
fancybox auto load

<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("a[rel=example_group]").fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'titlePosition' : 'over', 'titleFormat' : function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">Image ' + (curre...

Drupal, Lightbox: lightvideo adds "content/" at the beginning of Drupal paths..

hi, I'm using lightvideo in lightbox2 to load my own video player. I've just realized that lightbox is adding "content/" at the beginning of the video player path causing a "file not found" error. In the drupal settings the correct path is set, so I'm wondering how to fix this and how to remove the initial "content/" path. Update. In...

Problem loading js content with ajax

I have a page that loads content into a single div via a script in the page. It works fine but the problem is that I have a lightbox in one of the dynamically loaded pages that only works the first time you navigate to it (the script I got for the page loading is found here). Once you navigate to another area, then back again, the lightb...

Drupal, Lightbox2, callback function ?

hi, is there any callback function for lightbox2 in Drupal ? I need to trigger some functions when the lightbox content is ready thanks ...

Lightbox getting open multiple time on enter.

Hi All, I am going through a weird problem while using lightbox . Where ever the new light box is used user is able to open the same light box on same page number of time. For e.g Using tab button go to `Lightbox link`. Press enter --> Light box will open. Press enter --> second light box open below the previous one. and so on....... ...

Lightbox not loading.

// Lightbox $('a.lightbox').click(function () { $.getScript("js/lightbox.js", function () { alert('Load Complete'); $("a.lightbox").lightbox({ 'type': 'iframe', 'overlayOpacity': 0.6, 'width': 940, 'hideOnContentClick': false }...

Cannot get jQuery Lightbox working on Joomla

Hi Guys, I have followed these instructions at Balupton to the word but I cannot seem to get this lightbox working. I managed to get this working on another Mambo project last year but I cannot get this working on Joomla and I was wondering if it could be that there is a clash between Moo Tools and jQuery. Although this should not be th...

Can an iframe pop up a Lightbox-style box?

Hi. This question isn't about popping up an iframe inside a Lightbox; rather, it's about an iframe on a page that can launch its own Lightbox-style box in the page that contains that iframe. I'm thinking this can't be possible, because the iframe contains the contents of the other URL and whatever Lightbox that URL launches has to fit wi...

Looking for an extended version of Lightbox

Hi All, I am not sure how to put this, maybe I'm not able to search it properly I'm not sure what is it called but I am looking for a script which is a kind of an extended version of lightbox script. I want to place some images in my website which when clicked opens as lightbox and can go next and previous but the trick is the next imag...

problem with jquery lightbox plug-in

I love this plug-in. I am having an issue and cannot find a solution to it. The site in question is: My problem is if you click on Katja's picture (she is the flying kitty), and click on the next button, there is nothing coming up. I am not sure what lightbox is trying to load in there. I tripl...

Using lightbox_me for forms in rails 3

Hello I would like to use the jquery lightbox : lightbox_me in order to manager my new and edit forms. My forms are working in simple AJAX, but I don't know how to do to include them into the lightbox and make it works? Any advise? Thanks in advance. Fabien ...

using lightbox with code igniter

I'm trying to use Lightbox with my CodeIgniter application. Lightbox says to put the following in the head tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script> <link rel="s...

CKEditor "s.document.getWindow().$ is undefined" error in Lightbox

I have a Content Management System where I'm using CKEditor to edit content loaded from a hidden form field on the page. When you click an edit button, CKEditor appears in a lightbox with the content inside. I'm using CKEditor 3.3, Lightbox_Me (, and jQuery 1.4.2 The code mostly works fine, however when ...

jQuery lightbox problems

Hello I have a number of images on a page, some with extra detailed images that are hidden with css, so they can only be visible in the light box. This can be seen here Each set of images is within a div, the problem i have is that when you access the lightbox, you can click next and go through all the imag...

How to use lightbox inline HTML function in drupal?

I have successfully installed lightbox module in drupal and now using it for 'sign in' page. It is working fine. Now i want to use it for 'Inline HTML' but i don't know how to do that. Please help me out. I'm using the following code: <p><a rel="lightmodal" href="#example">Test</a></p> <div style="display: none"> <div id="example">Hell...

how to add lightbox to image loaded externally in jquery?

I am loading images externally using jQuery load function.. but not able add light box.. am very new to jquery. var href = $('#images').attr('href'); $('#images').click(function(){ var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content'; $('#content').hide('fast',loadContent); $('#load').remove(); $('#wrapper').append('...

Lightbox - Way to start without first image

Hey, I have a lightbox that has one image, then some more images in the same set, but these are styled to be hidden, the only way you can see them is by clicking the first image (the only visible one) and activating the lightbox. Is there a way of skipping straight to the second image in the lightbox instead of the image being clicked ...

Lightbox in Wordpress

Hi, I want to have lightbox gallery in my Wordpress site.. How do i do that, because with simple examples it doedn't work. Thanks ...

Can't seem to get shadowbox to work.

Hi guys, Ive ran into a problem getting anything with shadowbox to work. Here is the top of the page: <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Beginning Android</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="shadowbox.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="shadowbox.js"></script> <scri...

GallerificPlus some problems with install

Hey guys, I need help with GallerificPlus integration in drupal. Here is the code: <script type="text/javascript" src="misc/gallerificPlus.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="misc/galleriffic.css" type="text/css" /> <div id="galleriffic-container"> <div class="slider-content"> <div class="slideshow-container"> <div id="controls"...