
Bind custom event handler after ajax load

Specifically I'm looking to bind lightbox to a specific element. Normally I would just do this: $('a.lightbox').lightBox(); but that isn't working since I'm doing some loading with AJAX. Looking at the jQuery API I found .bind() and .live() but I'm not getting anything when I do $('a.lightbox').bind('lightBox') after the AJAX .load() cal...

LIghtbox not working inside prototype driven AJAX webpage

Hi, I have encountered a problem using prototype AJAX when trying to include a lightbox on a link. I have tested the lightbox works on the same page outside the script tags, so I know paths etc are correct. When I click this link a box should appear asking if I want to proceed or cancel. However, instead it sends me to the actual p...

Trigger Lightbox onLoad w/ Delay

Does anyone familiar with Lightbox2 ( know how to trigger a lightbox onLoad and preferably with a 1 minute delay? ...

Problem in integrating .js files for lightbox with previous ones

Hi guys, i am really messing up with this, could somebody help me here, please. what i am doing? -> I have developed an app in which I need lightbox effect(overlay) i.e when user will enter his name and click the button, he'll be shown a lightbox(simply telling him that process is going on. you need to wait.), he can then close the bo...

Lightbox not working in my wordpress theme

hi all, i have developed a wordpress theme with header, footer, sidebar, index, page, single and 404.php files. Now i want to add a gallery with lightbox effect to my site. i have tried lightbox plus, WP jQuery Lightbox and a few more plugins but none of them seems to work. Can you please help me..? Its really very urgent.... Thanks ...

Sliding panel lightbox/overlay in JavaScript?

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas if a plugin or other script existed out-of-the-box to do this kind of functionality: User opens up a lightbox/modal dialog User clicks some action The previous lightbox slides out and a new one slides in I'm trying to do this as a more graceful way of handling multi-level modal navigation than st...

lightbox prev next position change

Hi, I am using lightbox slideshow and it is working fine, there is Next-Prev button also in that. But I want it to show at the bottom of the image and also currently it will show only when I mouseover the image, is there any way to show it permanently. I am using Lightbox v2.04 Thanks deve ...

run lightbox in jQuery by click on a button

for running the lightbox in jquery you must click on one image('a' link) of the gallery then immediately lightbox runs.... $('#gallery a').lightBox(); but i am going to use the lightbox as a zoom, that means i have a button 'ZOOM', by clicking this buttom i am going to open my gallery... i don't know how i can do this... ...

jQuery Trigger event fires multiple times

I'm trying to get a jQuery lightbox to load up when a page loads. I got half way there. The lightbox opens when the page loads but then proceeds to open the link in the same window as a full page. How do I get it to stop at this point before loading the link in a separate window. jQuery: $(document).ready(function(){ $("a.greybox").b...

Videolightbox jQuery only can be fired once on page.

Hi there, at the site I'm working on, we have a videolightbox (click "se video") that shows a youtube video. Thing is, it can only be called once, in any browser. After this is called also, Firebug racks up a whole lot of errors! I've looked through and can't seem to identify why it will only fire once. Here's the Vid...

Lightbox close button behind Video on iPad (Safari and WebView)

Does anybody know why the close button of the Lightbox is behind the Video and not on foreground on the iPad (Safari browser and WebView in App)? Screenshot: With other Elements (Image gallery, Text / HTML) the close button is rendered correctly. On Safari with Mac OS X (not iOS) the close button works co...

Simple & small, pure javascript lightbox (dialog overlay) ?

Hello, Does anyone know of a small, limited functionality lightbox built with pure javascript? This is for an embeddable widget, thus the reason of not using jquery. All I really need is creating an overlay for a specific div or simply by passing some HTML. ...

how do I load partial pages in lightbox using ajax?

hi all, thanks for coming in and looking at my question. I have a page that has a bunch of dynamic a tags with ids like aTag1, aTag2 ans so on. now I need to make these tags open the same lightbox that initially loads a partial page named register.php, and the user will fill out the form, sumbit it then go to another partial page name...

Jquery Lightbox still displays removed images

Is there a way to remove from the Lightbox gallery those images that have been removed via Jquery's .remove() method? i.e. some <img>'s are removed while the Lightbox is displaying other images. <img ... rel="lightbox" /> <img ... rel="lightbox" /> <img ... rel="lightbox" class="to_remove" /> <img ... rel="lightbox" class="to_remove" />...

recaptcha within modal window (fancybox)

Hi, I am trying to load a form through ajax within fancybox. It works great, everything works fine. I used the recaptcha (rails) plugin and got the captcha on the form. Now when the fancybox loads, its getting redirected to an empty page with only captcha on it. I assume this is some problem with iframe and modal window? Has anyone ...

Telerik and lightBox

Hi, In my master page I have RadScriptManager and AjaxControlToolKit which work fine together. However on one of my pages I had LightBoxScriptManager. I tried to remove LightBoxScriptManager and in my master page added lightbox script references and at the top reference to the stylesheet. As below: <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="Script...

How to make jQuery.getJSON () output image support for lightbox slideshow?

The way it is, I learn the methods by jQuery.getJSON , I tried to made a small album with dribbble's api. I would like to click on pictures to enlarge, (slides). I according jquerytools and fancybox the demo format output. But the strange thing is that The things we do not have a slide effect. However, the output of the html copy ...

Options for displaying existing ASP.NET WebForm in a lightbox

I have been given a requirement to take an existing stand-alone web-form (i.e. uses postbacks) and throw it into a lightbox. The standalone web-form already has save and cancel buttons that have predefined behaviors. For example, the Save button attempts to save the form, and either displays validation errors, or if the operation was ...

Using reCaptcha, Lightbox, and Drupal's Form API together

I've been wading through the issues of putting a Drupal form in a Lightbox2 lightbox. Perhaps wrongly, I've resorted to doing all the validation in javascript before submitting the form (I couldn't make the normal validation return the form within the lightbox). Anyway, i'm using: $form['#attributes']['onsubmit'] = 'return Drupal.m...

cannot loop through the jquery lightbox

hello, i am using jquery think box as light box it works in normal but if i loop though a php it fails.. <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="Description" content="ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in javascript on top of th...