2* printers = (PRINTER_INFO_2*)malloc(sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2) * 64); // room for 64 items Then we call EnumPrinters() to get a list of locally installed printers: EnumPrinters( PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 2, (LPBYTE)printers, ...); Here's the stru...

XCode>Instruments>Leaks - Where is "gather leaked memory contents" data?

When you check gather leaked memory contents in the Leaks instrument what does this do? I have a troublesome leak and thought maybe this "memory content" might be useful in tracking it down...but I can't find it!?! ...

sizeWithFont memory leak in iphone

I have this code: [[data objectForKey:[keys objectAtIndex:0]] sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(276.0, 1000.0) lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeTailTruncation]; data is a NSDictionary. It is said this code has 16 bytes leak, but I cant find it. Help ...

Memory Leak / Form not being garbage collected.

I'm tracking down a Memory leak within an MDI application. Opening, and then closing the form results in the form staying in memory. Using Ant's memory profiler, I can get the following graph of references keeping the form in memory. I have removed any and all events we attach to the combo controls when Dispose fires on the form. Can a...

Is there a freeware utility out there to monitor a c++ application for memory leaks?

I am verifying an application coded in c++ with memory leak and need a utility (freeware) I can easily run to detect where it is ocurring. any ideas? ...

Can memory leaks in .NET lead to a corrupted disk? (Error creating window handle)

Related to this question (I too have had this error in an application). "Error creating window handle" due to too many non disposed controls. Can this lead to Windows crashing and refusing to start, even refusing to be reinstalled, even when reformatting the drive (only quick reformat)? Because that seems to have happened to me. Edit a...

Can't free memory of NSData object

Hi, i'm new to xcode / cocoa and even objective-c thus my question might be stupid. Im trying to write a program that will hash files in a folder. I looked around and found a way to load a file via a NSData object and than hash it's bytes with CC_SHA512. If i try to hash a few more files i noticed my memory running out. Using the Run -...

Why does my simple GLX app leak memory?

The code below shows a small 48 byte leak in valgrind. #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <GL/glx.h> #include <unistd.h> int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { Display* _display; Window _windowHandle; XVisualInfo* _visual; GLXContext _context; Atom _deleteWindowMessage; Atom _pingWindowMessage; _display = XOpenDi...

Could someone explain the colors and meaning of strack trace in Apple's Instruments tool ?

I'm trying to be a good programmer and fix the leaks in my iPhone app... I can't understand though what the Stack Trace in Leaks is trying to tell me. There are multi coloured stack calls and I guess each color means something, but what? Also .. in the screenshot below all calls in the stack trace are not from any of my classes, does th...

app pool settings kill threads but keep settings

.net 2.0 aspx app / IIS6 creating a silly number of threads in w3wp.exe process app pool. The app has been isolated to its own app pool with the following settings: RECYCLING recycle worker processses (in minutes) : 870 recycle worker process (no of requests): (not ticked) recycle worker processes at the following times: 00:00 max vi...

strange iphone sdk sqlite memory leak

Hi guys, I have a very strange memory leak problem, it seems that sqlite3_step is doing some nasty stuff :| I spent almost 4 hours trying to fix this but no luck till now :( Here it is the code: [dbList removeAllObjects]; sqlite3_stmt *statement = nil; const char *sql = "SELECT * FROM dbs ORDER by rowOrder;"; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(d...

Instrument finds leaks on Simulator, but not on the Device

Hi devs! I was tuning my iPhone app before submission to AppStore, when I noticed that Instrument finds a lot of memory leaks if I run in simulator|debug... but if I run it on the Device Instrument doesn't find any one.... To be honest, there were two leaks and I've fixed them. Now no leaks on the Device, but still too leaks on the Simul...

Java Clip (Sound / Audio) Memory Leak after closing with close()

The following code creates a new audio clip, plays it, sleeps for 3 seconds and then closes it when it is finished playing. Despite the call to close(), I am watching the memory usage of the jvm go up by the size of the sound clip every time the while loop is run. I'm participating in a game coded in java, and am handling the sound. I c...

C++ SmartPointers leak on self assign?

Hello, i have small problem understanding why my smart pointer class is leaking on self assing. If i do something like this SmartPtr sp1(new CSine());//CSine is a class that implements IFunction iterface sp1=sp1; my colleagues told me that my smart pointer leaks. I added some log messages in my smart pointer to track what is going on ...

Memory leak in NSMutableDictionary, NSArray in NSXMLParser

I'm suffering from a bad memory leak parsing one of my xml documents. I'm using the NSXMLParser to iterate each node (album in the xml sample below), then iterate each photo node and add the result to an NSArray. I have 2 retained properties, which store two values on each loop. These values are added to a NSMutableDictionary object a...

ToolStrip memory leak

Hi, I've been having trouble with memory leaks with the SWF-ToolStrip. According to this http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=115600# is has been resolved. But here it seemes not. Anyone know how to resolve this? ...

Detect windowhandle leaks in a c# application

I ran into this exception yesterday: Win32Exception: Fehler beim Erstellen des Fensterhandles might translate: Win32Exception: Error while creating the windowhandle I know how to solve this (even wrote a short blog post on the topic - in german) But I don't know where my application might be 'leaking' not disposed Controls, that sti...