
Is there a Random Graph generator Library in Java?

Hi, Is there a Graph generation library in Java which generators graphs (of different types) such that G{n,p} graph chooses each of the possible [n(n-1)]/2 edges with probability p. The closest I could find was NetworkX -Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networ...

Type II Fuzzy Logic libraries

I'm looking to implement a type II fuzzy logic as part of some robotics research. As a basis it'd be helpful to have a library of some sort to reference and prototype with. Does any one know of any such beast? I want to run it on a mobile linux robot - so C or similar is preferred - .NET and Java are far from ideal. I've used PyFuzzy...

problem with python xgoogle library. How to increase the limit of 10 results?

I use to make queries at Google search engine but the number of results I get is limited to 10. I used the results_per_page property and I set it to 50, 100 etc. but the number of results didn't changed. Is there a way to get more results? Is there another python lib without ...

Funding for MathML rendering library

I have an unfinished MathML rendering library written in C++. I ceased development a few months ago due to lack of time. The library [still] uses the TrueType version (unsupported) of the STIX fonts beta [version 1.0 of the STIX fonts (OpenType Postscript format) has since been released]. Development of this kind of library is a HUGE un...

SharePoint 2010 - Creating a custom document library template

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to create a custom document library template for SharePoint 2010. When a user clicks on the Libraries link on the quick launch menu of a new SharePoint site, and then clicks the Create button, the Create dialog is launched. I know this dialog window hosts a Silverlight control, but obviously th...

Library Projects support ?

Hi, I have been trying to work with a Library Project, just like it's mentioned in the documentation : I have created my Library Project as a Android 1.6 Project and now I have been trying to reference to it out of my second project (also an Android 1.6 project) and I am get...

svg 2 dxf conversion

I would like to know where I can find a reliable tool/library for conversion of svg to dxf. In between formats are also allowed as long as the dxf output is an exact replica of the svg. So that means conversion of the paths (and in particular bezier curves and arcs). I've looked at the svg2dxf export in inkscape but that's cutting corne...

Best free Cross-Platform Library for higher level Matrix, Vector and esp. SparseMatrix operations?

Our Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX. Free: LGPL compatible Support high-level operations: Eigensystems, SVD, QR, LU, inverse, pseudo inverse (aka Moore-Penrose inverse),... Support many matrix types and also good performing small matrices e.g. 3x3: Sparse, Symmetric,... (and also operations on them!, e.g. pseudoInverse()...

Creating a library (.a) in Mac OS X and Xcode

I'm in the process of porting some code from Linux to Mac OS X. The code is a static library that you add to your code. Basically after you compile the code you get a MyLib.a that can be linked to whatever project you want. I'm managing the "project" via a Makefile. Is there a way to have a project on Xcode that ultimately produces the ...

How to create a Bundle Library (mh_bundle) with qmake on Mac OS X?

Hi All, I'm a newbee to Qt and qmake and I like to know if it's possible to instruct qmake to build a "Bundle Library" (mh_bundle) under Mac OS X using the TEMPLATE and CONFIG variables? I already managed to make a "Dynamic Library" (mh_dylib) and a "Framework" (mh_dylib). If there is no direct solution, how is the best way to achieve t...

downloading files to iphone app from apple store

My application is somehowe a library, represented by a UITableView, each row displays three book icons, pressing on any icon would cause the app to navigate to a scrollview that scrolls between the book pages. Each book is represented in the resources directory by two things : 1- a .plist file, eg : Book1.plist 2- a folder containing i...

getting the path of a file in .Net library

Hi, My library project is trying to open an XmlDocument from a file that's also contained in the library. How do I get the path of a file in the library so I can open it? The current directory is not useful and Server.MapPath returns me the path of the main web application (MVC), so how do I get the path of the file in the library? --...

.net open source rateless erasure code

I'm looking for an open source .net (preferably C#) library which implements rateless erasure codes. Has anyone come across any good libraries? ...

Library for Graphing Binary Heaps?

I am doing research with the graphs of binary heaps, and could really use an effective library that can graph binary heaps. I have found a couple different pieces of software (not libraries) that can do this, but some had display problems with large numbers of elements and others could not handle large numbers of elements at all. I wou...

Retrieve android:versionName from Library Project

Hi, I have created a Library Project which I import into another project. In that Library Project at some point I retrieve it's android:versionName To do that you need to supply the package name. The problem arises when that code is executed when the Library Project is included within another project, then it seems that that code throws...

Character Decoders in Java

Where can I find some character decoders for the non-officially supported charsets? I.e. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, surely someone must have already written some decoders for their own purposes or as a library? Thanks! ...

Automatic service discovery protocols

I am currently looking into a variety of service discovery protocols available to Java and have come up with a small list: DNS-SD[1] a.k.a mDNS - implemented by jmDNS and also used as a backend for Zeroconf/Bonjous discovery provider for ECF (Eclipse Communication Framework) UPnP[2] - implemented by Cling library SLP - implemented by O...

Low level Bluetooth Programming in C++

Hi every one! I need a library (or API, ...) to do some low level Bluetooth programming using C++. Any reference or rich link will be great! And i prefer to work in linux based opreration systems... Thanks in advance... :) ...

Looking for library which implements LZW compression/decompression.

I need to learn how to do Lempel–Ziv–Welch compression using pen and paper for my algorithms and data structures class. Unfortunately we have only a couple of examples in our book of how it is done. I'd like to practice compressing and decompressing text using it, but I need to find a way to check if I'm right doing it right or wrong. On...

How can I have a user select a picture from his picture library?

My phone is going to be sending information to home base, and I want the end user to be able to select a picture that he has on his phone and select it as an attachment. How can I achieve this? ...